Request Log

FOI #18-386 - Subject - Whitney Dining Hall Renovations

Name - Joseph Monahan

Affiliation -

Copies of the Bid Results containing the low filed electrical bidders and their bid amounts for the above-referenced project.

FOI #18-385 - Subject - Athletics Employment Contracts

Name - Debbie Rapier

Affiliation - Xavier University

I am requesting disclosure of the base salary and total compensation of the Men’s Basketball Head Coach, the Women’s Basketball Head Coach and the Athletic Director respectively for the calendar years 2017 and 2018.

FOI #18-384 - Subject - OIE Records

Name - Dean Hamilton

Affiliation -

For each of the academic years from 2013 to 2018 year-to-date I am requesting the following information related to the Office of Institutional Equity, or its predecessor, the Office of Diversity and Equity:
• Total number of investigations undertaken, by academic year: UConn Storrs and UConn Health (fka Health Center)
• Total number of investigations stopped because complainant withdrew complaint, by academic year: UConn Storrs and UConn Health
• Total number of investigations continued despite complainant withdrawing complaint, by academic year: UConn Storrs and UConn Health
• Total number of investigations, by academic year, with finding against respondent, supporting complainant: UConn Storrs and UConn Health
• Total number of investigations, by academic year, with no finding against respondent, not supporting complainant: UConn Storrs and UConn Health
• Total number of investigations, by academic year, with no finding against respondent, but OIE recommends additional avenues of possible follow-up/investigation by others against respondent: UConn Storrs and UConn Health
• Total number of investigations, by academic year, begun with written complaint: UConn Storrs and UConn Health
• Total number of investigations, by academic year, begun without written complaint: UConn Storrs and UConn Health
• Total number of investigation appeals, by academic year: UConn Storrs and UConn Health
• Total number of investigation appeals upheld, by academic year: UConn Storrs and UConn Health
• Total number of investigation appeals rejected, by academic year: UConn Storrs and UConn Health

For each individual investigation for the academic years beginning 2013 through 2018 year-to-date, I am requesting the following detail:
• Investigation Reference Number
• Campus complaint filed on (Storrs/Health)
• Campus incident occurred on (Storrs/Health)
• Role/Status/Title/Gender of complainant: e.g., undergraduate, graduate student, faculty level (TA, PhD, MA, MS, MD, etc.) physician, administrator, staff, resident, nurse, etc.
• Role/Status/Title/Gender of respondent: e.g., undergraduate, graduate student, faculty level (TA, PhD, MA, MS, MD, etc.) physician, administrator, staff, resident, nurse, etc.
• Date complaint received
• Date complaint filed
• Date investigation started
• Date respondent notified in writing of investigation
• Date investigation ended
• Outcome/Finding for/against complainant
• Outcome/Finding for/against respondent
• No Outcome/Finding
• OIE Investigator's name, gender, title
• For each appeal, the names and titles of those hearing the appeal, their gender, and their recorded vote on the appeal

FOI #18-382 - Subject - Contract #KA080417

Name - Amanda Pasciucco

Affiliation - Life Coaching and Therapy LLC

Contract Detail Info For # KA080417. I would like to know who won the bid, the total value of the contract, and the paperwork they had to submit to win the bid.

FOI #18-381 - Subject - School Of Fine Arts Renovation (Phase 2)

Name - Joseph Monahan

Affiliation - IBEW Local 103

Copies of the Bid Results containing the low filed electrical bidders and their bid amounts for School Of Fine Arts Renovation (Phase 2) project.

FOI #18-380 - Subject - Directory Information

Name - Nehemiah Chu

Affiliation -

School electronic email addresses for all students registered for the Spring semester 2018, the Summer semester 2018, the Fall semester 2018 and all alumni. Please include each person’s respective major and minor, and classification (e.g. freshman, senior, alumni) if available. I’ll need 4 separate lists.

FOI #18-379 (12-16-18, 9:35 pm) - Subject - Internal Auditor Medical Interview

Name - Charles Bryan

Affiliation - 1967

Requesting justification for all applications that was interviewed and the application that was offered the job for the following
Internal auditor medical 2019-245, application date 7/29/18
Internal Auditor medical - 1. 2019-035, application date 10/9/2018
Internal Auditor medical -1 . 2013-973, application date 6/19/13
Internal auditor medical 2012-413, application date 11/27/11
Internal auditor medical 2011-528, application date 1/18/11. And also was this position filled?

FOI #18-378 (12-14-18, 10:09 am) - Subject - Title IX

Name - Erica McKinley

Affiliation - Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel, University of MS

We are benchmarking best practices. Could you kindly share your Title IX student conduct policies.

FOI #18-377 - Subject - Connecticut Community Law Center

Name - Greg Curran

Affiliation -

Copies of public records that indicate the evaluative criteria and decision making process used at CCLC to decide where and how they serve the public.

FOI #18-376 - Subject - Computer Analysis

Name - Julia Werth

Affiliation - CT Mirror

Copy of forensic report done by UConn ITS at the end of 2016 on the computer of former employee.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Joseph Monahan Whitney Dining Hall Renovations UConn Storrs Premature request
Debbie Rapier Xavier University Athletics Employment Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Dean Hamilton OIE Records UConn Storrs Complete
Amanda Pasciucco Life Coaching and Therapy LLC Contract #KA080417 UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Joseph Monahan IBEW Local 103 School Of Fine Arts Renovation (Phase 2) UConn Storrs No records available
Nehemiah Chu Directory Information UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Charles Bryan 1967 Internal Auditor Medical Interview UConn Health Complete
Erica McKinley Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel, University of MS Title IX UConn Storrs Complete
Greg Curran Connecticut Community Law Center UConn Regional Campus Complete
Julia Werth CT Mirror Computer Analysis UConn Storrs Complete