1. Data pertaining to CMHC health care staff turnover rates, including but not limited to the number of employees entering CMHC service and the number of employees leaving CMHC service each year by year from 2008 to the present.
2. The aggregate number of CMHC health care staff working in DOC facilities on January 1st of each year or any fixed annual date, categorized by job classification, from 2008 to the present.
3. The aggregate number of DOC inmates on January 1st of each year or any fixed annual date from 2008 to the present.
4. The cost of inmate health care services by year from 2008 to the present. If possible, provide the cost of health care services provided to inmates by UConn Health staff categorized by year and service provided (i.e. mental health, medical, etc.) from 2008 to the present.
5. The total annual cost of litigation for claims brought against CMHC/DOC by DOC inmates pertaining to health care services, including but not limited to settlement costs, attorney’s fees, and any other associated costs, by year from 2008 to the present.
6. The total number of workman’s compensation claims made by CMHC staff working in DOC Facilities by year as well as the total annual costs of litigation for workman’s compensation claims made by CMHC staff working in DOC facilities by year from 2008 to the present.
7. Quarterly overtime and mandatory overtime reports for CMHC staff working in DOC facilities by year from 2008 to the present.
8. Number of inmate deaths categorized by year and cause of death (i.e. natural causes, suicide, untimely death, etc.) from 2008 to the present.
9. Number of inmates categorized as mental health 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s by year from 2008 to the present.
10. Recidivism statistics by year from 2008 to the present.
11. Number of medical & mental health grievances filed by inmates by year from 2008 to the present.
12. Total hours of sick time used by CMHC staff working in DOC facilities by year from 2008 to the present.
13. Number of assaults on CMHC health care staff by DOC inmates by year from 2008 to the present.
All correspondence including but not limited to, memo, faxes , letters, and emails between University of Connecticut Medical Center and Hartford Hospital relating to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, from Jan 1, 2018 to the present. Also please provide of the most recent contractual agreement or documents or if no contractual agreements exist documents explicating the relationship between University of Connecticut Medical Center and Hartford Hospital.
FOI #19-002 (01-3-19, 9:27 am) - Subject - Construction Documents - Hartford
Name - Jennie Smith
Affiliation - Acme Research
Copies of documents, such as − but not limited to – Construction Notice to Proceed, daily field reports, contractor reporting forms, work orders, and the like that specify subcontractors and other salient points (noted below) for construction or renovation projects valued at $2,000,000 or more at the University of Connecticut Hartford. Please include information for both currently active projects as well as those completed since January 1, 2018. We do not need every document that mentions subcontractors, just one for each subcontractor or set of subcontractors.
Specifically we seek:
- Project number
- Projected completion date
- Prime/General Contractor name(s)
- Construction Manager (at Risk) name
- Architect/Engineer names
- Subcontractor names
Copies of any and all contract(s), agreement(s), or memorandums of understanding between (a) UConn or a subsidiary entity, department (including the athletic department), sports team (including the football team) and/or institution, and (b) the National Collegiate Athletic Association, that relate to and/or discuss initiating or continuing UConn's membership as an NCAA institution.
Essentially, this request primarily seeks to review the documents and/or contracts that initiated UConn's football program's affiliation with the NCAA - or failing that, any documents continuing said membership. If this request generates more than one document, I ask that you provide only the oldest document.
All emails related to me, my reputation, opinions about me, and my job performance since January 1, 2017. This includes but is not limited to email communications to or from Michael Gilbert, Elly Daugherty, Christopher Delello, Dorrin Exford, Celeste Barros, Elizabeth Conklin, Kevin O'Connell, Kimberly Hill, Alessia Satterfield, Emerson Loisel, Ashley Vrabely, Kimberly Colon, Britni Henze, Jane Benoit-Bean, and Jennifer Brodie.
FOI #18-390 - Subject - School of Business Timesheets
Name - Claire Howard
Affiliation - Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau, LLC
1. All documents that reflect submissions of timesheets and/or timecards by Melissa Burk for July 1, 2017 - April 1, 2018 including, but not limited to, approvals by any person in the office of the Dean of the School of Business.
2. All documents that reflect approval of time and/or hours worked for Melissa Burk for July 1, 2017 - April 1, 2018 including, but not limited to, approvals by any person in the office of the Dean of the School of Business.
3. All communications sent by or received by employees in the Office of the Dean of the School of Business including, but not limited to Cyndi Soucy, for the time period of July 1, 2017 - April 1, 2018, concerning approval of Melissa Burke's timesheets and/or timecards.
Hongjie Wang
UConn Health
FOI #18-389 - Subject -
Name - Hongjie Wang
Affiliation -
1. All documents of library-related cases that are obtainable based on FOI rules (but with a time limit)
2. The time range for all documents of library-related cases to be obtained is between 1/1/2010 and 12/31/2018
3. Complete set of documents of library-related cases that can be obtained by any parties involved (those who initiated the case and those who were being complained against)
4. All documents of library-related cases that went through UConn Health’s various offices (be they OIE, HR or any other offices, as long as they are obtainable through FOI)
All Email communcaiton to /from between Dept of Social service employee and the following Uconn emaployees
1. Maryalice.gendreau@ct.govt & Prucker@uchc.edu (pamela rucker)
2. Maryalice.gendreau@ct.govt & chiaputti@uchc.edu
3. Maryalice.gendreau@ct.govt & hildebrandt@uchc.edu
4. Maryalice.gendreau@ct.govt & hufschmied@uchc.edu
5. mgendreau@uchc.edu & prucker@uchc.edu
FOI #18-387 (12-20-18, 1:29 pm) - Subject - Financial Statement
Name - Dan Brechlin
Affiliation - Hartford Courant
I am requesting a copy of the equity/revenue-and-expenses report completed by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the 2018 fiscal year. If it has not been submitted yet, please consider this a standing request.