Request Log

FOI #19-320 (10-9-19, 5:18 pm) - Subject - The Daily Campus

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information act I am requesting all documents and communications by and between any employee of the Daily Campus regarding or related to the selection of the editor-in-chief.

FOI #19-319 - Subject - Men's Basketball Head Coach Contract

Name - Karissa Shapard

Affiliation - Willis Towers Watson

Please let this email serve as a public record request for the employment agreement, any amendment, any extension as well as any other licensing or services agreement for your Men’s Head Baseball Coach. Thank you.

FOI #19-318 - Subject - IBM FileNet Upgrade Consulting Services

Name - Tarah Reed

Affiliation -

Can you please send me the Award Documents (bid tabulation, award letter) and the proposal response by the winning vendor for the following bid(s)?

Name: IBM FileNet Upgrade Consulting Services
Bid Number: TL040519
Due Date: 2019-04-24T07:00:00Z

FOI #19-317 (10-8-19, 11:39 am) - Subject - Randy Edsall Contract


Affiliation - Hearst Media Connecticut

I am requesting a copy of head football coach Randy Edsall's contract, including any amendments or addenda.

FOI #19-316 (10-8-19, 11:39 am) - Subject - Big East communications


Affiliation - Hearst Media Connecticut

I am requesting all documents and communication involving and between the following: UConn president Susan Herbst and any/all of the Big East Conference, Val Ackerman, and Mike Tranghese; Director of Athletics David Benedict and any/all of the Big East Conference, Val Ackerman, and Mike Tranghese; Athletics Chief Operating Officer Adrianne Swinney and any/all of the Big East Conference, Val Ackerman, and Mike Tranghese. I am requesting communication from January 1, 2018 to July 1, 2019.

FOI #19-314 (10-7-19, 11:18 pm) - Subject - Executive Compensation, Undergraduate Student Government

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I would like to know how many hours were logged by the members of the Governing Board of the Undergraduate Student Government, collectively, between May 1st and August 31st and the amount of compensation that would entitle them to as a group. By "Governing Board", I am specifically referring to the President, Vice President, Comptroller, Chief Justice, Speaker of the Senate, Presidential Chief of Staff, Vice Presidential Chief of Staff, Operations and Risk Manager, Elections and Outreach Commissioner, and Public Relations Director of USG.

FOI #19-315 (10-7-19, 7:47 pm) - Subject - Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut Van Visits

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - University of Connecticut

I would like to know when the purple van, that offers ultrasounds and other birth information, will come to campus this semester. The van is sent by the Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut, and it is invited to campus by the UConn Students For Life organization. Also I would like to know if there are permissions needed for the van to come to campus, and a formal agreement or process?

FOI #19-313 (10-6-19, 4:59 pm) - Subject - FOI Request

Name -

Affiliation - College Reaction LLC

We're requesting the following information of the undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at any campus of the University of Connecticut in the Autumn semester of 2019:
• Email address
• Class year
• Home town

FOI #19-312 - Subject - UConn Public Safety

Name - Corey Pollnow

Affiliation - WFSB- Digital Content Producer

On behalf of WFSB-TV, I would like to request any 911 calls, radio transmissions, or UConn police body cam footage pertaining to an emergency medical response on October 1, 2019.

FOI #19-311 (10-2-19, 5:42 pm) - Subject - Entertainment Costs/Budget

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I'd like to request the figures UConn has paid out to musical artists and performers over the last five years (whether or not they performed). For example, I would like to know how much UConn paid to Sean Kingston for last year's spring concert. I am specifically looking for the concerts organized by SUBOG and the names of artists which have been paid by UConn. Also, if possible, I'd like to know how much the university has agreed to pay T-Pain for his upcoming concert. If you could include SUBOG's entertainment budget in each of the last five years it would be greatly appreciated.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Student Student The Daily Campus UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Karissa Shapard Willis Towers Watson Men's Basketball Head Coach Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Tarah Reed IBM FileNet Upgrade Consulting Services UConn Storrs Premature request
PAUL DOYLE Hearst Media Connecticut Randy Edsall Contract UConn Storrs Complete
PAUL DOYLE Hearst Media Connecticut Big East communications UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Executive Compensation, Undergraduate Student Government UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student University of Connecticut Women's Center of Eastern Connecticut Van Visits UConn Storrs Complete
College Reaction LLC FOI Request UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Corey Pollnow WFSB- Digital Content Producer UConn Public Safety UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Student Student Entertainment Costs/Budget UConn Storrs Complete