FOI #19-193 (07-2-19, 3:29 pm) - Subject - Campus Mental Health Counseling
Name - Collin Binkley
Affiliation - The Associated Press
I’d like to submit a request for public records related to mental health counseling at UConn.
Specifically, I would like to request records containing the following data:
- The annual number of on-campus mental health appointments attended by students for each year since 2014 (including year-to-date 2019)
- The number of unique students who received mental health services from the school for each year since 2014 (including year-to-date 2019)
- The campus counseling center’s annual budget for each year since 2014
- The number of licensed mental health counselors employed at the school’s counseling center for each year since 2014
- The average wait time for a non-crisis mental health counseling appointment in 2018
- The average wait time for a crisis counseling appointment in 2018
- The most common concern or concerns reported by students who received mental health services from the school in 2018
As background, I’m requesting these records from the largest public university in every state as part of a project examining the increase in demand for campus mental health services.
FOI #19-192 (07-1-19, 12:44 pm) - Subject - Parking Citations
Name - Colin McNeil
Affiliation - UCONN ITS
Parking citations and appeals for the year 2018 in the storrs campus, anonymized. Fields including citation amount, reason, color of vehicle, make, model. Citation appeals including appeal request letter, appeal action taken, and reason for denial.
Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, we formally request that your office provide us with public spending information, including both capital and operating expenditures, for payments made by or on behalf of The University of Connecticut Health Center during fiscal year 2019. Specifically, for any payee other than a regular employee or student paid a cumulative total amount of more than $5,000, we seek the payee name, address, and the cumulative total dollar amount paid to the subject payee over the relevant time period.
FOI #19-187 (06-26-19, 3:24 pm) - Subject - Football Contracts
Name - Kevin Kelley
Affiliation - BRI Solutions, LLC
All University of Connecticut football game contracts, memorandums of understanding, letters or cancellations for non-conference opponents for the 2020 season through the 2040 season (signed, dated, and/or received on or after February 1, 2019).
FOI #19-185 (06-24-19, 1:12 pm) - Subject - Big East correspondance
Name - Dan Brechlin
Affiliation - Hartford Courant
(1) All electronic communication involving university president Susan Herbst, Director of Athletics David Benedict, UConn Athletics chief operating officer Adrianne Swinney with the keywords "BIG EAST", "BIGEAST" and/or "Val Ackerman" dating back to June 1, 2018.
(2) I am requesting a letter/document formally inviting UConn to the Big East Conference from the conference/conference chairman. If this document is not yet available, please consider this a standing request until it is received.
I am also requesting any addenda to the offer letter including a contract to formally join the Big East and any financial details.
(3) I am requesting a copy of the American Athletic Conference membership contract/deal.
(4) I am requesting a document sent by the university to the American Athletic Conference notifying conference officials of UConn's withdrawal from the conference and any attachments and/or addenda. If this has not been sent yet, please consider this a standing request for the document(s).
FOI #19-184 (06-24-19, 12:08 pm) - Subject - Electronic communication to/from UConn officials on the American Athletic Conference
Name - Chris Vannini
Affiliation - The Athletic
This is a public records request for all electronic communication to and from university president Susan Herbst or athletic director David Benedict with the keywords "Big East," "BigEast," "American Athletic Conference," "AAC," "SNY," "Mike Aresco" and/or "Aresco."