Request Log

FOI #20-019 (01-15-20, 10:56 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Peter Tauro

Affiliation - Gonzaga University

I am requesting a copy of the equity/revenue-and-expenses report completed by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

FOI #20-018 (01-15-20, 6:57 pm) - Subject - UConn Search # 493917

Name - Nicholas Eshelman

Affiliation -

Please provide me with documents produced by the search committee and other information (score sheets, posting, description, applicants, etc) relating to search UConn Search # 493917.

FOI #20-017 (01-15-20, 4:48 pm) - Subject - Athletics department documents

Name - Steve Berkowitz

Affiliation - USA Today

The revenue-and-expenses report completed by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the 2019 fiscal year. It is a multi-page document that was due to be filed with the NCAA on Jan. 15, 2020. It contains more than 40 revenue and expense categories, followed by specific breakdowns of each of those categories, by sport and gender. I am requesting the full report, including the detail tables and the entire Statement of Revenues and Expenses that appears at the end of the report. PLEASE NOTE: The NCAA report is different than the equity report that is sent to the U.S. Department of Education for Title IX compliance.

FOI #20-016 - Subject - Outstanding checks

Name - Michael Lazar

Affiliation - Marketsphere

Pursuant to Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq. which grants access to copies of public records, we respectfully request the most up to date information pertaining to the following types of obligations:
• Outstanding and refundable credit balances.
• Checks exempt from Unclaimed Property Reporting.
• Unclaimed, uncashed, undeliverable, staled-dated, voided, overdue and/or outstanding payments or checks/warrants issued and owed by The University.

FOI #20-015 (01-13-20, 3:48 pm) - Subject - UConn Task Contract Number 060116JP-1

Name - Peter Martin

Affiliation - Hinckley Allen & Snyder

Please provide a copy of the Request for Proposal, Invitation to Bid and Bid Submission for UConn Task Contract Number 060116JP-1.

FOI #20-014 (01-13-20, 1:53 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation -

I'd like to request copies of UConn's NCAA Financial Reports from the 2005 fiscal year through the 2017 fiscal year.

FOI #20-013 - Subject - IACUC

Name - Russ Kick

Affiliation -

We hereby request the following records:

1. Complete minutes for the six (6) most recent IACUC meetings. (This includes all attachments, appendices, annexes, and accompanying documents, including photos and videos.)

2. The two (2) most recent semiannual reports prepared by the IACUC for the Institutional Official, plus the facility inspection checklists and program review checklists that form the basis of those reports. (This includes all attachments, appendices, annexes, and accompanying documents, including photos and videos, as well as minority views.)

FOI #20-012 - Subject - Job 2019553 Information

Name - Lindsay Jenkelunas

Affiliation -

• Job ID # 2019553– International Trade Compliance Specialist 1, UCP 6
Please include the following:
• The original job posting.
• The names of those who served on the search committee, and the dates of their most recent search committee training.
• Any and all recruitment qualification reports.
• Any and all applicant selection reports.
• Any and all applicant summary reports.
• Any and all candidate selection reports.
• Any and all additional materials or reports produced in relation to this search.

FOI #20-011 (01-10-20, 12:44 pm) - Subject - UConn football contracts

Name - Dan Brechlin

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

I am requesting the game contracts for the UConn vs. Buffalo and UConn vs. Utah State football games that were announced Jan. 10, 2020.

FOI #20-010 (01-10-20, 12:44 pm) - Subject - Athletics - Head Football Coach Employment Contracts

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - Oklahoma State University

I request that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me:
• Employment Contracts for head football coaches from the 2009-2019 seasons.
• Relevant coaches should include:
o Randy Edsall
o Paul Pasqualoni
o Bob Diaco

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Peter Tauro Gonzaga University Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Nicholas Eshelman UConn Search # 493917 UConn Storrs Complete
Steve Berkowitz USA Today Athletics department documents UConn Storrs Complete
Michael Lazar Marketsphere Outstanding checks UConn Storrs Complete
Peter Martin Hinckley Allen & Snyder UConn Task Contract Number 060116JP-1 UConn Storrs Complete
Andy Wittry Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Russ Kick IACUC UConn Health Complete
Lindsay Jenkelunas Job 2019553 Information UConn Storrs Complete
Dan Brechlin Hartford Courant UConn football contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Oklahoma State University Athletics - Head Football Coach Employment Contracts UConn Storrs Complete