Request Log

FOI #18-372 - Subject - UCPD Records

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

1. Body cam footage during all interactions (defined as start of interaction to resolution) resulting in a. warning b. violation ticket c. arrest with any university student given by Officer Jonathan Santiago, Officer Zachary Gonzalezes and Officer Joseph Richard from January 29th 2018 to May 1st, 2018 AND April
2. All documentation and physical records of any UCPD cases (resolved and unresolved) involving a. Sexual assault b. Sexual harassment and c. Battery dating from Jan 1st, 2014 to December 6th, 2018

FOI #18-371 - Subject - Community Standards Records

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

1. The meeting summaries from every one of my 3 conduct meetings with Community Standards employee along with any recordings of such meetings.
2. All documentation and physical records of any community standards case (resolved and unresolved) Community Standards employee is currently or was involved, in any capacity, dating from August 29th 2017 to December 5th, 2018.

FOI #18-370 - Subject - Community Standards Records

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

1. The full audio recording from community standards hearing.
2. All documentation and physical records of any community standards case (resolved and unresolved) involving a. Academic Integrity b. Sexual Misconduct (Defined as harassment & assault) c. Interpersonal Violence dating from Jan 1st, 2016 to December 6th, 2018.

FOI #18-369 - Subject - Graduate Housing

Name - Rebecca Shafer

Affiliation -

1- All communication including but not limited to all advertisements, promotional materials and events including but not limited to brochures, descriptions and other housing marketing materials and other materials and events that promote, encourage, inform, enable or assist graduate students to reside on the UCONN Campus in Storrs.
2- A copy of all graduate student on-campus housing application form templates, as well as, associated information and advisements.
3- Copies of any business case studies, or similar analyses, that identify the economics of housing graduate students on campus versus off-campus.
4- Copies of any university policies that pertain to on-campus housing services offered to graduate students at University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

FOI #18-368 - Subject - Purchasing Information

Name - Bruce Shaw

Affiliation -

I am interested in receiving purchasing information from University of Connecticut School of Medicine for purchases made from 1/1/2010 to present.
The information I'm interested in includes: 1. Purchase order number or equivalent 2. Purchase order date 3. Line item details 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor name 7.Delivery Address

FOI #18-367 - Subject - UCPD Records

Name - Kenneth Sedlak

Affiliation - Manafort Brothers Inc.

UCPD body, dash and security videos from 11/29/18, UCPD protocol for traffic control, UCPD policy regarding employee cell phone use while on duty, email correspondence, personnel records, and UCPD daily reports for 11/29/18.

FOI #18-366 (12-4-18, 5:46 pm) - Subject - Men's Basketball Contracts with Providence College

Name - Mike Hopkins

Affiliation -

Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of any contract or written agreement in force (i.e., signed, fully executed) for non-conference Men's Basketball games to be played against Providence College.

FOI #18-365 - Subject - Email Correspondence

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - The Daily Campus

Various email correspondence records.

FOI #18-364 - Subject - McMahon Hall Envelope Repairs Project (Project # 3000071)

Name - Robert Delagrange

Affiliation - Hoffman Architects, Inc.

Copy of the scoring results prepared by the interview panel for the participating firms in the RFQ and RFP.

FOI #18-363 (12-1-18, 8:35 pm) - Subject - Postdoc Salaries

Name - Gary McDowell

Affiliation - Future of Research

I am requesting:
The annualized salaries, on December 1st 2017 and on December 1st 2018, of all full-time PhD or MD-holding postdoctoral employees and fellows, and employees under any titles that encompass postdoctoral research roles.
For example (but not limited to): postdoctoral researcher; postdoctoral scholar; postdoctoral fellow; research associate.
I request that this information be sent as an electronic spreadsheet, with the following:
Name of postdoc;
Gender of postdoc;
Department in which postdoc is situated;
Job Title of postdoc;
Annualized Salary of postdoc on Dec 1st 2017 (if employed in 2017);
Annualized Salary of postdoc on Dec 1st 2018 (if employed in 2018).

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Student Student UCPD Records UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Community Standards Records UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Community Standards Records UConn Storrs Complete
Rebecca Shafer Graduate Housing UConn Storrs Complete
Bruce Shaw Purchasing Information UConn Health Complete
Kenneth Sedlak Manafort Brothers Inc. UCPD Records UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Mike Hopkins Men's Basketball Contracts with Providence College UConn Storrs No records available
Student Student The Daily Campus Email Correspondence UConn Storrs Complete
Robert Delagrange Hoffman Architects, Inc. McMahon Hall Envelope Repairs Project (Project # 3000071) UConn Storrs Complete
Gary McDowell Future of Research Postdoc Salaries UConn Storrs Complete