Request Log

FOI #19-183 (06-23-19, 11:06 am) - Subject - Electronic communication between UConn administration and BIG EAST officials

Name - John Steppe

Affiliation - Marquette Wire

All electronic communication involving university president Susan Herbst, Director of Athletics David Benedict, UConn Athletics chief operating officer Adrianne Swinney with the keywords "BIG EAST", "BIGEAST" and/or "Val Ackerman".

FOI #19-182 (06-21-19, 11:36 am) - Subject - Chemical Waste And Related Environmental Services Disposal Invoices

Name - David Holmgreen


Tradebe is in receipt of the RFP CP061919. To provide accurate line item pricing in our submittal, we would like to request copies of the six most recent invoices for these services.

FOI #19-181 - Subject - Personnel File

Name - Employee Employee

Affiliation -

Copy of files related to me in possession of Jeri Elmendorf.

FOI #19-180 - Subject - Various Dept Correspondence and Records

Name - Claire Howard


This letter is a formal request, pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut General Statutes§§ 1-200, et seq., that the University of Connecticut provide any and all documents or information, whether in electronic or hard-copy format, regarding the following :
1. All documents, including, but not limited to, meeting minutes, memos, notes, statements, e-mails, text messages or other correspondence sent to and/or received by Michael Gilbert, Elly Daugherty, Christopher Delello, Dorrin Exford, Celeste Barros, Elizabeth Conklin, Kevin O'Connell, Kimberly Hill, Alessia Satterfield, Emerson Loisel, Ashley Vrabely, Kimberly Colon, Britni Henze, Jane Benoit-Bean, John Volin, and Jennifer Brodie, referring to or mentioning Catherine Cocks, from November 1, 2017 through the date of this letter.
2. All documents, including, but not limited to, meeting minutes, memos, notes, statements, e-mails, text messages or other correspondence sent to and/or received by the Human Resources Department referring to or mentioning Catherine Cocks, from November 1, 2017 through the date of this letter.
3. Any and all contracts with Dorrin Exford and/or Performance Consulting from 2013 through the date of this letter.
4. Any and all purchase orders or purchase requisitions for Dorrin Exford and/or Performance Consulting, whether in electronic or hard-copy format.
5. Any and all contracts with Celeste Barros from 2013 through the date of this letter.
6. Any and all purchase orders or purchase requisitions for Celeste Barros, whether in electronic or hard-copy format.
7. All documents, including , but not limited to, meeting minutes, memos, notes, statements, e-mails, text messages or other correspondence sent to and/or received by Michael Gilbert, Elly Daugherty, Christopher Delello, Dorrin Exford, Celeste Barros, Elizabeth Conklin, Kevin O'Connell, Kimberly Hill, Alessia Satterfield, Emerson Loisel, Ashley Vrabely, Kimberly Colon, Britni Henze, JaneBenoit-Bean, John Volin and Jennifer Brodie, referring to or mentioning Michael Gilbert, from November 1, 2017 through the date of this letter.
8. All electronic communications sent to or received by Michael Gilbert, Elly Daugherty, Christopher Delello, Dorrin Exford, Celeste Barros, Elizabeth Conklin, Kevin O'Connell, Kimberly Hill, Alessia Satterfield, Emerson Loisel, Ashley Vrabely, Kimberly Colon, Britni Henze, Jane Benoit-Bean, John Volin, and Jennifer Brodie, referring to or mentioning the 360 evaluation, from November 1, 2017 through the date of this letter.
9. All text message communications between Elly Daugherty and Rachel Rubin referring to or mentioning Catherine Cocks, from August 1, 2017 through the date of this letter.
10. AII documents, including, but not limited to, meeting minutes, logs, memos,notes, statements, e-mails, text messages or other correspondence sent to and/or received by Elly Daughtry, Catherine Cocks, Kim Fearney, Elizabeth Conklin, and Rachel Rubin...

FOI #19-179 (06-20-19, 6:29 pm) - Subject - Ice Hockey Arena on Storrs Campus

Name - Scott Rosenbach

Affiliation - Husch Blackwell, LLP

In accordance with the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request copies of any Master Development Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, Operating Agreement, documents relating to financing structure, or any other relevant agreement or document relating to UConn's Ice Hockey Arena.

