Request Log

FOI #19-090 (03-28-19, 7:34 pm) - Subject - UCONNIC Artists

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

The budget, and all emails pertaining to, the UCONNIC 2019 spring concert artist(s).

FOI #19-089 (03-27-19, 12:29 am) - Subject - Contracts, Disclosure Forms

Name - Christopher Peak

Affiliation - New Haven Independent

I write to request the following records regarding UConn Health’s work with outside contractors, from Jan. 1, 2016, through the present:

1. Any contracts or agreements between UConn Health and the following vendors:
a. KeyBank
b. UBS Investment Bank
c. Bank of America
d. Chase Enterprises, Inc.
e. Virtus Investment Partners
f. The Cloud Company, LLC
g. Hinckley Allen
h. Levy & Droney, P.C.
i. Eastern Sports Medicine and Spine Associates, LLC
j. Apex Pharmacy
k. RTC Pharmaceutical Consulting, LLC
l. Joel Freedman Consulting
m. MGIC Investment Corporation
n. Aetna, Inc.
o. ConnectiCare, Inc.
2. Any conflict of interest policies for the UConn Health Board of Directors
3. Any disclosure forms filled out by current members of the UConn Board of Directors

Wherever possible, please provide these files in an electronic format, preferably as a machine-readable document.

I ask that you waive any processing and copying fees (C.G.S. § 1-212(d)(3)), because the records will be used, in a news article, to show the internal budgetary decisions that are being made at the state’s most prominent publicly run medical school and teaching hospital.

FOI #19-088 (03-26-19, 2:00 pm) - Subject - Job offer to Fidan Ana Kurtulus Hinson

Name - Meghan Sweeney

Affiliation - Ruel Ruel Goings & Britt, LLC

For the period January 1, 2016, to present, all offer letters, employment contracts, and appointment letters for Fidan Ana Kurtulus (also known as Fidan Ana Kurtulus Hinson) and the University of Connecticut (including any employee thereof).

FOI #19-087(03-25-19, 2:49pm) - Subject - UCONN Gant Building Renovation - Project No. 901803

Name - Kimberly Glassman

Affiliation - Foundation for Fair Contracting of Connecticut

Requesting work being performed on Phase 1 on the Gant Building Renovation
• Baran & Konover Flooring
• Connecticut Carpentry Corp, and their subcontractors-From wk ending 12.29.18 through the present
• DePaoli Mosaic
• Ferguson Mechanical, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 12.29 .18 through the present
• Ferguson Electric, and their subcontractors -From wk ending 12.29.18 through the present
• Manganaro Northeast - From wk ending 12.30.18 through the present
• New Britain Fence - From wk ending 12.31.18 through the present
• Pro Cut of CT - From wk ending 1.12.19 through the present
• Scholar Painting - From wk ending 1.19 .19 through the present
• Sign Pro
• Tradesmen International-From wk ending 12.29.18 through the present

FOI #19-086 (03-26-19, 9:26 am) - Subject - Email Correspondence & OIE Report

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - The Daily Campus

Please forward all emails during the month of January that contain specific phrases as it pertains to former UConn professor Jeff Meunier, including his own mailbox. Also requesting any OIE report pertaining to Jeff Meunier.

FOI #19-085 (03-26-19, 9:25am) - Subject - Law School Faculty Salaries

Name - Angel Oquendo

Affiliation - Professor at UConn Law

Salaries of all tenured and tenure-track law professors from 2018 until the present

FOI #19-084 (03-25-19, 10:10 am) - Subject - Football coaches contracts

Name - Shannon deLoach

Affiliation - Coaches Consulting Group

I would like to request a PDF copy of the employment agreements or MOU (and any applicable amendments) for UConn assistant football coaches Aaron Smith and Eddie Allen.

FOI #19-083 - Subject - Interactive Promotional Video Production : RFP# MF081618.

Name - Nicholas Largy

Affiliation - Jr. Digital Strategist-

Requesting a copy of the winning porposal for RFP# MF081618.

FOI #19-082 (03-21-19, 12:12 pm) - Subject - Student Directory Information

Name - Barrett O'Neill

Affiliation -, LLC

I am requesting directory information related to the spring 2019 semester of currently enrolled students at the Storrs campus. The information I am requesting is:

I am requesting for expected 2020, 2021, 2022 classes.

First Name
Last Name
Year Level

FOI #19-081 - Subject - Certified payroll records submitted for Lighthouse Masonry for thier work on the STEM building

Name - Kimberly Glassman

Affiliation - Foundation for Fair Contracting of Connecticut

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act Sec. 1-210. we are requesting the certified payroll records submitted by Lighthouse Masonry for work performed on the STEM building project.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Student Student UCONNIC Artists UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Christopher Peak New Haven Independent Contracts, Disclosure Forms UConn Health Complete
Meghan Sweeney Ruel Ruel Goings & Britt, LLC Job offer to Fidan Ana Kurtulus Hinson UConn Storrs Complete
Kimberly Glassman Foundation for Fair Contracting of Connecticut UCONN Gant Building Renovation - Project No. 901803 UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student The Daily Campus Email Correspondence & OIE Report UConn Storrs Complete
Angel Oquendo Professor at UConn Law Law School Faculty Salaries UConn Regional Campus Complete
Shannon deLoach Coaches Consulting Group Football coaches contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Nicholas Largy Jr. Digital Strategist- Interactive Promotional Video Production : RFP# MF081618. UConn Storrs Premature request
Barrett O'Neill, LLC Student Directory Information UConn Storrs Complete
Kimberly Glassman Foundation for Fair Contracting of Connecticut Certified payroll records submitted for Lighthouse Masonry for thier work on the STEM building UConn Storrs Complete