Request Log

FOI #19-310 - Subject - Football Game Contracts

Name - Meghan Bard

Affiliation - A Dime Back

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting any and all football game contracts, agreements, memorandums of understanding, letters or cancellations for the 2020 through 2040 season, signed or executed from August 1, 2019 to the present.

FOI #19-309 - Subject - Employement Contracts

Name - Meghan Bard

Affiliation - A Dime Back

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting the following employment contracts:
1. Randy Edsall’s employment contract and any amendments or addenda.
2. Dan Hurley’s employment contract and any amendments or addenda.

FOI #19-308 (10-2-19, 12:05 pm) - Subject - Randy Edsall contract

Name - Daniel Brechlin

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

I am requesting a copy of UConn football coach Randy Edsall's contract, in addition to any amendment or addenda.

FOI #19-307 - Subject - UConn RFP # JL120318

Name - Carla Fermelia

Affiliation - XAP

Could you please provide the scoring rubric for RFP # JL120318

FOI #19-306 (10-1-19, 5:55 pm) - Subject - UConn Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation - Stadium

I'd like to make a public records request for a copy of the signed contract between UConn and men's basketball coach Dan Hurley, as well as any subsequent amendments or extensions.

FOI #19-305 - Subject - UConn Medicine

Name - Thomas Lambert

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting that UConn Medicine provide any and all documents, materials, notes, complaints, investigations, memoranda, meeting minutes and agenda, correspondence, records, and recordings in its’ possession concerning Dr. Meisler, including, but not limited to, HR, Payroll and teaching documentation.

FOI #19-304 (09-30-19, 2:50 pm) - Subject - Football Game Contracts

Name - Kevin Kelley

Affiliation - BRI Solutions, LLC

All University of Connecticut football game contracts, agreements, memorandums of understanding, letters or cancellations for the 2020 season through the 2035 season (DATED, SIGNED, AND/OR EXECUTED ON OR AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 2019).

FOI #19-303 - Subject - Directory Information

Name - Madeleine Grap

Affiliation - Root Insurance

Under the Conn.Gen.Stat.§1-200 et seq and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232(g)), I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of public records
that list the following directory information: first names, last names, and university email addresses of all enrolled students at the University of Connecticut.

FOI #19-302 (09-26-19, 11:51 am) - Subject - Copy of Video UCHC Dental Clinic

Name -

Affiliation -

Copy of August 13 security video referenced in incident report.

FOI #19-301 (09-26-19, 11:51 am) - Subject - Executive Search Contracts

Name - Breck Wightman

Affiliation - Indiana University Bloomington

I am requesting records pertinent to the executive search process, especially contracts or agreements defined between the institution and/or the trustees and any executive search firms and/or third party consultants during the hiring process for the following presidents/chancellors:

Harry J. Hartley
Philip E. Austin
Michael J. Hogan
Philip E. Austin
Susan Herbst

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Meghan Bard A Dime Back Football Game Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Meghan Bard A Dime Back Employement Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Daniel Brechlin Hartford Courant Randy Edsall contract UConn Storrs Complete
Carla Fermelia XAP UConn RFP # JL120318 UConn Storrs Complete
Andy Wittry Stadium UConn Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Thomas Lambert UConn Medicine UConn Health Complete
Kevin Kelley BRI Solutions, LLC Football Game Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Madeleine Grap Root Insurance Directory Information UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Copy of Video UCHC Dental Clinic UConn Health Complete
Breck Wightman Indiana University Bloomington Executive Search Contracts UConn Storrs Complete