Request Log

FOI 19-233 (07-26-19, 2:58 pm) - Subject - Lodging Correspondence

Name - Kenny Jacoby

Affiliation - GateHouse Media

Please consider this a public records request for records of expenses incurred by your institution for lodging players, coaches and staff on your institution's football team in hotel/motel rooms for each of the following nights of stay:


FOI #19-232 (07-26-19, 2:58 pm) - Subject - SignPro

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - The Daily Campus

Copies of public records that relate to payments made to or contracts entered with SignPro between July 26, 2016 and July 26, 2019.

FOI #19-231 (07-26-19, 2:40 pm) - Subject - Documents related to job applications

Name - Nicholas Eshelman

Affiliation - Connecticut Lottery Corporation

All documents relating to the positions at UConn that I applied to between these dates 07/11/2016 - 05/22/2019.

FOI #19-230 (07-25-19, 3:50 pm) - Subject - OIE Records

Name - Employee Employee

Affiliation -

Copies of OIE records relating to me.

FOI #19-229 - Subject - Directory Information

Name - Janie Jordan

Affiliation - Data Manager

Copy of a listing of all University of Connecticut’s employees’ first and last names, e-mail addresses, title/position, and primary campus/department location.

FOI #19-228 - Subject - RFP # JL020118

Name - Rob Sloman

Affiliation - Inteum Company, LLC

Copy of the contract RFP # JL020118

FOI #19-227 - Subject - Hazardous Waste Transportation and Disposal Services

Name - Maddie Gantt

Affiliation - Marketing Intern

Stericycle Environmental Solutions, Inc. is requesting copies of the contract and associated proposal tabulations and the submitted pricing sheets related to the current Hazardous Waste Transportation and Disposal Services contract. This information is important for Stericycle to properly assess our service offerings and prepare the best value proposal for our clients and will enable us to better prepare a competitive offering the next time the contract is up for bid.

FOI #19-226 - Subject - UCONN Gant Building Renovation – STEM Phase 1 (Internal Case #17-28)

Name - Hope Redding

Affiliation - Foundation for Fair Contracting Of Connecticut, Inc.

Certified payroll records for the companies listed below for work being performed on the UCONN Gant Building Renovation STEM Phase 1 project reference above.

• A Quick Pick Crane (Sub of Ferguson Mechanical) - From Wk ending 3.30.19 through present
• Barall & Konover Flooring
• CT Carpentry - From Wk ending 4.27.19 through present
• DePaoli Mosaic - From Wk ending 5.1.19 through present
• Ferguson Electric - From Wk ending 4.27.19 through present
• Ferguson Mechanical - From Wk ending 4.27.19 through present
• Manganaro Northeast - From Wk ending 4.28.19 through present
• Any and all subcontractors to Massey Plate Glass & Aluminum
• New Britain Fence (Sub of CT Carpentry) - From Wk ending 4.30.19 through present
• P&D Mechanical - From Wk ending 4.28.19 through present
• PeopleReady (Sub of Ferguson Electric) - From Wk ending 4.28.19 through present
• Pro Cut of CT (Sub of Ferguson Mechanical) - From Wk ending 4.24.19 through present
• Scholar Painting - From Wk ending 4.27.19 through present
• Sign Pro
• Southern New England Electrical Testing (Sub of Ferguson Electric) - From Wk ending 4.28.19 through present
• Tradesmen Int’l (Sub of Ferguson Electric) - From Wk ending 4.27.19 through present
• Tradesmen Int’l (Sub of Ferguson Mechanical) - From Wk ending 4.27.19 through present
• Tradesource, Inc (Sub of Ferguson Electric) - From Wk ending 4.27.19 through present
• Witch Enterprises (Sub of Ferguson Electric) - From Wk ending 4.28.19 through present
• Witch Enterprises (Sub of Ferguson Mechanical) - From Wk ending 4.28.19 through present

FOI #19-225 - Subject - RFP# JL102317

Name - Karen Hartley

Affiliation - T2 Systems, Inc

In an effort to better understand our submittal, we are requesting the following information from the evaluation of the proposals and subsequent award from the above-referenced RFP:

1. Could you tell us the primary factor why the RFP was awarded to NuPark (PassPort)
2. Did NuPark (PassPort) propose any exceptions to the bid specifications?
3. Please provide RFP submissions from all vendors except T2, (including correspondence submitted subsequent to the initial RFP response and best and final offers (if applicable).
4. Electronic copies of the evaluation & all scoring sheets.
5. Electronic copy of the final contract.
Your help and information is very important to us and we appreciate your time in responding. We are willing to pay all fees required to obtain the above electronic documents. Please email me at with the full amount owed for electronic copies. We will promptly return a check to expedite the process.

FOI #19-224 (07-23-19, 10:12 am) - Subject - GA Parking Permit Purchases for the 2018-2019 Academic Year

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - UConn Graduate Employee Union (GEU-UAW Local 6950)

We kindly request any documentation that will provide complete counts of, or allow us to count, the number of parking permits of any category and/or type that were purchased by Graduate Employees (GA/TA) for the 2018-2019 academic year. This data should include Full Year, Spring Semester, and Summer Only permit purchases.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Kenny Jacoby GateHouse Media Lodging Correspondence UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student The Daily Campus SignPro UConn Storrs Complete
Nicholas Eshelman Connecticut Lottery Corporation Documents related to job applications UConn Storrs Complete
Employee Employee OIE Records UConn Health Complete
Janie Jordan Data Manager Directory Information UConn Storrs Complete
Rob Sloman Inteum Company, LLC RFP # JL020118 UConn Storrs Complete
Maddie Gantt Marketing Intern Hazardous Waste Transportation and Disposal Services UConn Storrs Complete
Hope Redding Foundation for Fair Contracting Of Connecticut, Inc. UCONN Gant Building Renovation – STEM Phase 1 (Internal Case #17-28) UConn Storrs Complete
Karen Hartley T2 Systems, Inc RFP# JL102317 UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UConn Graduate Employee Union (GEU-UAW Local 6950) GA Parking Permit Purchases for the 2018-2019 Academic Year UConn Storrs Complete