Request Log

FOI #19-026 - Subject - RFP CK111418 Identification Card Printers, Software and Related Services

Name - Angela Tracy

Affiliation - CBORD

Copy of the winning proposal for RFP CK111418 Identification Card Printers, Software and Related Services.

FOI #19-025 - Subject - UCHC HR/OIE Records

Name - Marc Fitch

Affiliation - Yankee Institute

I am requesting copies of all investigations conducted by UConn Heath Center’s Human Resources Office concerning a former UCHC employee for the years 2016 and 2017, and any investigations by Office of Institutional Equity for the years 2016 and 2017 related to sexual harassment.

FOI #19-024 (01-24-19, 4:22 pm) - Subject - Athletics Records

Name - Kevin Cohen

Affiliation - Winthrop Intelligence

1) Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request copies of the following “Documents” for the athletic department staff listed below:
Current employment contract and salary (Letter of intent, form agreement, or applicable document / record which shows annual compensation and start/end date of employment). If an employee does not have a formal written agreement, please provide (ideally in a spreadsheet or table format): Name, Compensation, and Start/End Date (or write “At Will” if applicable).
a. Perkins Darrell University of Connecticut
b. Swinney Adrianne University of Connecticut
2) Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of the 2017-2018 NCAA Annual Financial Report provided to the NCAA.
3) Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of the 2017-2018 Audited Financial Report (Agreed-Upon Procedures)

FOI #19-023 (01-24-19, 9:16 am) - Subject - Community Standards Sanctions Statistics - DUI

Name - Claire Fennessey

Affiliation -

All Community Standards confirmed DUIs (alcohol) during the time period. For each:
1. the date of occurrence,
2. was there an automobile accident or not,
3. specific student code violations,
4. were there any previous conduct issues,
5. was the student on probation at the time,
6. did additional code violations occur within either a few days before or after,
7. and the specific final sanction(s) applied in each case.

FOI #19-022 (01-24-19, 9:16 am) - Subject - NCAA financial statement

Name - Ed Daigneault

Affiliation - Republican-American

NCAA financial statement for 2018. Was released last week to various media outlets.

FOI #19-021 (01-22-19, 8:57 pm) - Subject - UCONN Police Department "body cam" recording and phone records

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - Former UCONN student

1) Copy of February 27th, 2018 body cam video from Detective Pavasaris.
2) Copy of March 1st, 2018 call recording.
3) Record of exchanges between February 27th and March 8th of 2018 with Detective Pavasaris.
4) ANY and ALL emails, phone calls, and any other form of record that may reasonably be deemed to be even remotely relevant to this matter.

FOI #19-020 (01-22-19, 4:14 pm) - Subject - Emails from Dwight Atherton

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - The Daily Campus

I am requesting all emails or replies from Dwight Atherton from the dates of 1/1/2018 to 1/1/2019 that contain specific keywords/phrases.

FOI #19-019 - Subject - NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Fiscal Year – 2018

Name - Stacey Brook

Affiliation - DePaul University

I request the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System revenue and expense reports for fiscal year 2018. Specifically:

FOI #19-018 - Subject - On-Call Trade Electrical Contractor Prgm - IQC

Name - Joseph Monahan

Affiliation - IBEW Local 103

Copies of the Bid Results containing the electrical bidders and their bid amounts for the On-Call Trade Electrical Contractor Prgm - IQC project.

FOI #19-017 - Subject - Footbal Coach Additional Incentives

Name - Steve Berkowitz

Affiliation - USA Today

An itemized record (or records) of the bonus amounts earned by football head coach Randy Edsall and assistant coaches Billy Crocker and John Dunn in connection with certain game-by-game and season goals, pursuant to Edsall’s offer letter dated Dec. 28, 2016; Article 3.2 of Crocker’s and Dunn’s respective contracts; and August 2018 memos to the coaches from athletics director David Benedict. For your reference, I have attached a copy of the itemization that Edsall received along with notification of the bonus amounts he received for achieving certain of these goals during the 2017 season.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Angela Tracy CBORD RFP CK111418 Identification Card Printers, Software and Related Services UConn Storrs Complete
Marc Fitch Yankee Institute UCHC HR/OIE Records UConn Health Complete
Kevin Cohen Winthrop Intelligence Athletics Records UConn Storrs Complete
Claire Fennessey Community Standards Sanctions Statistics - DUI UConn Storrs Complete
Ed Daigneault Republican-American NCAA financial statement UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Former UCONN student UCONN Police Department "body cam" recording and phone records UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student The Daily Campus Emails from Dwight Atherton UConn Storrs Complete
Stacey Brook DePaul University NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Fiscal Year – 2018 UConn Storrs Complete
Joseph Monahan IBEW Local 103 On-Call Trade Electrical Contractor Prgm - IQC UConn Storrs Complete
Steve Berkowitz USA Today Footbal Coach Additional Incentives UConn Storrs Complete