Request Log

FOI #19-080 (03-18-19, 6:46 pm) - Subject - Request for CEO compensation from 2012 to 2017

Name - Dan Bauman

Affiliation - The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle is requesting compensation earned from 1) UConn 2) and from an organization closely affiliated with your educational institution, UCHCFC CIRCLE ROAD CORP.
When possible, the data provided for each individual should mirror that of compensation data reported on or within Form 990s, W-2s or 1099s for said individual.

1. The actual compensation(*) earned by or set aside for the chief executive(s) (interim, acting, permanent or otherwise) of your institution, University of Connecticut, in calendar years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017, respectively. These chief executive(s) include:

Michael J. Hogan
Philip Austin
Susan Herbst
AND: For other persons who served as interim, acting or permanent (or other) CEOs that were not included in the list preceding this sentence, I request you provide me their name(s) and compensation data.

2. I request the actual compensation(*) earned by former permanent chief executive(s) of your institution in calendar years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017, respectively. Specifically, I request the aggregate values of two categories of compensation earned respectively within each of the above-requested years: actual reportable (taxable) compensation as defined in accordance with W-2s, 1099s, and/or within Form 990s.

These former permanent chief executive(s) include (if blank, proceed to AND: For other persons…):

Michael J. Hogan
AND: For other persons, compensated in the years following the final year of leadership as permanent CEOs, who were not included in the list preceding this sentence, I request you provide me their name(s) and compensation data.

FOI #19-079 (03-15-19, 3:14 pm) - Subject - Contract with Sibson Consulting re: UCPEA Classification System project

Name - Elizabeth Sullivan

Affiliation - UCPEA

UCPEA requests a copy of UConn's current contract (including a breakdown of associated costs) with Sibson Consulting regarding the UCPEA Classification System project.

FOI #19-078 (03-14-19, 3:17 pm) - Subject - Dining Services - Table Reservations for 3/5 to 3/7

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I would like to know who reserved the tables in front of the dining halls between Tuesday, March 5th and Thursday, March 7th and in what organization's name they did so.

FOI #19-077 (03-14-19, 1:18 am) - Subject - USG Election violations, 2019

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - The Daily Campus

All and any emails and official violation reports sent to the between Feb 1, 2019 and March 14, 2019.

FOI #19-076 (03-13-19, 3:25 pm) - Subject - Dining Services Meeting

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Summary of dining services meeting regarding campaign phone calls.

FOI #19-075 - Subject - Interactive Promotional Video Production Bid Number MF081618

Name - Tarah Reed

Affiliation - e.Republic

Award Documents (bid tabulation, award letter) and the proposal response by the winning vendor for the following bid(s)?
Name: Interactive Promotional Video Production
Bid Number: MF081618
Due Date: 9/19/2018

FOI #19-074 - Subject - IT Service Contracts

Name - Brad Goel

Affiliation - OculusIT

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq. I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records of:

1. Potential vendors/sub-contractors who are or were engaged or seeking engagement with University of Connecticut for providing IT services including, but not limited to:
a. IT Managed Services
b. Hosting Services
c. IT Assessment
d. ERP/SIS Managed Services
e. ERP/SIS Professional Services
f. IT Staff Augmentation
g. Identity Access Management and Upgrade
h. GDPR and GLBA Compliance
i. IT Helpdesk

2. Documents required with above mentioned keywords during the term of 2018 and later:
a. Contract Start and End Date Report
b. Agreements
c. Statement of work
d. Minutes of meeting (Annual meeting on IT related projects)
e. Proposals
f. Quotes
g. Sole Source

FOI #19-073 (03-11-19, 9:01 pm) - Subject - Dining Hall Tabling Reservations

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am requesting the reservation information for 03/05/19 and 03/06/19 at the Northwest dining hall, South dining hall, and McMahon dining hall.

FOI #19-072 (03-11-19, 7:18 pm) - Subject - CMHS Spending

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

We want the CMHS specific budget and expenditures, not the top level SHS. We also want as much data as possible on student use of all aspects of CMHS resources.

FOI #19-071 - Subject - Teacher Certification Documents

Name - Laura Pomerance

Affiliation - National Council on Teacher Quality

1. Syllabi for one section of each of the following courses. I request copies of syllabi as they were distributed to students (i.e. not departmental or generic syllabi shared by multiple course sections) and course sections taught during the 2017 - 2018 school year or later.
a. All courses which participants in the Bachelor of Arts in Education/Master of Arts in Education with Elementary Teacher Certification are required to take and which focus on reading instruction, including:
EDCI 4110W Teaching Reading and Writing in the Elementary School
EDCI 4130 Teaching the Language Arts in the Elementary School
b. All courses which participants in the Bachelor of Arts in Education/Master of Arts in Education with Elementary Teacher Certification are required to take and which focus on the content that elementary math teachers need to know, including:
MATH 2010Q Fundamentals of Algebra and Geometry
c. All courses which participants in the Undergraduate Secondary Program are required to take and which focus on English or math instructional methods, including:
EDCI 3211 Intro to Secondary Methods and Clinic - English
EDCI 3212 Introduction to Secondary Methods and Clinic - Mathematics
EDCI 4215 Teaching of Reading in Middle and High Schools
EDCI 5093 Practicum
EDCI 5450 Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the Secondary School
ONE OF: EDCI 5092 Practicum OR EDCI 5093 Practicum
ONE OF: EDCI 5125 -or- EDCI 5250 -or- EDCI 5255 Teaching Composition (7-12)
d. All student teaching courses or accompanying seminars which must be taken by participants in the Bachelor of Arts in Education/Master of Arts in Education with Elementary Teacher Certification or Undergraduate Secondary Program, including:
EDCI 4150 Directed Student Teaching
2. Any of the following as created and/or used by University of Connecticut in connection with participants in the Bachelor of Arts in Education/Master of Arts in Education with Elementary Teacher Certification or Undergraduate Secondary Program. If the same document is used in multiple contexts, I request only one copy.
a. All handbooks related to student teaching that are distributed to teacher candidates, university supervisors, and/or cooperating teachers
b. Blank examples of all forms used to evaluate the performance of student teachers and accompanying rubrics
c. Blank templates of communications (letters or emails) sent to school district or school staff requesting student teaching placements, describing cooperating teacher selection criteria and/or describing the selection process for cooperating teachers
d. Blank examples of applications filled out by potential cooperating teachers
e. Copies of all contracts with school districts or individual schools in which student teachers are placed.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Dan Bauman The Chronicle of Higher Education Request for CEO compensation from 2012 to 2017 UConn Storrs Complete
Elizabeth Sullivan UCPEA Contract with Sibson Consulting re: UCPEA Classification System project UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Dining Services - Table Reservations for 3/5 to 3/7 UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Student Student The Daily Campus USG Election violations, 2019 UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Student Student Dining Services Meeting UConn Storrs No records available
Tarah Reed e.Republic Interactive Promotional Video Production Bid Number MF081618 UConn Storrs Complete
Brad Goel OculusIT IT Service Contracts UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Student Student Dining Hall Tabling Reservations UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Student Student CMHS Spending UConn Storrs Complete
Laura Pomerance National Council on Teacher Quality Teacher Certification Documents UConn Storrs Complete