Request Log

FOI #19-100 - Subject - Orthopaedic Surgery Clinical

Name - Michael Aronow

Affiliation - Orthopedic Associates of Hartford, PC

1. A copy of all orthopaedic surgery clinical faculty employment contracts/ appointment letters generated, signed, offered, or in effect subsequent to July 1, 2018. This includes original employment contracts/ appointment letters for new faculty, renewed/ renegotiated employment contracts/ appointment letters for established faculty, and currently pending contract offers.
2. A list of all documents that you have obtained related to the above requests but were excluded and the reason they were excluded.

FOI #19-099 - Subject - Charter Air Travel Records

Name - Craig Raabe

Affiliation - Izard, Kindall & Raabe

We write pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat.§§ 1-200 et seq., the Freedom of Information Act, to request inspection and copies of the following public records or files ("records"), as defined in Conn. Gen. Stat. § 1-200(5):

1. Any and all contracts or agreements for charter air travel taken by any UCONN employee(s) and/or student(s), including but not limited to athletic staff and/or student athletes from January 1, 2012 to the present.
2. Records sufficient to show the total amount spent per year from January 1, 2012 to the present on any charter air travel within the scope of Request No. 1.
3. Any and all contracts or agreements for fractional aircraft ownership related to travel taken by any UCONN employee(s) and/or student(s), including but not limited to athletic staff and/or student athletes from
January 1, 2012 to the present.
4. Records sufficient to show the total amount spent per year from January 1, 2012 to the present on any fractional aircraft ownership within the scope of Request No. 3.

FOI #19-098 - Subject - Medical Complaints

Name - Paul Fine

Affiliation -

Provide me with copies of any and all medical complaints filed or made on record against Dr. Ricardo Ruiz between December 2000 to present.
I also request a copy of your sworn medical hypocritic oath, that you get when becoming licensed to the medical field.

FOI #19-097 - Subject - Hartford Promise & New Haven Promise Scholarships

Name - Ted Deeley

Affiliation -

Please also consider this email as a formal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to provide me with data on both the Hartford Promise and the New Haven Promise scholarship programs indicating the amount of "not stacked" additional funding provided for each year since inception under each of these programs. By "additional funding" I mean, the amount of scholarship funding that resulted from increasing a candidates financial aid over and above what they would normally received from UConn. For example, if a candidate would normally receive $3,000 of financial aid from UConn, they would then benefit from receiving an additional $2,000 under these programs utilizing the "not stacked" provision of these MOUs.

FOI #19-096 (04-2-19, 10:58 pm) - Subject - Furniture Receipts

Name - Zoey Turturino

Affiliation -

I'd like to request documents associated with the purchasing of furniture (chairs, tables, beds) for UConn residence halls in Storrs and Stamford. Vendor information, purchaser/purchasing department, cost, and date of purchase.

I'd like to request documents associated with purchases from the Correctional Enterprises of Connecticut (CEC) in the past ten years.

FOI #19-095 - Subject - Student Directory Information

Name - Virginia Johnson

Affiliation - Meadowbrook Gardens

In accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut, the undersigned hereby requests the right to inspect and make a copy of the following public information which you have on all students currently registered at your state university, but limited as to each student to the following information only:
1. Name;
2. Home Mailing Address;
3. Campus Mailing Address;
4. E-mail Address;
5. Campus Telephone Number;
6. Permanent Home Address;
7. Permanent Home Telephone Number;
8. Parent/Legal Guardian Names;
9. Parent/Legal Guardian Telephone Numbers;
10. Parent/Legal Guardian Email Addresses;

FOI #19-094 - Subject - Katsouleas Contract

Name - Ken Dixon

Affiliation -

Under the terns of the state Freedom of Information Act, I request a copy of Thomas C. Katsouleas’s contract.

FOI #19-093 - Subject - Purchasing Records

Name - Danick Baron

Affiliation - SmartProcure

SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the University of Connecticut Health Center for any and all purchasing records from 2018-11-30 (yyyy-mm-dd) to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable.
The specific information requested from your record keeping system is:
1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number
2. Purchase date
3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase)
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address

FOI #19-092 - Subject - Directory Information for students enroled in Spring 2019 semester

Name - Joe Bassford

Affiliation - Education Connection 2.0

As permitted by FERPA regulations, Education Connection 2.0 is requesting directory information for students enrolled in the Spring 2019 semester from University of Connecticut. We are seeking the following information:
First Name
Last Name
(*If email cannot be provided, no list is needed. However, please respond so I can remove you from the list.)

Additionally, I am requesting a list of students for all campuses/colleges in your system even if not specifically listed in the introduction.

FOI #19-091 (03-29-19, 1:31 pm) - Subject - Jeffrey Lefebvre

Name - Nicolas Lefebvre

Affiliation - Jeffrey Lefebvre

I need access to all emails sent to and received by my father, Jeffery Lefebvre.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Michael Aronow Orthopedic Associates of Hartford, PC Orthopaedic Surgery Clinical UConn Health Complete
Craig Raabe Izard, Kindall & Raabe Charter Air Travel Records UConn Storrs Complete
Paul Fine Medical Complaints UConn Health Complete
Ted Deeley Hartford Promise & New Haven Promise Scholarships UConn Storrs Complete
Zoey Turturino Furniture Receipts UConn Storrs Complete
Virginia Johnson Meadowbrook Gardens Student Directory Information UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Ken Dixon Katsouleas Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Danick Baron SmartProcure Purchasing Records UConn Health Complete
Joe Bassford Education Connection 2.0 Directory Information for students enroled in Spring 2019 semester UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Nicolas Lefebvre Jeffrey Lefebvre Jeffrey Lefebvre UConn Storrs Complete