FOI #19-213 (07-18-19, 4:07 pm) - Subject - Faculty letters of appointment and job descriptions for Area studies institutes
Name - David Amdur
Affiliation - UConn-AAUP
I am requesting all faculty letters of appointments and any accompanying job descriptions for UConn faculty who have served or are currently serving in the positions of Director and Associate Director of the Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies program; El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American studies; and the Africana Studies Institute or the former Institute for African American Studies from 1/1/2010 until 7/20/2019. If the faculty in question had or have a primary faculty appointment in an academic department I request that letter of appointment and any modifications made or addendums made. If the faculty member only has an academic appointment with one of the institutes then I request letter of appointment and any modifications made or addendums made, plus any accompanying job decsription.
FOI #19-212 - Subject - CCEI and Innovation Places Hartford/East Hartford' (IP-H/EH) Program
Name - Supriyo Chatterjee
Affiliation -
A. Connecticut Public Act No. 16-3 Section 7 states a 'public comment' period for the 'Innovation Places Hartford/East Hartford' (IP-H/EH) program:
Where were the invitations to this ‘public comment’ period advertised? What was the duration of this public comment period? How many ‘public comment’ statements were received? Were the ‘public comment’ statements included in the IP-H/EH Program Plan? If so, when was this released to the public? If not, can these ‘public comment’ statements be made available?
B. What are the compositions of the IP-H/EH Governing board and various committees and how were they appointed? What is the legal entity that was composed for the IP-H/EH InsurTech initiative? What are the meeting schedule of the board and various committees? Can copies of the meeting minutes be made available? Can these meetings be open to the public? If not – why not?
C. For 'Innovation Places Hartford/East Hartford' (IP-H/EH) InsurTech Initiative for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 (three years):
1). What are the compositions of the IP-H/EH InsurTech committees and how were they appointed? What is the legal entity that was composed for the IP-H/EH InsurTech initiative? What is the meeting schedule of these committees? Can copies of the meeting minutes be made available? Can these meetings be open to the public? If not – why not?
2). Can copies of the IP-H/EH InsurTech Quarterly reports for the Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 (three years) be made available to the public without filing FOIA requests?
3). Can copies of the IP-H/EH InsurTech master services agreement, intellectual property policy, participation criteria, and fee schedule for participating startups in this InsurTech initiative be made available to the public?
4). For the three years - Can copies of the RFP Bid notices for the IP-H/EH InsurTech accelerator showing the selection criteria, bid amounts expected, program duration, accelerator syllabus & other related content be made available? For the three years - how were the RFP Bids promoted? What were the media advertising, social media announcements, schedule and duration of RFP notices and responses?
5). As per Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies Title 4A Sec. 4a-5-5 Submission of Bids -
"All bids will be opened and read publicly and thereafter are subject to public inspection during normal business hours of the Bureau of Purchases. Bidders may be present or be represented at all openings." For the three years of the IP-H/EH InsurTech initiative - Can copies of all the RFP bid responses and the signed contracts be made available?
Nicholas Sengstaken
UNC Chapel Hill Undergraduate Student Government Executive Branch
FOI #19-211 (07-18-19, 12:14 pm) - Subject - UConn “First Day” Digital Delivery Program
Name - Nicholas Sengstaken
Affiliation - UNC Chapel Hill Undergraduate Student Government Executive Branch
Pursuant to state public records law, I request the following:
[1] All Financial Statements sent from Barnes and Noble College (“Operator”) to the University of Connecticut (UConn) since June 7th, 2016,
[2] The “Inclusive Access Letter to providers” document referenced on page 12 of the First Day Billing Guide last Updated August of 2018
[3] All Affordability Analysis sent from Barnes and Noble College (“Operator”) to the University of Connecticut (UConn) since June 7th, 2016
[4] All Correspondence and Documents sent between the UConn Office of General Counsel and Barnes and Noble College which reference “UNC Chapel Hill,” “First Day,” or “Digital Delivery”
[5] All Correspondence and Documents pertaining to the December 18, 2018 meeting which included Neil O. LeBeau and Patrick F. Nevins.
FOI #19-210 (07-18-19, 12:14 pm) - Subject - Title IX
Name - Danielle Lerner
Affiliation - Louisville Courier Journal
I am requesting access to and an electronic copy of the following documents:
- Title IX complaints which mention the word "basketball player"
- Reported incidents of sexual misconduct in which a UConn student was identified as a respondent
I am writing to request university communications under the Freedom of Information Act.
I am requesting all communication from January 1, 2019 to July 17, 2019 between the following:
President Susan Herbst and any and all of Mike Aresco, Val Ackerman, Mike Tranghese, and Bruce Rasmussen; and Athletic Director David Benedict and any and all of Mike Aresco, Val Ackerman, Mike Tranghese and Bruce Rasmussen.
I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of public records that pertain to the scheduling of non-conference games to be played by the UConn men's basketball team for the 2019-20 season.
These public records may include but are not limited to:
- Contractual agreements between UConn and other institutions or event planners
- Documents shared with UConn's affiliated conference regarding non-conference scheduling intentions
Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act I would like to know the number of UCPEA employees (full and part time) that are eligible to retire in the calendar year 2020 and calendar year 2021. I don’t need names, addresses etc. I only need a number for each year.
FOI #19-205 (07-16-19, 5:30 pm) - Subject - UConn-AAC Withdrawal
Name - Dan Brechlin
Affiliation - Hartford Courant
I am requesting a documented agreement between UConn and the American Athletic Conference allowing UConn to leave the conference. I am also requesting the terms of that agreement if they are part of a separate document. If the agreement has not yet been finalized, please consider this a standing request.
We are requesting the following information for Academic Year 2018-2019:
1. Number of undergraduate male students
2. Dollar amount of the scholarship assistance provided to undergraduate male students
3. Number of undergraduate female students
4. Dollar amount of the scholarship assistance provided to undergraduate female students
5. Number of graduate male students
6. Dollar amount of the scholarship assistance provided to graduate male students
7. Number of graduate female students
8. Dollar amount of the scholarship assistance provided to graduate female students