• The original job posting.
• The names of those who served on the search committee, and the dates of their most recent search committee training.
• Any and all recruitment qualification reports.
• Any and all applicant selection reports.
• Any and all applicant summary reports.
• Any and all candidate selection reports.
• Any and all additional materials or reports produced in relation to this search.
The numbers of students in each grade who lived in UConn housing over the last 10 years (say, from the 2008-2009 school year to the 2018-2019 school year), and the costs of various types of housing each of those years.
FOI #19-118 - Subject - UCONN Intramural Recreation Intercollegiate Center, #901332, KING HILL RD & Lot 9, Start Date: 7/1/2017
Name - Joseph Monahan
Affiliation - Local 103 of Greater Boston
Copies of the Bid Results containing the electrical bidders and their bid amounts for the UCONN Intramural Recreation Intercollegiate Center, #901332, KING HILL RD & Lot 9, Start Date: 7/1/2017 project.
FOI #19-116 (04-12-19, 1:13 pm) - Subject - CBA article 10.3 and related records
Name - James Boster
Affiliation -
(1) All public records, documents, and communications relating to Article 10.3 of the UConn-AAUP CBA since 1976. This includes but is not limited to all records mentioning “10.3” in communications between AAUP and UConn CBA negotiating teams, in pertinent notes and records taken by or exchanged among UConn staff members, and in legal notes and briefs in all past or pending claims and litigation whether in CBA arbitration or in the courts.
(2) Copies of all emails sent or received by past and present members of the UConn Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations, the UConn Department of Communications, and the UConn Office of the General Counsel dated April 2014 to the present that mention “10.3” OR “Boster.”
(3) Copies of all emails sent or received by past and present members of the UConn Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations, the UConn Department of Communications, and the UConn Office of the General Counsel dated April 2014 to the present that mention any of the last names “Bannister,” “Eagen,” “McCarthy,” & “LaVallee” AND mention any of the search terms enumerated below.
FOI #19-115 - Subject - Purchasing Order Information
Name - Sean Saver
Affiliation - P212121, LLC
P212121, LLC is submitting a commercial FOIA request to the University of Connecticut for any and all electronic purchasing records from 2015-01-01 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without copying, scanning or printing.
The specific information requested from your record keeping system is:
1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number
2. Purchase date
3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase)
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address
FOI #19-113 (04-9-19, 1:28 pm) - Subject - Football Contracts
Name - Dan Brechlin
Affiliation - Hartford Courant
Hi, I am requesting the contracts for the following coaches: Eddie Allen, Frank Giufre, Lou Spanos, Dennis Dottin-Carter, Corey Edsall, Jarren Horton, Mike Moyseenko, Darrell Perkins, Aaron Smith, and Kyle Weiss. Also, please include any amendments to those contracts. If there is no contract, please include any MOU.
All documents Associated with All concerns which I reported In 2019 to
Office of Healthcare & Regulatory Compliance
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030-8214
As well as:
All documents Associated with All concerns which I reported during the calendar months of December 2018 thru February 2019
To the Office of Privacy Protection & Management
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030-8214
All documents (physical and or digital) Which are related directly or indirectly to my Employment at the clinical Skills Department
UConn Health
263 Farmington Ave.
Farmington, CT 06830
From 2008 thru 2018
That are retrievable from that department.
FOI #19-111 (04-8-19, 2:31 pm) - Subject - Pharmacy
Name - Lily Jackson
Affiliation - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Pursuant to the state open records act, I request access to and copies of:
1. Records reflective of the current inventory of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) at your institution’s pharmacy (or pharmacies), specifically pharmacies that primarily cater towards students and their healthcare needs. Exclude from this request pharmacies associated with your institution’s larger healthcare network, and that cater to towards the general or primarily- non-student populations. Please specify the day or time period that the record(s) is reflective of.
2. Records of prescriptions for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) prescribed at your institution's student health center(s) from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2018.