FOI #19-178 (06-20-19, 11:36 am) - Subject - Applicant Materials

Name - Anne Block

Affiliation - Gold Bar Reporter News

Seeking public records on Crystal D Pennington. Please provide all applications and supporting references and letters in support of her application.

FOI #19-177 - Subject - Athletics Correspondence

Name - Daniel Libit

Affiliation - The Intercollegiate

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, I request the following:

All agreements with outside consultants or consulting firms for work that in any way relates to the university's athletic department, since Jan. 1, 2018. This would include, but is NOT limited to, matters involving:
Hiring searches, buyouts, legal matters, Title IX compliance, facility improvements, department restructuring, department staffing.
This request should include original agreements and any addenda in the least redacted form, as provided by state law. In the event any documents are withheld or redacted, I request the university cite the specific exemptions that are being relied upon.

All documentary materials related to 2018-2019 student athlete exit interviews. This should include, but is not limited to, copies of written or online surveys filled out by participating (current or former) athletes; notes from athletics administrators or faculty athletic representatives who conducted in-person exit interviews with outgoing athletes; transcripts of interviews with exiting athletes; university-produced memoranda, summaries, reports and/or analyses of the exit interviews/surveys, or which incorporate the exit interviews/surveys.

All interpretation requests between the university’s athletic department compliance staff and the NCAA, since Jan. 1, 2019. This includes, but is not limited to, case summaries of requests made through the NCAA’s interpretation portal, as well as the NCAA’s responses.

FOI #19-176 (06-17-19, 6:22 pm) - Subject - NCAA Financial Reports

Name - Merritt Enright

Affiliation - NBC News

I am requesting any and all documents included in San Diego State University’s annual financial report to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), as required by NCAA Bylaw, for each school year beginning with the 2009-2010 school year through the 2018-2019 school year. If the 2018-2019 school year report has not yet been compiled, please provide all reports from the 2009-2010 school year through the 2017-2018 school year.

I would like the records in whatever format is most expedient—preferably a Microsoft Excel format— or however the records are most conveniently kept.

As a representative of the news media, I am only required to pay for the direct cost of duplication. Through this request, I am gathering information on reason that is of ongoing interest to the public. This information is being sought on behalf of NBC News for dissemination to the general public.

FOI # 19-175 (06-14-19, 5:52 pm) - Subject - UConn Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation - Stadium

I'd like to request the University of Connecticut's NCAA Financial Report for the fiscal reporting year of 2018.

FOI #19-174 (06-13-19, 12:46 pm) - Subject - Contracts Between University of Connecticut and Barnes & Noble Education

Name - Nicholas Sengstaken

Affiliation - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Undergraduate Student Government Executive Branch

Pursuant to state public records law, I request a copy of the term sheet and full/complete contract between the University of Connecticut and Barnes & Noble Education, including but not limited to the performance standards, incentive structure, vendor codes of conduct, financial reports, etc. under which Barnes &; Noble will be required to run the Bookstore. This should clearly delineate all requirements and agreements between the two parties, including all relevant financial details. This shall also include all contracts, terms of service, or relevant documents related to a proposed or adopted “First Day,” inclusive access, or digital delivery program.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
John Steppe Marquette Wire Electronic communication between UConn administration and BIG EAST officials UConn Storrs Complete
David Holmgreen TRADEBE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, LLC Chemical Waste And Related Environmental Services Disposal Invoices UConn Storrs Complete
Employee Employee Personnel File UConn Health Complete
Claire Howard MADSEN, PRESTLEY & PARENTEAU, LLC Various Dept Correspondence and Records UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Scott Rosenbach Husch Blackwell, LLP Ice Hockey Arena on Storrs Campus UConn Storrs Premature request
Anne Block Gold Bar Reporter News Applicant Materials UConn Storrs No records available
Daniel Libit The Intercollegiate Athletics Correspondence UConn Storrs Complete
Merritt Enright NBC News NCAA Financial Reports UConn Storrs Complete
Andy Wittry Stadium UConn Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Nicholas Sengstaken University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Undergraduate Student Government Executive Branch Contracts Between University of Connecticut and Barnes & Noble Education UConn Storrs Complete