Request Log

FOI #18-343 - Subject - IPB Project - K&L Welding, LLC

Name - Alexander Lovejoy

Affiliation - Robert M. Cheverie & Associates, P.C.

1. Copies of all certified payroll records for all work performed by K&L Welding on the University of Connecticut Innovative Partnership Building Project.
2. Copies of all payment bonds that may protect work performed for K&L Welding including any contained in any subcontracts between Skanska & Erection and Welding and Erection and Welding and K&L Welding.

FOI #18-342 (11-12-18, 9:38 pm) - Subject - UConn Personal Body Cam Videos

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Criminal reports/personal body camera videos of the UCONN officers who responded on these dates:
Jan 12, 2018 approximately 8:44 P.M
Sept 2, 2018 approximately 10:00 P.M
Nov 2, 2018 approximately 1:00 A.M

FOI #18-341 (11-12-18, 4:38 pm) - Subject - Ram Gopal - OPIM Chair

Name - Jan Stallaert

Affiliation - UConn - OPIM

As an OPIM faculty member, I would like to request the publicly available reports and documents w.r.t. the investigation about our former OPIM department chair, Ram Gopal.

FOI #18-340 (11-7-18, 7:16 pm) - Subject - Athletic Ticket Sales

Name - Nicholas Schlereth

Affiliation - Coastal Carolina University

Information needed:
1. Road Game ticket sales purchased through your athletic department for the season you participated in the respective bowl game.
2. Number of tickets sold for the respective bowl by your school (from your allotment).
3. How is attendance for sports event reported by your university? Per the NCAA, attendance can be reported three ways: turnstile count, tickets sold, or estimates

Little Caesars/Quick Lane Bowl: 2004 Season
Birmingham Bowl: 2009 Season (2010 Bowl Game, Played January 2010)

FOI #18-339 - Subject - Faculty Hiring

Name - Audrey Williams June

Affiliation - The Chronicle of Higher Education

The search waiver forms and the documents that support them for every full/time permanent faculty member hired without a search during each of the following academic/fiscal years: 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18.

FOI #18-338 (11-2-18, 12:54 pm) - Subject - OIE Records

Name - Employee Employee

Affiliation -

I am requesting all records pertaining to me that the Office of Institutional Equity may have in their files.

FOI #18-337 - Subject - OIE Records

Name - Robin Kallor

Affiliation - Rose Kallor, LLP

Copies of the following records: (1) All documents prepared by the Office of Institutional Equity or any predecessor office, containing findings and recommendations following an investigation of alleged sexual harassment, discrimination, assault or retaliation, which allegation was lodged against a member of the faculty, staff or student of the University (including the University of Connecticut Health Center and any other University branch), and which memoranda were prepared from January 1, 2014 to the present and documents relied upon in those reports; (2) all documents, including emails, notes, interview summaries and draft reports relating to the (1) above.

FOI #18-336 (11-1-18, 5:26 pm) - Subject - Commencement Photography Agreement

Name - Carol Strong

Affiliation - Flash Photography, Inc.

We are writing to make FOIA request for a copy of the service agreement / contract that the University executed with Grad Images for Spring 2018 commencement photography services.

FOI #18-335 (11-1-18, 11:25 am) - Subject - Hockey attendance

Name - Dan Brechlin

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

Requesting the "scanned" or turnstile attendance figure for every UConn men's hockey home game at the XL center since the beginning of the 2014-15 season.

FOI #18-334 - Subject - OIE Report

Name - Robin Kallor

Affiliation - Rose Kallor, LLP

All documents, including: emails (with all attachments), notes, interview summaries and draft version of the reports regarding OIE Case No. H18-0158.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Alexander Lovejoy Robert M. Cheverie & Associates, P.C. IPB Project - K&L Welding, LLC UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UConn Personal Body Cam Videos UConn Storrs Complete
Jan Stallaert UConn - OPIM Ram Gopal - OPIM Chair UConn Storrs Complete
Nicholas Schlereth Coastal Carolina University Athletic Ticket Sales UConn Storrs Complete
Audrey Williams June The Chronicle of Higher Education Faculty Hiring UConn Storrs Complete
Employee Employee OIE Records UConn Storrs Complete
Robin Kallor Rose Kallor, LLP OIE Records UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Carol Strong Flash Photography, Inc. Commencement Photography Agreement UConn Storrs Complete
Dan Brechlin Hartford Courant Hockey attendance UConn Storrs Complete
Robin Kallor Rose Kallor, LLP OIE Report UConn Storrs Clarification requested