Request Log

FOI #19-268 - Subject - University Athletic District Development Phase 2 - Project No. 201696 (Internal Case #19-17)

Name - Kimberly Glassman

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act Sec. 1-210, we are requesting a list of any and all subcontractors awarded by Daniel O'Connell's Sons, Inc. for work to be performed on the University Athletic District Development Phase 2 project referenced above.

FOI #19-267 - Subject - HR Records

Name - Cynthia Jennings

Affiliation -

1. Copy of any and all (but not limited to) correspondence, reports, inquiries, emails, in reference to CHRO; Federal; State and Local Civil Rights Complaints; Legal Actions and Legal Settlements relative to and associated with former UCONN HEALTH CENTER or UCONN EMPLOYEE from January 1, 2010 through January 1, 2015.
2. Copy of any and all discrimination complaints; civil rights complaints; harassment complaints, investigations and findings from January 1, 2010 through January 1, 2015.
3. Complete copy of Personnel File for former employee including but not limited to any and all “Disciplinary Files.”
4. Copy of all UCONN AND UCONN HEALTH CENTER “Transfer Requests” from January 1, 2010 - through January 1, 2015.
5. Copy of all “Involuntary Transfer Requests” from January 1, 2010 through January 1, 2015.
6. Copy of all Stipulated Agreements referencing former employee developed from January 1, 2010 through January 1, 2015.
7. Copy of all HPD Transfer orders for the Position of Community Service Officer (CSO) from January 1, 2008 to present.
8. Copy of all Settlement Agreements entered into between UCONN HEALTH CENTER AND UCONN STORRS relative to former employee
9. Copy of all job applications submitted by former employee, including but not limited to lateral and/or promotional positions.
10. Copy of all CHRO complaints and settlement documents against UCONN STORRS AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT HEALTH CENTER from January 1, 2010 to January 1, 2015.(including but not limited to settlements and/or agreements)

FOI #19-266 - Subject - Background Check Information

Name - Kenny Jacoby

Affiliation - National Public Safety Data Reporter

Please consider this a public records request for records of any written policies/rules/regulations/procedures/guidelines/best practices used by your institution that pertain to the following:

1. The conducting of background checks/due diligence checks to determine whether a prospective student who has applied for admission to your institution has been convicted, arrested or investigated for an alleged crime;

2. The conducting of background checks/due diligence checks to determine whether a prospective student who has applied for admission to your institution has been accused, investigated or found responsible for any violation/offense at his or her previous institution through a disciplinary proceeding/student conduct code proceeding/Title IX investigation;

3. The process for evaluating whether to approve a prospective student's application for admission to your institution in the event your institution becomes aware of a past incident described in either #1 or #2 of this request;

4. Any records described in #1, #2 and #3 of this request but only insofar as they pertain specifically to prospective student-athletes, including but not limited to students who are being recruited by coaches of officially recognized sports teams at your institution.

FOI #19-265 - Subject - HR and Correspondence Records

Name - Lindsay Booth

Affiliation -

Records relating to me from Human Resources, Labor Relations, Office of General Counsel, Compliance, Office of Institutional Equity, School of Engineering and Office of the President/Office of the Provost.

FOI #19-264 (08-22-19, 6:22 pm) - Subject - Email Correspondence

Name - Michael Johnson

Affiliation -

Various emails between sponsored programs and procurement employees dated January 3, 2010 to January 3, 2016.

FOI #19-263 - Subject - Parking Counts

Name - Rebecca Shafer

Affiliation -

I hereby request, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes sec 1-210, all information related to:
1. How many places to park cars are available on Storrs campus for Fall 2019? Please list by location and permit type (1, 2, 3). Please list the parking garages separately.
2. How many permits are sold for parking places on Storrs campus for Fall 2019? Please list by permit type (1, 2, 3). Please list the parking garage permits separately.
3. How many bicycle and scooter parking spaces are available on the Storrs campus? How many permits were given out?

FOI #19-262 (08-21-19, 3:41 pm) - Subject - “Bias-Related Incident Reporting" website records

Name - Christian Schneider

Affiliation - The College Fix

Pursuant to Connecticut open records law, I am requesting copies of all the complaints generated by the University of Connecticut's “Bias-Related Incident Reporting" website between August 1, 2018 and July 1, 2019.

FOI #19-261 - Subject - Athletics Documents

Name - Kevin Cohen

Affiliation - Winthrop Intelligence

Various employment contracts, outside income forms and third party agreements relating to the Athletics Department.

FOI #19-260 - Subject - Enrollment/Housing Fall 2019

Name - Rebecca Shafer

Affiliation - Mansfield Neighborhood Preservation Group

1- Number of undergraduate students studying in Storrs
2- Number of undergraduate students living on campus in Storrs
3- Number of graduate students studying in Storrs
4- Number of graduate students living on campus in Storrs
5- List of the number of students occupying each dormitory facility on the Storrs Campus during Fall 2019

FOI #19-259 (08-19-19, 12:41 pm) - Subject - Alumni Quad Eddy Hall Student Room Flooring Replacement #180111-0112744-001

Name - Elizabeth Kelly

Affiliation -

I am interested in getting copies of Certified Payroll records for all flooring contractors, including their subs, for the entire duration of the above mentioned project.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Kimberly Glassman University Athletic District Development Phase 2 - Project No. 201696 (Internal Case #19-17) UConn Storrs No records available
Cynthia Jennings HR Records UConn Health Complete
Kenny Jacoby National Public Safety Data Reporter Background Check Information UConn Storrs Complete
Lindsay Booth HR and Correspondence Records UConn Storrs Complete
Michael Johnson Email Correspondence UConn Storrs No records available
Rebecca Shafer Parking Counts UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Christian Schneider The College Fix “Bias-Related Incident Reporting" website records UConn Storrs Complete
Kevin Cohen Winthrop Intelligence Athletics Documents UConn Storrs Complete
Rebecca Shafer Mansfield Neighborhood Preservation Group Enrollment/Housing Fall 2019 UConn Storrs Complete
Elizabeth Kelly Alumni Quad Eddy Hall Student Room Flooring Replacement #180111-0112744-001 UConn Storrs Complete