Request Log

FOI #19-069 (03-8-19, 5:27 pm) - Subject - Residential Life - Record of Posting and Canvassing Applications

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I want records of who applied to canvass on March 5th, March 6th, and March 7th. Please send these records to my email as soon as possible.

FOI #19-068 - Subject - Anthony Travel, Inc.

Name - Melisa Celikel

Affiliation - Road Rebel Global

1. Any contract or written agreement between the University of Connecticut and/or the University of Connecticut Athletic Department, and Anthony Travel, Inc.
2. Any ‘request for proposal’ or bid submitted by Anthony Travel, Inc to the University of Connecticut and/or the University of Connecticut Athletic Department.

FOI #19-067 (03-6-19, 12:23 pm) - Subject - David Hogg Contract

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - UCTV News

I'm looking for the full contract between the University of Connecticut and Metanoia speaker David Hogg.

FOI #19-066 (03-5-19, 1:02 pm) - Subject - Engagement letter for Cain Brothers, a division of KeyBanc Capital Markets

Name - Edward LeMaster

Affiliation - Ponder & Co.

I am requesting a copy of the Cain Brothers engagement letter.

FOI #19-065 - Subject - Nike Contract

Name - Matthew Kish

Affiliation - Portland Business Journal

Pursuant to the state’s public records law, I request the following documents:
• Any extensions or modifications to the university’s Nike contract, which became effective June 30, 2017.
• Any current contracts or agreements between university or athletic department employees and Nike.
• Any notes, itineraries, schedules, photos, expense reports, recordings, agendas or other materials or documents related to Nike-sponsored trips for any university or athletic department employees since March 2014.

FOI #19-064 (03-4-19, 3:03 pm) - Subject - Mailing Addresses UCONN Storrs Classes 2019 & 2020 (juniors & seniors)

Name - Sean Lamontagne

Affiliation - Jostens, Inc.

Jostens is a current partner of UCONN, providing UCONN class rings to students at several on-campus tabling events throughout the year.
I am requesting the permanent (home) mailing addresses and UCONN email addresses for current UCONN Storrs students with a potential graduation year of 2019 or 2020 (i.e. junior and senior class).

FOI #19-063 - Subject - Outstanding Checks

Name - Loren Bialik

Affiliation - Mazel Equities National Associates

1. Unclaimed or outstanding checks including dates, names, last addresses and amounts due the payees that have been going unclaimed for at least six months but not more than five years. (Generally these are vendor or accounts payable checks.)

2. All unclaimed bonds and bond proceeds, including the dates, names, last addresses, and amounts due the bondholders. (Bonds are debt obligations issued by public agencies that use the loans to fund public projects such as the construction of schools, hospitals, and highways. We're not interested in performance bonds.)

A list of these items, rather than actual copies is acceptable. And we can accept it by email.

We are only interested in items that are $5,000 or over and ones issued by your office (not ones that have escheated to the state unclaimed property office).

FOI #19-062 - Subject - Email Correspondence

Name - Becky Morrison

Affiliation - U.S. Right to Know

All faculty email correspondence with representatives of the following organizations and corporations and their associated domains:
• Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics AND AND
• Splenda AND
• Global Nutrition and Health Alliance AND
• Abbott Nutrition AND
• Pepsi AND AND
• The Coca-Cola Company AND AND
• American Beverage Association AND ABA AND
• Conagra AND
• Corn Refiners Association AND
• Campbell Soup Company AND AND
• Dannon AND
• FoodMinds AND
• Heartland Food Products Group AND
• Unilever Best Foods AND
• The Beverage Institute AND
• Pharmavite-Naturemade AND
• Nestle USA Food AND
• National Dairy Council AND
• Ketchum AND
• International Food Information Council AND IFIC AND
The time period covered by this request is from March 1, 2015 to the present.

FOI #19-061 (03-4-19, 10:44 am) - Subject - Construction Records

Name - Jennie Smith

Affiliation - Acme Research

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, we formally request that your office provide us with the following public spending information:
Copies of documents, such as − but not limited to – Construction Notice to Proceed, Daily Field Reports, Contractor Reporting Forms, work orders, or other forms that specify subcontractors and other salient points for construction or renovation projects valued at $2,000,000 or more at the University of Connecticut. Please include information for both currently active projects as well as those completed since June 1, 2018. We do not need every document that mentions subcontractors, just one for each subcontractor or set of subcontractors.

Specifically we seek:
•Project name
•Project number
•Projected completion date
•Prime/General Contractor name(s)
•Construction Manager (at Risk) name
•Architect/Engineer names
•Subcontractor names

FOI #19-060 (03-1-19, 12:55 pm) - Subject - Curriculum vitae for Paul B. Goodwin, emeritus professor

Name - Kathleen Swart

Affiliation - Pierce College

I'm seeking a copy of a CV and any other available biographical information about Paul B. Goodwin.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Student Student Residential Life - Record of Posting and Canvassing Applications UConn Storrs Complete
Melisa Celikel Road Rebel Global Anthony Travel, Inc. UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UCTV News David Hogg Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Edward LeMaster Ponder & Co. Engagement letter for Cain Brothers, a division of KeyBanc Capital Markets UConn Health Complete
Matthew Kish Portland Business Journal Nike Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Sean Lamontagne Jostens, Inc. Mailing Addresses UCONN Storrs Classes 2019 & 2020 (juniors & seniors) UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Loren Bialik Mazel Equities National Associates Outstanding Checks UConn Health Complete
Becky Morrison U.S. Right to Know Email Correspondence UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Jennie Smith Acme Research Construction Records UConn Storrs Complete
Kathleen Swart Pierce College Curriculum vitae for Paul B. Goodwin, emeritus professor UConn Storrs Complete