Request Log

FOI #19-163 - Subject - Coach's Contract

Name - Zach Agostino

Affiliation -

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of the following public records: the employment contract and any subsequent amendments for coach Katie Woods.

FOI #19-162 (05-30-19, 1:24 pm) - Subject - Letter from Committee on Undergraduate Writing Initiative and related email correspondence.

Name - David Amdur

Affiliation - University of Connecticut AAUP

I am requesting a letter by the Committee on Undergraduate Writing Initiative (CUWI) sent via email on behalf of the committee by Assoc.Prof. of English Kathleen Tonry to CLAS Assoc. Dean of Humanities Cathy Schulnd-Vials I am also requesting the email response(s) from Schulnd-Vials to Tonry, as well as all emails between the two for the time period 3/1/2019 to 5/30/2019

FOI #19-161 (05-29-19, 4:59 pm) - Subject - Request for Contracts

Name - Josephine Gartrell

Affiliation -

Please let this email serve as a request for contracts/employment agreements, extensions and/or amendments for the following positions:
• Athletic Director
• Head Coach – Men’s Basketball
• Head Coach – Women’s Basketball
• President / Chancellor

FOI #19-160 (05-29-19, 10:26 am) - Subject - Electronic Copy (CSV/Excel) of Public Directory Information

Name - Jesus Marco del Carmen

Affiliation -

Public directory information for each and every undergraduate, graduate, professional and any other University student, enrolled during the Fall 2014 semester.

FOI #19-159 - Subject - Athletics Coaches Contracts

Name - Max Moss

Affiliation - Priority Sports & Entertainment

Copies of the contracts (and any amendments/extensions) for the head men’s basketball coach and his 3 assistant coaches, as well as for the head football coach and his 10 assistant coaches.

FOI #19-158 - Subject - Outstanding Checks

Name - Michael Lazar

Affiliation - Marketsphere

Pursuant to Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq.we respectfully request the most up to date information pertaining to the following types of obligations:
• Outstanding and refundable credit balances.
• Unclaimed, uncashed, undeliverable, staled-dated, voided, overdue and/or outstanding payments or checks/warrants issued and owed by The University of Connecticut.

If some of this request is exempt from release, please release the remainder of the record which is allowed. Please provide all requested records that are greater than $500, are claimable (The obligation to the payee has not been voided by law), The funds have not been turned over to the abandoned property office, and the funds are not in the process of being issued or reissued. We also are only requesting records that have been outstanding for a period of over 3 months and are due to companies NOT individual citizens. For each property, please provide issue dates, payee names, addresses, and dollar amounts due. If possible, an excel document would be the desired format to receive data for all available years.

FOI #19-157 - Subject - Revenue & Expenses Report

Name - Dakota Palmer

Affiliation - USA TODAY

Pursuant to state open records laws, I am requesting the following documents as part of a collaboration with USA

1. The revenue-and-expenses report completed by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 fiscal years. It is a multi-page document that was due to be filed with the NCAA on Jan. 15, 2019. It contains more than 40 revenue and expense categories, followed by specific breakdowns of each of those categories, by sport and gender. I am requesting the full report, including the detail tables and the entire Statement of Revenues and Expenses that appears at the end of the report. PLEASE NOTE: The NCAA report is different than the equity report that is sent to the U.S. Department of Education for Title IX compliance.

FOI #19-156 - Subject - Directory Information

Name - David Asari

Affiliation - Honor Society Foundation

All undergraduate and graduate students
a. Prefix
b. First Name
c. Middle Name
d. Last Name
e. Suffix
f. Current Address 1
g. Current Address 2
h. Current Address 3
i. Current City
j. Current State
k. Current Zip
l. Current Country
m. Permanent Address 1
n. Permanent Address 2
o. Permanent Address 3
p. Permanent City
q. Permanent State
r. Permanent Zip
s. Permanent Country
t. Personal Email
u. School Email
v. Expected Graduation Date
w. Any academic honors distinctions, and the requirements to achieve such distinction.
x. Designation of students which achieve our recognition status levels of 3.2-3.49 for honors, 3.5-3.79 for high honors, or 3.8+ for highest honors.

FOI #19-155 - Subject - AAUP Correspondence

Name - James Boster

Affiliation -

Documents corroborating four interrelated points:
1. That the AAUP originally drafted article 10.3.
2. That the AAUP insisted on its inclusion into the 1977 UConn-AAUP CBA.
3. That UConn initially resisted the inclusion of the article.
4. That, nevertheless, the AAUP prevailed.

I also request all other documents stored in the UConn archives that are relevant to the negotiation of grievance procedures for the initial 1977 UConn-AAUP CBA.

FOI #19-154 - Subject - Athletic Contracts

Name - Steve Smith

Affiliation -

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to kindly request the following information related to athletic professionals employed by the University of Connecticut:
• The 2019 contract, or most recent contract extension/amendment for head football coach Randy Edsall.
• The 2019 contract, 2019 season salary if contract is not available, for football defensive coordinator Lou Spanos.
• The 2019 contract, 2019 season salary if contract is not available, for football offensive coordinator Fran Guifre.

Also, I would like to request the 2019 salaries for the following individuals associated with the football program.

Eddie Allen
Dennis Dottin-Carter
Corey Edsall
Jarren Horton
Mike Moyseenko
Darrell Perkins
Aaron Smith
Kyle Weiss
Ryan Steinberg
Michael Zyskowski
Andy Baylock
Rebecca Dunstan
David Harris
Robert Downes
Ben Chapman
Jake Bahr
John Sibel
Ryan Braley

In addition, I would like to request the 2019 salary of any strength and conditioning professional or recruiting staff member not listed above who is involved with the football program,

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Zach Agostino Coach's Contract UConn Storrs Complete
David Amdur University of Connecticut AAUP Letter from Committee on Undergraduate Writing Initiative and related email correspondence. UConn Storrs Complete
Josephine Gartrell Request for Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Jesus Marco del Carmen Electronic Copy (CSV/Excel) of Public Directory Information UConn Regional Campus Clarification requested
Max Moss Priority Sports & Entertainment Athletics Coaches Contracts UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Michael Lazar Marketsphere Outstanding Checks UConn Storrs Complete
Dakota Palmer USA TODAY Revenue & Expenses Report UConn Storrs Complete
David Asari Honor Society Foundation Directory Information UConn Storrs Clarification requested
James Boster AAUP Correspondence UConn Storrs Complete
Steve Smith Athletic Contracts UConn Storrs Complete