Request Log

FOI #18-333 - Subject - Women's Basketball

Name - Brian Ratzliff

Affiliation - MuckRock News

Copy of the contract signed between the University of Connecticut Athletic program and the vendor Anthony Travel, on behalf of the women's basketball program for their August 2017 summer tour to Italy. In addition, I am requesting a copy of the final itinerary for the trip.

FOI #18-332 (10-30-18, 1:14 pm) - Subject - UCONN v. South Florida 2017 Football Game Contract

Name - Jessica Murfree

Affiliation - University of Louisville

I request that a copy of the football game contract for the University of Connecticut (UCONN) vs. the University of South Florida (USF) be provided to me. The contest was scheduled played on September 9, 2017, but was postponed until November 11, 2017 due to Hurricane Irma.

FOI #18-331 - Subject - Legal Research Contract

Name - Joshua Roslan

Affiliation - LexisNexis

A complete copy of any and all current contracts that the agency has entered into for the provision of online legal research with any provider, including but not limited to Thomson Reuters (Westlaw).

FOI #18-330 - Subject - Elevator Maintenance Agreement

Name - Charlotte O'Connor

Affiliation - ThyssenKrupp

Copy of the University's current elevator maintenance agreement.

FOI #18-329 (10-23-18, 11:05 am) - Subject - Bigazzi Review

Name - Emma Pettit

Affiliation - The Chronicle of Higher Education

To the custodians of records at the University of Connecticut, I am requesting the following records under the Freedom of Information Act:

-The review conducted by UConn officials of how professor Pierluigi Bigazzi remained on the payroll after he was killed

The records I'm requesting are mentioned in this news story, for reference:

FOI #18-328 - Subject - Accounts Payable Records

Name - Phi Nguyen

Affiliation - Market Sphere

The most up to date information pertaining to the following types of obligations:
• Outstanding and refundable credit balances.
• Checks exempt from Unclaimed Property Reporting.
• Unclaimed, uncashed, undeliverable, staled-dated, voided, overdue and/or outstanding payments or checks/warrants issued and owed by University of Connecticut Stamford.

If some of this request is exempt from release, please release the remainder of the record which is allowed. Please provide all requested records that are greater than $500, are claimable (The obligation to the payee has not been voided by law), The funds have not been turned over to the abandoned property office, and the funds are not in the process of being issued or reissued. Also for any outstanding checks, please only provide those that the payee still has the right to claim and have been outstanding for a period of over 3 months. For each property, please provide issue dates, payee names, addresses, and dollar amounts due. If possible, an excel document would be the desired format to receive data for all available years.

FOI #18-327 - Subject - Faculty Disciplinary and Presentation Records

Name - Robin Kallor

Affiliation - Rose Kallor, LLP

All documents (including emails and other electronic records) relating to any disciplinary action taken against two faculty members.

All documents, including powerpoint slides, handouts or any recordings, abstracts and communications (including email) relating to all presentations by two faculty members at seminar on or about May 8, 2018 or May 9, 2018.

FOI #18-326 - Subject - Personnel File

Name - Nicholas Ouellette

Affiliation - Kurien Ouellette LLC

Entire personnel and medical records files. (1) Copies of all papers, documents and reports, including electronic mail and facsimiles, pertaining to UCHC employee that are used or have been used by UConn to determine UCHC employee eligibility for employment, promotion, additional compensation, transfer, termination, disciplinary or other adverse personnel action including employee evaluations or reports relating to UCHC employee's character, credit and work habits. (2) Copies of all papers, documents and reports prepared by a physician, psychiatrist or psychologies that are in possession of UConn and are work-related or upon which UConn relies to make any employment-related decision.
(3) Verify and list UCHC employee's precise dates of employment, all of the title(s) and position(s) assigned to employee throughout dates of employment, and wage or salary information throughout dates of employment.

FOI #18-325 - Subject - Sexual Assault Policies, Procedures and Training Materials

Name - Raymond Cromartie

Affiliation - SAVE (Stop Violent and Abusive Environments)

All documents pertaining to the University of Connecticut’s Title IX policies and procedures. Specifically, we request that you provide all manuals of policies and procedures, including but not limited to training materials, sexual assault policies, and sexual assault procedures.

FOI #18-324 - Subject - Nathan Hale Inn

Name - Tania Gallimore

Affiliation - Progea

Property file information code compliance/certification for the Nathan Hale Inn 855 Bolton Road, Storrs Mansfield, Connecticut 06269.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Brian Ratzliff MuckRock News Women's Basketball UConn Storrs Complete
Jessica Murfree University of Louisville UCONN v. South Florida 2017 Football Game Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Joshua Roslan LexisNexis Legal Research Contract UConn Regional Campus Request withdrawn
Charlotte O'Connor ThyssenKrupp Elevator Maintenance Agreement UConn Storrs Complete
Emma Pettit The Chronicle of Higher Education Bigazzi Review UConn Health Complete
Phi Nguyen Market Sphere Accounts Payable Records UConn Storrs Complete
Robin Kallor Rose Kallor, LLP Faculty Disciplinary and Presentation Records UConn Storrs Complete
Nicholas Ouellette Kurien Ouellette LLC Personnel File UConn Health Clarification requested
Raymond Cromartie SAVE (Stop Violent and Abusive Environments) Sexual Assault Policies, Procedures and Training Materials UConn Storrs Complete
Tania Gallimore Progea Nathan Hale Inn UConn Storrs Complete