Request Log

FOI #19-326 - Subject - ZBT suspension

Name - Michelle Firestone

Affiliation - Chronicle Staff Writer

I am seeking a copy of any and all documents pertaining to the suspension Zeta Beta Tau was placed under, including the notification letter.

FOI #19-325 (10-13-19, 12:48 pm) - Subject - Housing and Meal Plan Pricing, 1999-2019

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I would like you to provide me with two separate documents:

1) A document showing the price of each of the four meal plans from Fall 1999 to Fall 2019, adjusted and unadjusted for inflation. If the inflation-adjusted data is not available, just the raw data is fine.

2) A document showing the average cost of on-campus housing at UConn from Fall 1999 to Fall 2019, adjusted and unadjusted for inflation. If the inflation-adjusted data is not available, just the raw data is fine.

FOI #19-324 - Subject - Longhorn Locker

Name - Michael Bittner

Affiliation - Winston & Strawn LLP

1. Any correspondence between the University of Connecticut and Longhorn Locker, or any agent of Longhorn Locker.
2. All documents related to any bids submitted to the University of Connecticut by Longhorn Locker.
3. In the event that a bid was awarded to Longhorn Locker for any particular project, all documents related to that project.

FOI #19-323 - Subject - RFP DS030519

Name - Musa Elsir

Affiliation - Executive Parking

Here at Executive Parking we are always trying to improve. One major area for improvement is our RFP responses. We would like to request a debriefing of RFP submissions for RFP DS030519. Receiving this will be extremely valuable for our improvement as a company. Please let me know if there is any information you need from me in order to fulfil this request.

FOI #19-322 (10-10-19, 4:42 pm) - Subject - Payment to Students

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting all financial documents and statements regarding payment made to students employed by the University of Connecticut or its departments. I am specifically seeking a total amount paid to students, who will remain anonymous due to FERPA and whose jobs are conditional on their status as students, over the period of August 2018 to August 2019

FOI #19-321 (10-10-19, 11:03 am) - Subject - Emergency Response

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I would like to request any 911 calls, radio transmissions, or UConn police body cam footage pertaining to an emergency medical response on October 1, 2019 at Northwest Residence Halls.

FOI #19-320 (10-9-19, 5:18 pm) - Subject - The Daily Campus

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information act I am requesting all documents and communications by and between any employee of the Daily Campus regarding or related to the selection of the editor-in-chief.

FOI #19-319 - Subject - Men's Basketball Head Coach Contract

Name - Karissa Shapard

Affiliation - Willis Towers Watson

Please let this email serve as a public record request for the employment agreement, any amendment, any extension as well as any other licensing or services agreement for your Men’s Head Baseball Coach. Thank you.

FOI #19-318 - Subject - IBM FileNet Upgrade Consulting Services

Name - Tarah Reed

Affiliation -

Can you please send me the Award Documents (bid tabulation, award letter) and the proposal response by the winning vendor for the following bid(s)?

Name: IBM FileNet Upgrade Consulting Services
Bid Number: TL040519
Due Date: 2019-04-24T07:00:00Z

FOI #19-317 (10-8-19, 11:39 am) - Subject - Randy Edsall Contract


Affiliation - Hearst Media Connecticut

I am requesting a copy of head football coach Randy Edsall's contract, including any amendments or addenda.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Michelle Firestone Chronicle Staff Writer ZBT suspension UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Housing and Meal Plan Pricing, 1999-2019 UConn Storrs Complete
Michael Bittner Winston & Strawn LLP Longhorn Locker UConn Storrs Complete
Musa Elsir Executive Parking RFP DS030519 UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Payment to Students UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Emergency Response UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Student Student The Daily Campus UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Karissa Shapard Willis Towers Watson Men's Basketball Head Coach Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Tarah Reed IBM FileNet Upgrade Consulting Services UConn Storrs Premature request
PAUL DOYLE Hearst Media Connecticut Randy Edsall Contract UConn Storrs Complete