FOI #19-342 - Subject - Records Request
Name - Karen Patton
Affiliation - Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
This is a request for records pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (Connecticut General Statute §1-200, et seq.).
I request the following records:
1. Any police reports, incident reports, or other reports, including but not limited to reports based on surveillance footage, ID scanner footage, or WiFi network logs, generated by the University of Connecticut Police Department between October 11, 2019 and October 22, 2019, which may be attributed to or related to the incident on October 11, 2019 involving two University of Connecticut students yelling racial slurs.
2. Any communications (including emails, voicemails, faxes, social media messages, text messages, letters, or other messages) between the University of Connecticut and the University of Connecticut Police Department (including any of its officers or employees) which may be attributed to or related to the incident on October 11, 2019 involving two University of Connecticut students yelling racial slurs.
3. Any communications (including emails, voicemails, faxes, social media messages, text messages, letters, or other messages) between the University of Connecticut Police Department (including any of its officers or employees) and the Connecticut State’s Attorneys’ office (including any of its officers or employees) between October 11, 2019 and October 22, 2019, which may be attributed to or related to the incident on October 11, 2019 involving two University of Connecticut students yelling racial slurs.
4. Any surveillance footage, ID scanner footage, or WiFi network logs received or retained by the University of Connecticut Police Department, which may be attributed to or related to the incident on October 11, 2019 involving two University of Connecticut students yelling racial slurs.