Request Log

FOI #18-362 - Subject - Purchasing Records

Name - Danick Baron

Affiliation - SmartProcure

SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the University of Connecticut Health Center for any and all electronic purchasing records from 2018-05-21 (yyyy-mm-dd) to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning or printing.
The specific information requested from your record keeping system is:

1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number
2. Purchase date
3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase)
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address

FOI #18-361 (11-29-18, 3:24 pm) - Subject - Investigation Records

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - The Daily Campus

I am looking for any emails or documents relating to an investigation into faculty member at any point in time.

FOI #18-360 (11-29-18, 1:29 pm) - Subject - UConn Police Videos

Name - Patricia Williams

Affiliation - University of Connecticut Professional Employees Association

Copies of UConn police videos related to case #18-46479.

FOI #18-359 - Subject - Athletics Employment Agreements and Game Contracts

Name - Kevin Cohen

Affiliation -

1. Current employment contract and salary (Letter of intent, form agreement, or applicable document / record which shows annual compensation and start/end date of employment). If an employee does not have a formal written agreement, please provide (ideally in a spreadsheet or table format): Name, Compensation, and Start/End Date (or write “At Will” if applicable).
1. Brandt Andrew University of Connecticut
2. Chardis Phil University of Connecticut
3. Chromik Martyann University of Connecticut
4. Fiorvanti Annie University of Connecticut
5. Hastillo Megan University of Connecticut
6. Hughes Amanda University of Connecticut
7. Iacampo Chris University of Connecticut
8. LaBonte Anna University of Connecticut
9. McKenna Pat University of Connecticut
10. Mead Christopher University of Connecticut
11. Messina Laura University of Connecticut
12. Rivers Mackenzie University of Connecticut
13. Schneider Eric University of Connecticut
14. Silva Kim University of Connecticut
15. Spillman Kevin University of Connecticut
16. Stasaitis Chris University of Connecticut
17. Younger Hannah University of Connecticut
18. Zuppani Cat University of Connecticut
2. Men's Basketball
1. Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of any contract or written agreement in force (i.e., signed, fully executed) for non-conference Men's Basketball games listed below plus any additional non-conference games or exhibition games scheduled to be played during the 2018 - 2019 season and future years:
1. Cornell University 11/20/2018
2. Drexel University 12/18/2018
3. Florida State University 12/08/2018
4. Lafayette College 12/05/2018
5. Manhattan College 12/15/2018
6. Morehead State University 11/08/2018
7. Syracuse University 11/15/2018
8. University of Arizona 12/02/2018
9. University of Massachusetts, Lowell 11/27/2018
10. University of Missouri - Kansas City 11/11/2018
11. University of New Hampshire 11/24/2018
12. Villanova University 12/22/2018
3. Women's Basketball
1. Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of any contract or written agreement in force (i.e., signed, fully executed) for non-conference Women's Basketball games listed below plus any additional non-conference games or exhibition games scheduled to be played during the 2018 - 2019 season and future years:
1. Baylor University 01/03/2019
2. DePaul University 11/28/2018
3. Ohio State University 11/11/2018
4. Purdue University 11/24/2018
5. Saint Louis University 12/04/2018
6. Seton Hall University 12/08/2018
7. St. John's University (NY) 11/23/2018
8. University of California, Berkeley 12/22/2018
9. University of Louisville 01/31/2019
10. University of Mississippi 11/22/2018
11. University of Notre Dame 12/02/2018
12. University of Oklahoma 12/19/2018
13. University of South Carolina 02/11/2019
14. Vanderbilt University 11/17/20

FOI #18-358 (11-24-18, 11:07 pm) - Subject - Parking ticket records (2009-2018)

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - Daily Campus

Parking ticket records (including tickets issued, names of those who received them, reason they received them, fine amounts and if they were appealed or not) from Jan. 2009 to Nov. 2018.

FOI #18-357 - Subject - Gant Building Renovation Certified Payroll

Name - Kimberly Glassman

Affiliation - Foundation for Fair Contracting of Connecticut

Copies of certified payroll records submitted by the companies listed below, when applicable, for work being performed on Phase 1 of the Gant Building project no. 901803.
• Ferguson Mechanical, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 6.30.18 through the present
• Ferguson Electric, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 9 .22.18 through the present
• Scholar Painting - From wk ending 9 .29 .18 through the present
• Connecticut Carpentry Corp, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 9.9.18 through the present
• Manganaro Northeast - From wk ending 9.30.18 through the present
• New Britain Fence - From wk ending 9 .30.18 through the present
• Baran & Konover Flooring
• DePaoli Mosaic
• Sign Pro

FOI #18-356 - Subject - Directory Information

Name - Chanci Caudill

Affiliation - LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Copy of all current Student Directory Information for the Fall 2018 semester categorized as public information as defined and governed within FERPA.

FOI #18-355 (11-19-18, 11:07 pm) - Subject - Parking Capacity (2010-2018)

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - The Daily Campus

Parking space inventory at the UConn Storrs Campus from the 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 academic years, including designations for Area 1, 2, 3 and commuter spaces/lots.

FOI #18-354 (11-16-18, 12:14 pm) - Subject - Formal Complaint

Name - Melissa Ferguson

Affiliation -

Copy of formal complaint.

FOI #18-353 (11-16-18, 10:01 am) - Subject - Procurement Information from HuskyBuy System--UConn Health

Name - Robert Solomon

Affiliation - Software Platform Consulting, Inc.

I am seeking line item level detail on purchase orders made over the latest 24 months through the UConn Health HuskyBuy system, which I believe is provided by Sciquest/Jaggaer.. (Based on my experience with other universities, these records should come from a relatively simple report for the Sciquest/Jaggaer system administrator.)

I'm interested in as many of the following data elements as possible:



Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Danick Baron SmartProcure Purchasing Records UConn Health Complete
Student Student The Daily Campus Investigation Records UConn Storrs Premature request
Patricia Williams University of Connecticut Professional Employees Association UConn Police Videos UConn Storrs Complete
Kevin Cohen Athletics Employment Agreements and Game Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Daily Campus Parking ticket records (2009-2018) UConn Storrs Complete
Kimberly Glassman Foundation for Fair Contracting of Connecticut Gant Building Renovation Certified Payroll UConn Storrs Complete
Chanci Caudill LexisNexis Risk Solutions Directory Information UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student The Daily Campus Parking Capacity (2010-2018) UConn Storrs Complete
Melissa Ferguson Formal Complaint UConn Storrs Complete
Robert Solomon Software Platform Consulting, Inc. Procurement Information from HuskyBuy System--UConn Health UConn Health Complete