Request Log

FOI #19-016 - Subject - Search Records

Name - Lindsay Jenkelunas

Affiliation - UCPEA

Recreation Department: Search #2019168
Residential Life: Search #2019134
Fine Arts Searches: Any and all UCPEA positions that were posted in Fine Arts during: May 2018, June 2018, July 2018, and August 2018

Please include the following:
• The original job posting.
• The names of those who served on the search committee, and the dates of their most recent search committee training.
• Any and all recruitment qualification reports.
• Any and all applicant selection reports.
• Any and all applicant summary reports.
• Any and all candidate selection reports.
• Any and all additional materials or reports produced in relation to this search.

FOI #19-015 - Subject - CMHC Server/HCCC T Drive

Name - Michael Daly

Affiliation -

Various CMHC record properties and assessments.

FOI #19-014 - Subject - Pay Raises and Changes in Benefits

Name - Kathy Megan

Affiliation - CT Mirror

Letters of notification on the pay raises, but just to be a little more precise, here’s what I’m requesting under FOIA:
- a list of the employees who got pay raises
- what their pay raise is
- what their previous compensation was and what it is now
- what their previous job title was and what it is now
- any change in job description.

FOI #19-013 (01-15-19, 3:22 pm) - Subject - Janitorial Services for University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut - LM040115-1

Name - Matthew Cronin

Affiliation - Owens, Renz & Lee Co., Inc. dba Owens Realty Services

I am requesting copies of all submitted proposals and Current Contract including all amendments and/or modifications for "Request for Qualifications for Janitorial Services for University of Connecticut - LM040115-1"

FOI #19-012 - Subject - Athletics Records

Name - Steve Berkowitz

Affiliation - USA Today

1. The revenue-and-expenses report completed by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the 2018 fiscal year. It is a multi-page document that was due to be filed with the NCAA on Jan. 15, 2019. It contains more than 40 revenue and expense categories, followed by specific breakdowns of each of those categories, by sport and gender. I am requesting the full report, including the detail tables and the entire Statement of Revenues and Expenses that appears at the end of the report. PLEASE NOTE: The NCAA report is different than the equity report that is sent to the U.S. Department of Education for Title IX compliance.
2. The current contract for the men’s and women’s basketball head coaches. I would like a copy of the contracts and all amendments and/or addenda, as well as a statement of the coaches’ current base salary and other contractual compensation for the 2018-19 season if it is not stated in the contract.
--If a contract is under negotiation, please forward the current agreement but let me know that a new one may be forthcoming.
--If there is no contract, please forward the letter of intent or other document(s) outlining the coach’s conditions of employment -- including bonus structure -- and/or a current statement of salary.
3. The most recent athletically related outside-income report for the men’s and women’s basketball head coach. This is a document that athletics personnel use to report income earned from sources other than the university. If the university has not yet resumed collecting these documents, which again are required under an NCAA rules change in August 2018, please state that in the response to this request.

FOI #19-011 - Subject - Ryan Residency Program

Name -

Affiliation - Citizens Information Center

All documents pertaining to the Ryan Residency program pertaining to the accreditation, all affiliation agreements with local clinics/hospitals, insurance paid out or not, all resident rotation sites and all rotation agreements.

FOI #19-010 (01-12-19, 4:00 pm) - Subject - OSD Consultant and Project Manager

Name - Amy Dumont

Affiliation - Department of Social Services

Records relating to the OSD Consultant and Project Manager position.

FOI #19-009 - Subject - Northeast Dormitories Security Camera System, 300020

Name - Joseph Monahan

Affiliation -

Copies of the Bid Results containing the electrical bidders and their bid amounts for the above-referenced project.

FOI #19-008 (01-9-19, 3:25 pm) - Subject - UConn football attendance

Name - Alex Putterman

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

Rentschler Field attendance figures for the 2018 UConn football season, including both announced attendance and turnstile attendance.

FOI #19-007 (01-8-19, 4:58 pm) - Subject - UCPD Records

Name - Terrence Abney

Affiliation - University of Connecticut

I would like the statements, witness statements and recordings for case number 18-52868.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Lindsay Jenkelunas UCPEA Search Records UConn Storrs Complete
Michael Daly CMHC Server/HCCC T Drive UConn Health No records available
Kathy Megan CT Mirror Pay Raises and Changes in Benefits UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Matthew Cronin Owens, Renz & Lee Co., Inc. dba Owens Realty Services Janitorial Services for University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut - LM040115-1 UConn Storrs Complete
Steve Berkowitz USA Today Athletics Records UConn Storrs Complete
Citizens Information Center Ryan Residency Program UConn Health No records available
Amy Dumont Department of Social Services OSD Consultant and Project Manager UConn Storrs Premature request
Joseph Monahan Northeast Dormitories Security Camera System, 300020 UConn Storrs Premature request
Alex Putterman Hartford Courant UConn football attendance UConn Storrs Complete
Terrence Abney University of Connecticut UCPD Records UConn Storrs Complete