FOI #20-009 (01-9-20, 11:13 am) - Subject - Payment Requisitons
Name - Danielle Caiazzo
Affiliation -
I was wondering if CJ Fucci had submitted any further payment requisition requests to UCONN for project #300023 after application #18 dated 09/26/2019? If so, may we have copies of the applications as well as an updated invoice payments to date spreadsheet?
FOI #20-008 (01-8-20, 4:04 pm) - Subject - Athletic Director Employment Agreement and Compensation
Name - Garth Gartrell
Affiliation - StreeterWyatt Analytics LLC
Good afternoon. Pursuant to applicable state freedom of information laws, the undersigned hereby requests the following information.
1. Copies of all employment agreements and compensatory arrangements with the current Director of Athletics for the University of Connecticut.
2. Pay records, including salary, bonus, retirement, health care and other benefits and perquisites for the last three completed school years for the Director of Athletics
FOI #20-007 - Subject - Medical Contracts and Animal Use
Name - Bethany Beauregard
Affiliation - Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, requests copies of the following:
Part I
Scope: All active contracts and financial agreements between the University of Connecticut and others related to the training of surgeons and/or general surgery residents, including but not limited to contracts with Johnson & Johnson, Ethicon, Baxter, and Medtronic.
Part II
Period: Oct. 25, 2019 to present
1. Documents that include training schedules that involve animal use for the University of Connecticut general surgery residency program.
2. Documents related to the purchase or acquisition of animals for use in training general surgery residents.
I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of the following public records: the most updated long-form employment contracts, appointment letters, and salary information for men's basketball coaches and support staff members: Daniel Hurley, Tom Moore, Kimani Young, Kenya Hunter, Eric Youncofski, Taliek Brown, Tripp Doherty, and Sal Alosi.
FOI #20-005 (01-6-20, 2:45 pm) - Subject - work orders
Name - Liz Teitz
Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut Media Group
I am requesting records of work orders (or complaints or maintenance requests, made to facilities, operations or any other relevant office) referencing mold, mildew or water-related issues in UConn residential facilities, from Aug. 23, 2019 to Dec. 15, 2019.
I am requesting a copy of the equity/revenue-and-expenses report completed by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the 2019 fiscal year. If it has not been submitted yet, please consider this a standing request.
1. Any and all documents relating to or concerning any research proposal by Prof. that was part of or referred to in any application by Prof. to a Thousand Talents Program. This includes, but is not limited to, Prof. whole and complete application package for to a Thousand Talents Program or any other documents used to apply to a Thousand Talents Program.
2. Any and all documents relating to or concerning an award or abstract for any grant or award to Prof. from the US National Science Foundation or the Department of Energy.
3. Any correspondence or communication with the Chinese Government, including but not limited to the Ministry of Education of China, relating to Prof. application to, acceptance into, or withdrawal from a Thousand Talents Program. This includes any correspondence involving Prof. or OVPR showing Prof. withdrew from a Thousand Talents Program.
4. Any and all documents identifying, concerning, or relating to any application submitted by or on behalf of any present or former member of the University faculty, to the Chinese National Science Foundation (NNSF). This includes, but it not limited to Prof. NNSF application, including the original application bearing any "acceptance number."
5. Any correspondence or communication with the Chinese Government or NNSF relating to any grant or grant application submitted by or on behalf of Prof. This includes, but is not limited to, any letter or communication with NNSF relating to the withdrawal of a NNSF grant, as well as any communications with OVPR relating to any NNSF grant to Prof.
FOI #20-001 (01-1-20, 4:56 pm) - Subject - UConn Athletic Department Policies for playing space trespassing or invasions at athletic department facilities.
Name - Jeffrey Levine
Affiliation - Drexel University
I am performing research on the increasing number of incidents at sporting events involving fans interrupting games by entering the field of play. I am seeking the following information from the University of Connecticut Athletic Department:
Current policies intended to prevent and/or respond to playing space trespassing or invasions at athletic department facilities.
By “playing space invasions,” I mean individuals (e.g. fans or unauthorized individuals) entering the field of play without permission. These people may have various purposes, whether it is to interact with a player, disrupt the game, or draw attention to themselves. Further, by "athletic department facilities," I mean any stadium or arena used by a varsity team for gameday competition and ticketed events where fans are present.
FOI #19-429 (12-27-19, 3:47 pm) - Subject - UConn Athletic Department Policies for Collecting Student Athlete Biometric Data
Name - Jeffrey Levine
Affiliation - Drexel University
I am a faculty member at Drexel University writing to request information from the University of Connecticut (UConn). I am performing a comparative study of student-athlete biometric data collection practice policies within the NCAA’s Power Five Conferences. As such, I am contacting you to inquire about UConn's policy.
Therefore, I am requesting electronic copies of the following: Any and all policies or similar items, whether formal or informal, related to the institution’s athletic department collection of student-athlete biometric data involving a student athlete’s (or similarly situated individual’s) physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics, metrics, output, or performance data through wearable technology or technology embedded in clothing and/or equipment.
I appreciate your time and attention in responding to this request. If you need clarification on this request, please feel free to contact me at any time.