Request Log

FOI #19-418 - Subject - Sports Network Contracts

Name - Bethany Yarger

Affiliation - FOIA Professional Services

I would like to obtain a copy of each current contract between the University of Connecticut and a television network that governs the right to broadcast your school’s sports games on that network. Television networks may include, but are not limited to, ESPN, Fox, CBS, NBC, ABC, American Athletic Conference Digital Network or any local affiliate of these networks.

Additionally, if one or more of the current contracts to broadcast University of Connecticut’s sports games is between the American Athletic Conference (AAC) and a television network, please provide a copy of that/those contract(s) as well.

FOI #19-417 - Subject - Head Coach Contract

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Per the FOIA, I am requesting an opportunity to obtain a copy of the following public record:

The head coaches contract and any contract amendments for Geno Auriemma.

FOI #19-416 (12-13-19, 11:50 pm) - Subject - FOIA Request: Recruiting

Name - Christopher Peak

Affiliation - New Haven Independent

Under the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") (C.G.S. § 1-200, et seq.), I write to request a copy of any documentation of visits by UCONN recruiters to high schools to talk to students, including any details of which schools on what dates in what settings, since June 1, 2018

Please note that I am seeking anonymized records with this request in compliance with the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), which requires school districts to withhold "education records," defined as files that "contain information directly related to a student" that are "maintained by an educational agency" (20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(4)(A).

FOI #19-415 (12-11-19, 9:40 am) - Subject - Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Committee

Name - Liz Teitz

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut

I am requesting the draft plan (or plans) concerning technology transfer, faculty hiring, Academic Entrepreneurship initiative and entrepreneurship space, as discussed in the REI Committee Special Meeting on 12/11/19.

FOI #19-413 (12-10-19, 12:06 pm) - Subject - Guidelines for CLAS policy on administrative salary for Associate Directors of Cultural Centers and related communications

Name - David Amdur

Affiliation - UConn-AAUP

I am requesting a copy of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences policy from the Spring 2019 Semester put in place by former interim Dean Glasberg which provided that the Associate Directors of cultural institutes in CLAS (El Instituto, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies, Africana Studies, and Asian/Asian-American Studies) would a receive one course teaching release per academic year instead of receiving an administrative supplement to their salary AKA "a 10th month of salary". I am also requesting information on how this policy was developed. This includes all email communication between Davita Glasberg, Cathy Schlund-Vials, Michelle Cahill, Kane Lynch, Deborah Shelby, Juli Wade, Kelly Bannister, and employees in the Provost's Office, Labor Relations, Human Resources, and Payroll between Sept 1, 2018 to December 7, 2019 related to this topic. I am also requesting any and all emails related to this policy. Finally I am requesting how this new CLAS policy was distributed and publicized to CLAS faculty, academic departments, and cultural centers, including emails

FOI #19-412 (12-9-19, 12:38 pm) - Subject - Men's Basketball communications

Name - Russell Steinberg

Affiliation - SB Nation

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting all communication between CBS Sports’ Jon Rothstein or WME’s Kate Urquhart; and Men's Basketball coaches via text, email, phone or any other messaging platform from June 1 to present.

FOI #19-411 - Subject - Job vacancies/ Job descriptions

Name - Lynn Farrell

Affiliation - Town of Greenwich Law Department

Please provide copies of any and all job vacancies posted to the public for full-time employment as a Circulation Clerk, Library Clerk, Library Assistant, Library Associate, Library Aid and/or similar positions that do not require an advanced degree, for the period beginning on or about August 28, 2018 until the present, together with a job description, and records relating to where the position(s) were advertised or posted for all campuses.

FOI #19-410 (12-7-19, 12:23 pm) - Subject - Mold Complaints

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am looking for any maintenance records, complaints, removal services etc on any mold or mildew found in any residency buildings on the Storrs Campus.

FOI #19-409 - Subject - Text Messages

Name - Daniel Libit

Affiliation - The Intercollegiate

Text messages sent/received by your head men’s basketball or assistant men’s basketball coaches and CBS Sports’s Jon Rothstein, since Nov. 18, 2019.

FOI #19-408 - Subject - Athlete pledges

Name - Daniel Libit

Affiliation - The Intercollegiate

Pursuant to your state’s open records laws, I request copies of any written pledges that athletes from the following sports (listed below) have signed at the behest or request of the athletic department and/or their sport coach for the 2019-2020 academic year. I consider a single copy of each pledge responsive to this request (i.e., if multiple athletes have signed the same pledge, I am only seeking one copy). I will accept a blank copy of the pledge or one in which the name and signature of the athlete is redacted.

Requested sports: baseball, football, basketball, tennis, soccer, swimming & diving, softball

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Bethany Yarger FOIA Professional Services Sports Network Contracts UConn Storrs No records available
Student Student Head Coach Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Christopher Peak New Haven Independent FOIA Request: Recruiting UConn Storrs Complete
Liz Teitz Hearst Connecticut Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Committee UConn Storrs Complete
David Amdur UConn-AAUP Guidelines for CLAS policy on administrative salary for Associate Directors of Cultural Centers and related communications UConn Storrs Complete
Russell Steinberg SB Nation Men's Basketball communications UConn Storrs Complete
Lynn Farrell Town of Greenwich Law Department Job vacancies/ Job descriptions UConn Regional Campus Complete
Student Student Mold Complaints UConn Storrs Complete
Daniel Libit The Intercollegiate Text Messages UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Daniel Libit The Intercollegiate Athlete pledges UConn Storrs Complete