Request Log

FOI #18-323 - Subject - Student Athlete Records

Name - Pat Eaton-Robb

Affiliation - Associated Press

All files, records and documents in your possession or control that refer, relate to, or a medical emergency involving a student athlete on campus on Oct. 10 and the response to that emergency. This request includes, but is not limited to, any and all documents, notes, correspondence or memoranda, transcripts or recordings of calls to university authorities, in whatever tangible or physical form, that relate to the requested records.

FOI #18-322 - Subject - KA092117

Name - Amanda Cross

Affiliation -

Breakdown of pricing and documentation for bid KA092117.

FOI #18-321 - Subject - OIE Records

Name - Lindsay Jenkelunas

Affiliation - UCPEA

• The OIE complaint form.
• Any and all notes taken by OIE during interview(s) with complainant.
• Any and all additional interview notes.
• Any and all supporting documents.
• Any and all written decisions produced by OIE.

FOI #18-320 (10-15-18, 11:40 am) - Subject - Salaries and benefits

Name - Connor Kurtz

Affiliation - American Enterprise Institute

I’m researching staffing in various departments at top American public universities. I would like to receive a digital copy of records that include the following information:

1. Total salaries and benefits for the Chief Diversity Officer and all employees who work under him.
2. The total number of employees (a simple staff count) who work under the Chief Diversity Officer.

FOI #18-319 (10-13-18, 1:42 am) - Subject - Social media content filtering

Name - Adam Steinbaugh

Affiliation - Foundation for Individual Rights in Education

This request seek records relating to restrictions and settings concerning the official Facebook and Twitter accounts for the University of Connecticut, and should be directed to the person responsible for operating those accounts.

I request the following records:
1. A copy of the settings for the Facebook page maintained by the University of Connecticut (available at This list is accessible by (A) logging into the Facebook page as an administrator, and then (B) clicking “Settings” at the top of the official page. The URL should look like:

2. A copy of the list of people or pages banned from the Facebook page referenced above. This list is accessible by: (A) logging into the Facebook page as an administrator, (B) clicking “Settings” at the top of the official page, (C) clicking “People and Other Pages” in the left column, and (D) selecting "Banned People and Pages" from the drop-down menu. The final URL should look like:

3. A list of the "blocked accounts" by the Twitter account maintained by the University of Connecticut (available at This list is accessible by navigating to this URL while logged into the account:

FOI #18-318 (10-12-18, 1:02 pm) - Subject - Supplemental incident report

Name - Katherine Flynn

Affiliation - CMHC

Supplemental incident reports requested by Dr. Destefano from Parker, Shaniece and Hailey, Shanta in 12/12/2017 email.

FOI #18-317 (10-11-18, 3:38 pm) - Subject - IMG Contract

Name - Daniel Brechlin

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

I am putting in a standing request for details of UConn's next contract extension with IMG should UConn extend its current contract. I am looking for any contract and its financial details.

FOI #18-316 - Subject - Audit Report

Name - Julia Werth

Affiliation - CT Mirror

I am requesting access to an audit performed by UConn in the fall of 2016 or winter of 2017. It involved the group UConn CHATTER and several federal grants as well as one former UConn employee.

FOI #18-315 - Subject - Universal Assessment

Name - Tariq Abdulaziz

Affiliation - Neurostrategies, Inc.

Any and all documents related to development of a Universal Assessment as described below

The DSS has asked Dr. Robison and the UConn Health Center on Aging to assist in developing a standardized assessment tool (Universal Assessment) for use in all of the state of CT’s waiver programs, a requirement of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Balancing Incentive Program. (The Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) provided financial incentives to States to increase access to non-institutional long term services and supports (LTSS) in keeping with the integration mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as required by the Olmstead decision and was created by the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Section 10202)).

The work began in 2012 to develop the standardized tool. The Universal Assessment (UA) was derived from the interRAI Home Care Assessment System, which is a tested and validated tool used by many US states and other countries. CT’s UA is a modified version of the interRAI, in that additional validated scales were added (e.g., for substance use, cognitive function). In 2015, the tool was piloted in the waiver programs, more changes were made to ensure the tool worked universally across these different populations and the tool was finalized. The UA has been adopted across all waiver programs and replaces all other assessments used previously. All participants in the various waiver programs are required to complete the UA, as it is the singular tool being used by DSS to conduct both initial assessments (to develop service and care plans for the individual) and annual re-assessments (to determine eligibility status and service needs for the next benefit year).

Documents: any and all documents related to this matter including but not limited to the following;

all email communications between Uconn Center on Aging and DSS
all emails internal and external withing UConn regarding this matter
Copies of all versions of the assessment tool
Copies of all versions of the instruction manual

• A copy of instructions used to administer the assessment
All technical data regarding development, administration, interpretation and outcome data and
instructions for the assessment including but not limited to the following;
o Intended use of the assessment
o User qualifications
o Normative sample data
o Standard Scores
o Scoring Instructions
o Administration Instructions
o Test Interpretation
o Validity Measures
o Reliability Measures
o Correlations
o Scales for interpretation of all

FOI #18-314 (10-9-18, 3:18 pm) - Subject - Men's Basketball Sanctions

Name - Daniel Brechlin

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

All files, records and documents in your possession or control that refer, relate to, or concern the imposition of corrective measures and/or penalties by the university on it’s men’s basketball program as a result of the investigation into potential NCAA violations during Kevin Ollie’s tenure as coach. If there are none available, please consider this as a standing request if/when self-imposed sanctions are issued.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Pat Eaton-Robb Associated Press Student Athlete Records UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Amanda Cross KA092117 UConn Storrs Complete
Lindsay Jenkelunas UCPEA OIE Records UConn Storrs Complete
Connor Kurtz American Enterprise Institute Salaries and benefits UConn Storrs Complete
Adam Steinbaugh Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Social media content filtering UConn Storrs Complete
Katherine Flynn CMHC Supplemental incident report UConn Health No records available
Daniel Brechlin Hartford Courant IMG Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Julia Werth CT Mirror Audit Report UConn Storrs Complete
Tariq Abdulaziz Neurostrategies, Inc. Universal Assessment UConn Health Clarification requested
Daniel Brechlin Hartford Courant Men's Basketball Sanctions UConn Storrs Complete