Access to and a copy of the latest of syllabi for the following UConn courses: COMM 5895, ENGL/HRTS 6540-01, LAW 7814, LAW 7655, PHIL 5397, POLS 5010-004, PP 5303, and PSYC 5700-001.
1. Documents reflecting the current employment status (from January 1, 2019 to the present) of the following individuals. In particular, the documents should include whether the individuals are currently officially employed or affiliated with UConn Health Center or the University of Connecticut and if so, their official job title and position.
a. Anne Horbatuck
b. William Kleinman
c. Karen Duffy-Wallace
2. A list of all documents that you have obtained related to the above requests but were excluded and the reason they were excluded.
FOI #19-032 (01-30-19, 11:22 am) - Subject - Court Advocate - Desmond's Law
Name - Maggie Jones
Affiliation -
Desmond’s law was passed April 2016, went into effect October 1, 2016. Since it’s inception, how many cases has Desmond’s Law been used on since October 1, 2016? Is UCONN tracking the cases or is there another entity that is tracking? (If so, who?)
Additionally, how many cases has UCONN law professor Jessica Rubin, (along with law students) been the advocate on? And of those cases, what were the dispositions, and which cases are still pending.
FOI #19-030 (01-28-19, 12:20 pm) - Subject - Title IX Records
Name - Alexander Haynes
Affiliation - San Antonio Express News
I am a free-lance journalist working on behalf of the San Antonio Express-News. I am writing in order to make a freedom of information act on the following:
- Number of Title IX reports, number of Title IX reports that proceeded to an investigation, the number of Title IX reports that resulted in a violation, and the number of reports against employees of or players in the Athletic department. My date range is for the year of January to December, 2018.
- Policy regarding the Athletic Department when the violation is against an athlete, as this is not provided in the sexual misconduct policy. If no such policy exists in writing, that suffices as an answer too.
FOI #19-029 - Subject - Certified Payroll Records: UCONN Gant Building Renovation - Project No. 901803
Name - Kimberly Glassman
Affiliation - Foundation for Fair Contracting of Connecticut
Copies of certified payroll records submitted by the companies listed below, when applicable, for work being performed on Phase 1 the above-referenced Gant Building project.
• Ferguson Mechanical, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 11.10.18 through the present
• Ferguson Electric, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 11.10.18 through the present
• Tradesource International - From wk ending 11.17 .18 through the present
• Scholar Painting - From wk ending 11.24.18 through the present
• Connecticut Carpentry Corp, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 11.24.18 through the present
• Manganaro Northeast - From wk ending 11.25.18 through the present
• New Britain Fence - From wk ending 11.30.18 through the present
• Barall & Konover Flooring
• DePaoli Mosaic
• Sign Pro
FOI #19-028 - Subject - RFQ/SUB: University Athletic District Development - Phase 2
Name - Joseph Monahan
Affiliation - IBEW Local 103
Copies of the Bid Results containing the electrical bidders and their bid amounts for the following project: RFQ/SUB: University Athletic District Development - Phase 2, Various locations, Bid Date: 1/24/2019 2:00:00 PM.
FOI #19-027 - Subject - UCONN/Storrs Gant Building STEM (Renovations)
Name - Joseph Monahan
Affiliation - IBEW Local 103
Copies of the Bid Results containing the electrical bidders and their bid amounts for the following project: UCONN/Storrs Gant Building STEM (Renovations), 3 N HILLSIDE RD, Bid Date: 1/16/2019 5:00:00 PM.