FOI #19-153 - Subject - Annual Budget & Expenditures
Name - Holly Mendelson
Affiliation - Publisher, INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine
I request that a copy of documents containing the following information be provided to me:
• Overall annual budget dollars allocated to specifically to your office for diversity, equity, and inclusion (you may have a different title) for academic years 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019.
• Provide the allocation as follows:
Expenditure Amount % of Total FY Budget
Personnel – salaries and benefits
Diversity programs
Recruitment of diverse faculty
Recruitment of diverse students
Criteria: All e-mails containing Peter, Pete, Pete Frost, Peter Frost, Frost, or any applicable variation
Date Range: December 15, 2017 - Current
• Ayotte, Lionel
• Gray, Carrie
• Jankowski, Adam
• Kennedy, Molly
• Luby, Brian
• Thomas, Thankachan
Processing Order: Last Name A to Z (as displayed above)
FOI #19-150 (05-16-19, 3:43 pm) - Subject - OIE Communications
Name -
Affiliation -
All communications between the Department of Mathematics and the Office of Institutional Equity including, but not limited to, emails and witness interviews.
Deltek is submitting a public records request to University of Connecticut, Health Center. We are looking for a list of every vendor term/annual contract with a future expiration date that has been awarded through the Bid/RFP process. The information we are looking for to be included in the list is as follows:
- Title/description
- Expiration date
- Awarded vendor name
- Any additional details that are easy to include (example: contract start date, contract renewal terms, pricing information…)
Please include information from 1/1/2017 to present.
I would like to place a Freedom of Information request for salary data for all basic science faculty at UCHC. Please include Salary FTE, Start date, title, bonuses, and admin salary.
FOI #19-147 - Subject - Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President for Health Affairs for UConn Health system
Name - Bill Garrity
Affiliation - President UHP
We are requesting the following information. Please provide:
1. Any and all documents relating to or referencing Dr. Andrew Agwunobi’s (Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President for Health Affairs for UConn Health system) private consulting activities during his hiring and subsequent employment atUConn Health, including but not limited to:
● Dr. Agwunobi’s requests for permission to engage in private consulting activities, and the written responses from his supervisor for each request.
● Year-end reconciliation reports for his consulting activities.
● Annual reports by the Provost and the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs of consulting activities for the faculty members under their jurisdictions.
2. Documentation of the following:
● Dr. Agwunobi’s schedule or documentation of hours worked for UConn Health each week since his date of hire.
● Number of hours or days of unpaid time off (outside of normal vacation or sick time granted by his employment contract) taken each year, since his date of hire.
FOI #19-146 - Subject - Phase 1 - Gant Building Project
Name - Kimberly Glassman
Affiliation -
Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act Sec. 1-210, the Foundation for Fair Contracting (FFC) is requesting copies of certified payroll records submitted by the companies listed below, when applicable, for work being performed on Phase 1 the above-referenced Gant Building project.
• Barall & Konover Flooring
• Connecticut Carpentry Corp, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 2.23 .19 through the present
• DePaoli Mosaic
• Ferguson Mechanical, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 3 .2.19 through the present
• Ferguson Electric, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 3.2.19 through the present
• Manganaro Northeast - From wk ending 2.24.19 through the present
• New Britain Fence - From wk ending 2.26.19 through the present
• Pro Cut of CT - From wk ending 3 .16.19 through the present
• Scholar Painting - From wk ending 3 .16.19 through the present
• Sign Pro
• Tradesmen International - From wk ending 2.26.19 through the present
• Witch Enterprises - From wk ending 3 .17 .19 through the present
Affiliation - Data Reporter, The Chronicle of Higher Education
I am writing to request that you send to this email address an electronic copy of all Form 990s (and all associated schedules, including Schedule Bs) completed for or by the UCHCFC CIRCLE ROAD CORP after 2018-05-07.
FOI #19-143 (05-10-19, 9:30 am) - Subject - RFP UCHC5-106887287 (2018) Cost Accounting and Clinical Decision Support and Contract Management
Name - Robert Mancilla
Affiliation - Kaufman, Hall & Associates, LLC
1. A copy of the winning submitted proposal for RFP UCHC5-106887287
2. A copy of the final executed contract documents related to RFP UCHC5-106887287
3. A copy of the winning price detail submitted for RFP UCHC5-106887287
4. A copy of all pricing forms related to RFP UCHC5-106887287 submitted by the proposers in this proposal.
5. A copy of any and all documents containing scoring criteria and final scores for the top 5 bidders of RFP UCHC5-106887287
6. A copy of all evaluation forms and documentation related to RFP UCHC5-106887287 completed by the committee.