Request Log

FOI #19-346 - Subject - Randy Edsall - Connecticut HFC Contract 2019

Name - Zack Behnke

Affiliation -

I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of the following public records: all employment contracts and all subsequent amendments/addendums for Connecticut Head Football Coach Randy Edsall.

FOI #19-345 (10-24-19, 5:44 am) - Subject - Public records requests

Name - Adam Steinbaugh

Affiliation - Foundation for Individual Rights in Education

Copies of any response, together with copies of any records produced in response, to the following FOI requests: FOI #19-338, 19-331, 19-330.

FOI #19-344 - Subject - UCONN Gant Building Renovation – STEM Phase 1 (Internal Case #17-28)

Name - Hope Redding

Affiliation - Foundation for Fair Contracting Of Connecticut, Inc.

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act Sec. 1-210, the Foundation for Fair Contracting (FFC) is requesting copies of certified payroll records submitted by the companies listed below, when applicable, for work being performed on Phase 1 the above-referenced Gant Building project.

• Ashford Companies (sub to Horizons Services) for Wk ending 6.28.19 through present
• CT Carpentry Payrolls for Wk ending 7.27.19 through present
• DePaoli Mosaic Payrolls for Wk ending 7 .31.19 through present
• Ferguson Electric Payrolls for Wk ending 7.13 .19 through present
• Ferguson Mechanical Payrolls for Wk ending 7.13.19 through present
• Manganaro Northeast Payrolls for Wk ending 6.30.19 through present
• Mozzicato dba Millard Enterprises (sub to Massey) for Wk ending 7.28.19 through present
• New Britain Fence (Sub of CT Carpentry) for Wk ending 7.31.19 through present
• New England Finish (sub to Infinium Wall Systems) for Wk ending 7.26.19 through present
• P&D Mechanical Payrolls for Wk ending 7 .28.19 through present
• People~eady (Sub of Ferguson Electric) for Wk ending 6.30.19 through present
• Pro Cut of CT (Sub of Ferguson Mechanical) for Wk ending 7 .27 .19 through present
• Scholar Painting for Wk ending 7 .27 .19 through present
• Southern New England Electrical Testing (Sub of Ferguson Electric for Wk ending 7.6.19
• Trade Source (sub to Ferguson Elec) for Wk ending 7 .27 .19 through present
• Tradesmen Int'l (Sub of Ferguson Electric) for Wk ending 7.27.19 through present
• Witch Enterprises (Sub of Ferguson Electric) for Wk ending 7.28.19 through present
• Witch Enterprises (Sub of Ferguson Mechanical) for Wk ending 7.28.19 through present

FOI #19-343 (10-23-19, 9:44 am) - Subject - Copy of Traffic Study

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

This is a request for records pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (Connecticut General Statute §1-200, et seq.).

On October 23rd 2019, I was advised by Ms. Martha Funderburk that a traffic study was performed to "assess the effects of the Jim Calhoun Way sectional closure associated with the Stadia construction project."

This traffic study discussed, inter alia, traffic through Hilltop Apartment Complex.

A "multi-year special event traffic plan" was created to implement recommendations made by the traffic study. In addition, speed humps and a gate were installed in the Hilltop Apartment Complex.

Please provide the following documentation:
1. A copy of this traffic study
2. A copy of the multi-year special event traffic plan
3. A copy of email and other written correspondence relating to the traffic study and event traffic plan mentioned above
4. Documentation relating to the speed humps and gate mentioned above, including: (a) RFPs, (b) purchase orders, invoices, or bills, and (c) contractor estimates or reports.

FOI #19-342 - Subject - Records Request

Name - Karen Patton

Affiliation - Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)

This is a request for records pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (Connecticut General Statute §1-200, et seq.).

I request the following records:

1. Any police reports, incident reports, or other reports, including but not limited to reports based on surveillance footage, ID scanner footage, or WiFi network logs, generated by the University of Connecticut Police Department between October 11, 2019 and October 22, 2019, which may be attributed to or related to the incident on October 11, 2019 involving two University of Connecticut students yelling racial slurs.

2. Any communications (including emails, voicemails, faxes, social media messages, text messages, letters, or other messages) between the University of Connecticut and the University of Connecticut Police Department (including any of its officers or employees) which may be attributed to or related to the incident on October 11, 2019 involving two University of Connecticut students yelling racial slurs.

3. Any communications (including emails, voicemails, faxes, social media messages, text messages, letters, or other messages) between the University of Connecticut Police Department (including any of its officers or employees) and the Connecticut State’s Attorneys’ office (including any of its officers or employees) between October 11, 2019 and October 22, 2019, which may be attributed to or related to the incident on October 11, 2019 involving two University of Connecticut students yelling racial slurs.

4. Any surveillance footage, ID scanner footage, or WiFi network logs received or retained by the University of Connecticut Police Department, which may be attributed to or related to the incident on October 11, 2019 involving two University of Connecticut students yelling racial slurs.

FOI #19-341 (10-22-19, 12:39 pm) - Subject - Public Records Request - Current employee/staff contact information

Name - Vincent Patregnani

Affiliation - Smart Procure

SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the University of Connecticut for all current employee/staff contact information. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable.

The specific information requested from your record keeping system is:

1. First Name

2. Last Name

3. Position Title

4. Department

5. Employment Type ie: full-time, part-time, contractor

6. General Office Phone Number

7. Direct Office Phone Number

8. Business Cell Phone (if provided by University of Connecticut)

9. Office Fax

10. Email Address

11. Office Physical Address

12. Office Mailing Address

Please email the information to

FOI #19-340 (10-21-19, 10:13 pm) - Subject - Emails

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Please forward all emails containing the different words/phrases from the accounts of:

Eric Rice
David Mills
Jessica Dickerson
Ricardo Brown

FOI #19-339 (10-21-19, 10:13 pm) - Subject - UConn Marching Band

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am seeking any and all investigative records involving UConn Marching Band members and staff regarding racism, sexism, bigotry, transphobia, sexual assault, sexual harassment or the like at any point in time.

FOI #19-338 (10-21-19, 9:48 am) - Subject - Charter Oak Apartments

Name - Liz Teitz

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut

I am requesting copies of all emails sent to students about the Oct. 11 incident at Charter Oak Apartments, including emails about investigations into and future actions related to the incident.

FOI #19-337 (10-19-19, 10:47 am) - Subject - UConn Athletics- Football Schedule Contracts & Communications

Name - Drew Vandemore

Affiliation -

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

I request that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me: written communication to/from Dave Brown/Gridiron Sports in relation to future football scheduling, and finalized contracts between the University of Connecticut Athletic Department and other FBS and FCS institutions related to future football games to take place between the schools. The date range for this request is limited to communications sent on or between January 1, 2018 and October 19, 2019.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Zack Behnke Randy Edsall - Connecticut HFC Contract 2019 UConn Storrs Complete
Adam Steinbaugh Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Public records requests UConn Storrs Complete
Hope Redding Foundation for Fair Contracting Of Connecticut, Inc. UCONN Gant Building Renovation – STEM Phase 1 (Internal Case #17-28) UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Copy of Traffic Study UConn Storrs Complete
Karen Patton Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) Records Request UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Vincent Patregnani Smart Procure Public Records Request - Current employee/staff contact information UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Emails UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UConn Marching Band UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Liz Teitz Hearst Connecticut Charter Oak Apartments UConn Storrs Complete
Drew Vandemore UConn Athletics- Football Schedule Contracts & Communications UConn Storrs Complete