Request Log

FOI #19-173 - Subject - Football Records

Name - Dean Holliday

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request to inspect an/or copy the following documents:
1. Any and all football roasters 1994-1995
2. Any pages of the UConn football media guides 1994-1995
3. Any and all football photos 1994-1995
4. Any and all travel records 1994-1995
5. Any and all scholarship papers 1994-1995

FOI #19-172 - Subject - Faculty Conduct Complaints

Name - Will Healey

Affiliation - Journal Inquirer

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I request access to any documentation the university possesses related to complaints about a faculty member and investigations into his conduct.

FOI #19-171 - Subject - Beverage Contracts

Name - Eva Greenthal

Affiliation - Center for Science in the Public Interest

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). C.G.S. § 1-200, et seq. the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) requests copies of any contracts, signed and/or active as of June 12, 2019 between University of Connecticut and The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Red Bull, Polar Beverages, and/or any other company offering rights to sell, market, promote, and/or advertise beverages on the University of Connecticut’s campus.

CSPI also requests copies of any and all emails exchanged between employees of University of Connecticut and employees of The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Red Bull, Polar Beverages, and/or other beverage company, in the past three years, relating to contracts with the companies and/or marketing of beverages or volume of beverage sales.

If this request is denied in whole or in part, we ask that you cite in writing the specific statutory exemption upon which you have relied, as required by law. Please waive any costs associated with this request as it is within your discretion as a public agency, or first inform us about such costs prior to taking any action that would incur a charge.

Please send copies of beverage contracts separate from copies of emails if the latter will take longer to produce, rather than waiting to produce all requested documents at one time.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. If you have any questions, please contact me at 202-777-8385, or by email at

FOI #19-170 (06-10-19, 7:55 pm) - Subject - Athletics department football-related documents

Name - Steve Berkowitz

Affiliation - USA Today

1. The contracts and base salaries covering the 2019-20 season for the head football coach, the 10 full-time assistant football coaches and the football team’s head strength/conditioning coach, including but not limited to:
§ Amendments or addenda.
§ Documents reflecting current or intended compensation or benefits to any of the coaches from a third party.
*If the head coach (or any assistant or the strength/conditioning coach) is not covered by a contract, please provide the applicable letter of understanding or other document that outlines his compensation and a copy of any document listing bonuses for which the coach is eligible, including criteria for the bonuses and the amounts that would be paid.
*If the head coach (or any assistant or the strength/conditioning coach) is employed on an at-will basis, please provide a list of each coach’s base salary and a copy of any document listing bonuses for which the coach is eligible, including criteria for the bonuses and the amounts that would be paid.
*If the football team does not have a dedicated strength/conditioning coach, I would like to obtain the compensation information for the athletics department’s head strength/conditioning coach.

2. The most recent athletically related outside-income reports for the head football coach, the 10 assistant football coaches and the football team’s head strength/conditioning coach described above. This is a document that, pursuant to an NCAA rules change in August 2018, athletic personnel must file annually to report income of more than $600 from sources other than the university. If the university has not yet resumed collecting these documents, please state that in the response to this request.

3. An itemized list of incentive bonus amounts actually paid to the current head football coach from May 15, 2018 through May 14, 2019. The goal of this request is to obtain data about bonus payments made for sport-related goals achieved during the 2018-19 football season and/or for academic or other achievements during a full, 12-month period, even though that period may not conform with the school’s fiscal year or academic year or with the coach’s contract year.

4. The university’s contracts for non-conference football games scheduled to be played during the 2019 regular season, including any amendments.

FOI #19-169 - Subject - Hurley Contract

Name - Isaiah Rice

Affiliation -

Copy of any contracts for employment and any amendments thereto and any other documents regarding additional compensation including, but not limited to, the NCAA form regarding additional compensation for Dan Hurley, Head Men’s Basketball Coach.

FOI #19-168 - Subject - Financial Aid

Name - Timothy Ballingall

Affiliation -

Aggregate number of undergraduate and aggregate number of graduate/professional students at the University of Connecticut whose Expected Family Contributions for the 2018-19 academic year were below $5,486 (putting them in the Pell-Grant-eligibility range) and who also indicated on their FAFSA forms that they have children.

FOI #19-167 (05-31-19, 4:44 pm) - Subject - RFP # JL041217 - Employee Recruiting and Onboarding Software

Name - Jennifer Cukoviq

Affiliation - PageUp People Inc.

We would like to submit a Freedom of Information Act request for RFP # JL041217 - Employee Recruiting and Onboarding Software.
Please include submitted proposals including prices for all vendors and a complete copy of all vendor responses.

FOI #19-166 - Subject - Outstanding Checks

Name - Peter Butler

Affiliation - El Dorado Locators

Dear UCONN representative,

I am requesting a list of checks issued by the University of Connecticut since January 1, 2018 that are now over six months old and considered stale-dated / outstanding / uncashed and in the amount of $2,000.00 or greater.

If possible, I would like the list to include only those checks that have not been replaced with reissued checks. I am interested in data pertaining only to vendors, businesses, agencies, etc. and not to students or employees.

Preferably I would like to obtain the list via e-mail attachment in the Excel spreadsheet format. If possible I would like the list to include the payee name, last known address, amount of check, check number, and date of check.

In order to minimize the work on your end, if a similar report already exists that contains more or less information, that would be fine. I do not wish to create a lot of work on your end or expense on my end to obtain this report.

Please let me know if there is a fee to obtain these records.

Thank you very much for your assistance and please let me know if you have any questions.

Sincerely, Peter Butler

FOI #19-165 - Subject - Water Supply Plan

Name - Charles Vidich

Affiliation -

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting a digital or hard copy of the university's 1999 Water Supply Plan. This document was prepared for the university to comply with requirements for public water supply planning established by the Connecticut State Department of Public Health.

If there is a fee for obtaining this document, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

FOI #19-164 (05-30-19, 2:07 pm) - Subject - RFP No. 300071 McMahan Hall Envelope Repairs (award date 2018 0926)

Name - Marc Loranger

Affiliation - Gale Associates, Inc.

Gale would like to request an appointment to review the proposals of all of the bidders, including the successful firm, Simpson, Gumperts, & Heger, Inc. We would also like to review the score sheets of all of the proposals to gain a better understanding of the selection criteria.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Dean Holliday Football Records UConn Storrs Complete
Will Healey Journal Inquirer Faculty Conduct Complaints UConn Storrs Complete
Eva Greenthal Center for Science in the Public Interest Beverage Contracts UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Steve Berkowitz USA Today Athletics department football-related documents UConn Storrs Complete
Isaiah Rice Hurley Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Timothy Ballingall Financial Aid UConn Storrs Complete
Jennifer Cukoviq PageUp People Inc. RFP # JL041217 - Employee Recruiting and Onboarding Software UConn Storrs Complete
Peter Butler El Dorado Locators Outstanding Checks UConn Storrs Complete
Charles Vidich Water Supply Plan UConn Storrs Complete
Marc Loranger Gale Associates, Inc. RFP No. 300071 McMahan Hall Envelope Repairs (award date 2018 0926) UConn Storrs Complete