The Union is submitting a formal Freedom of Information Request regarding a recent search:
• Job ID # 2019539 – Program Advisor, UConn School of Business Part-time MBA Program
Please include the following:
• The original job posting.
• The names of those who served on the search committee, and the dates of their most recent search committee training.
• Any and all recruitment qualification reports.
• Any and all applicant selection reports.
• Any and all applicant summary reports.
• Any and all candidate selection reports.
• Any and all additional materials or reports produced in relation to this search.
FOI #19-252 (08-7-19, 4:35 pm) - Subject - Football game contract
Name - Kevin Kelley
Affiliation - BRI Solutions, LLC
A copy of the amendment to the football game contract for games against the University of Tennessee in 2015 and 2016, which changed the contract to a single game at Tennessee in 2026. If an entirely new contract exists for a football game with Tennessee in 2026, please provide that also or instead.
FOI #19-251 (08-7-19, 12:40 pm) - Subject - Tibetan Interest Association
Name - Wayne Tables
Affiliation -
Any and all memorandums, emails, messages, or documents from administrators and staff of the Office of the President, Student Affairs, General Counsel, University Communications and/or Diversity and Inclusion department mentioning an incident, as well as following inquiries, complaints, and/or commentary, of a performance by Tibetan Interest Association occurring in the Pan Asian Council's 2019 Asian Nite on March 30th, 2019
Follett respectfully requests a copy of all documents and materials related to the bookstore operating agreement between University of Connecticut and Barnes & Noble.
FOI #19-247 (08-6-19, 4:16 pm) - Subject - Barnes and Noble Education
Name - Employee Employee
Affiliation - UConn
Pursuant to state public records law, I request a copy of the term sheet and full/complete contract between the University of Connecticut and Barnes & Noble Education, including but not limited to the performance standards, incentive structure, vendor codes of conduct, financial reports, etc. under which Barnes &; Noble will be required to run the Bookstore. This should clearly delineate all requirements and agreements between the two parties, including all relevant financial details. This shall also include all contracts, terms of service, or relevant documents related to a proposed or adopted “First Day,” inclusive access, or digital delivery program.
FOI #19-246 - Subject - AP records request: revenue/expense report for athletics FY2018
Name - Aaron Beard
Affiliation -
I am writing to make a public records request regarding the school’s revenue and expenses report filed annually to the NCAA.
Specifically, I’m requesting the revenue and expenses report submitted by the school to the NCAA for the 2018 fiscal year. This should be a single document for each year that is in possession of your athletic department.
FOI #19-245 (08-2-19, 2:23 pm) - Subject - Northwest Quad Science One Site Improvements and Phase 2 Utility Tunnel #300050
Name - Amelia McMahan
Affiliation - Construct Connect
I am looking to find out if Northwest Quad Science One Site Improvements and Phase 2 Utility Tunnel (300050) which was awarded and if so to who and the award amount? as well as to see if construction has begun on this project?
FOI #19-244 (08-2-19, 10:51 am) - Subject - David Benedict NCAA working group emails
Name - Daniel Libit
Affiliation - The Intercollegiate
Email communications (and attachments) sent or received by AD David Benedict, to or from the following individuals, since Jan. 1, 2018: ACC Assoc. Commissioner Brad Hostetter, NCAA VP Felicia Martin, NCAA VP Dave Schnase.
Such communications can be limited to those dealing with AD Benedict's role on the NCAA men's basketball working group for agents and advisors.
Please provide any responsive materials electronically. This request is for non-commercial journalistic purposes. Please let me know if you have any questions.