Request Log

FOI #19-387 (11-14-19, 6:09 pm) - Subject - UCTV Emails

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, I am seeking all emails from the account of on November 14, 2019.

FOI #19-386 - Subject - Video Footage

Name - Shannon Person

Affiliation -

Copy of video footage referenced in arrest warrant affidavit.

FOI #19-385 - Subject - Inside High Ed/ GMU Academic Study

Name - Judith WIlde

Affiliation - Schar School of Policy & Government

For the presidential contract and compensation study, we request, for the period calendar year 2017-2018:
1. Any and all documents that constitute an employment agreement for individuals acting or serving as president or chancellor at University of Connecticut including (but not limited to) a formal contract, an appointment letter, a notice of appointment, a term sheet, a memorandum of understanding, or any other form of mutually agreed to terms and conditions governing the University President or Chancellor's compensation and terms of employment, including but not limited to the details of salary, benefits, terms of service, post-presidential or post-chancellor compensation and responsibilities, and "perks".
2. Any and all documents that in any way amend, extend, interpret and/or modify the original agreements.
3. Copies of any resolutions passed by the institution’s governing board, related to the terms or conditions of employment of each President and Chancellor.
4. Any additional contract or document outlining severance, additional/supplemental compensation and/or benefits, deferred compensation or terms and conditions of employment for any individual departing the president role during the time period covered in this request.

For the conflict of interest disclosure study, we request:
1. All conflict of interest and/or financial disclosure forms or other disclosure forms made by any president, chancellor, or board member identifying service on non-university boards, work for external companies, government roles or other organizational affiliations during the time period for the past three filing years whether fiscal, calendar or academic

FOI #19-384 - Subject - Courses

Name - Cam Korzecke

Affiliation -

I would like to ask for public records for courses for as many terms as possible. I am requesting columns of term, college, department, subject, course name, course number, course description (the most important), (course subclass if applicable), sections, section descriptions, section subclass (if applicable), and professors teaching the sections. If possible, I would also like the textbook used for each section (a list of delimited ISBNs is great, it can be in a separate file, whatever is easiest.) If you can also include data such as locations and times, this would be helpful, but I’d like to do whatever is fastest, and the most important columns are those listed which describe the course catalog.

FOI #19-383 (11-11-19, 7:51 pm) - Subject - UCMB organizations

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am seeking any investigation records into the greek UCMB organizations Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi from any point in time.

FOI #19-382 (11-11-19, 3:03 pm) - Subject - Law School SBA Vice President Special Election Results

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Upon information and belief, the Student Bar Association of the University of Connecticut conducted a special election for the Student Bar Association's Vice President from November 8, 2019 to November 9, 2019. On or about November 9, 2019, at approximately 4:52 PM, the Student Bar Association announced the ordinal ranking of the other candidates.

The Student Bar Association failed to identify, numerically or as a percentage, the vote counts for any of the candidates. Please produce any documents that identify the following:

a) the winner of the aforementioned election;
b) the proportion of students who voted in said election;
c) the number of votes received by each candidate in the election; and
d) the percentage of votes received by each candidate in the election.

FOI #19-381 - Subject - Contracts

Name - Mike Savino

Affiliation - WFSB

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information act, I am requesting access to all contracts for the current and previous three fiscal years between all state agencies and consultants, firms, or other private sector entities for communications-related services. This can include, but is not limited to, contracts for media relations, social media management and/or strategy, or other similar public relations-related services.

FOI #19-380 (11-7-19, 8:44 pm) - Subject - International Students in state Universities

Name - Joe Zanca

Affiliation -

I am writing a case study on the modern international student, specifically in large state universities. This will focus on the perspective of both the international student and domestic classmates

I was hoping to make a public data request of all student emails and home addresses in the school.

Line items include:
Full Name
Year of Graduation
Home Address
Home State
Home Zip Code
On or Off Campus

Anything amount of this information will be helpful in my findings and research.

Thank you

FOI #19-379 - Subject - RFP- MF072519 Diploma Cases and Related Products, Bid Tabulation Request

Name - Jacqueline Dauck

Affiliation -

Please let this correspondence serve as our official request to receive the final bid tabulation results upon awarding a vendor to provide the requested services. This is RFP- MF072519 Diploma Cases and Related Products.

Please send the results to

FOI #19-378 (11-6-19, 11:14 am) - Subject - SFAC - Undergraduate Student Government Reports

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I would like an electronic copy (or physical should the electronic not be available) of the last 10 years of undergraduate student government SFAC reports

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Student Student UCTV Emails UConn Storrs No records available
Shannon Person Video Footage UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Judith WIlde Schar School of Policy & Government Inside High Ed/ GMU Academic Study UConn Storrs Complete
Cam Korzecke Courses UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UCMB organizations UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Law School SBA Vice President Special Election Results UConn Regional Campus Complete
Mike Savino WFSB Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Joe Zanca International Students in state Universities UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Jacqueline Dauck RFP- MF072519 Diploma Cases and Related Products, Bid Tabulation Request UConn Storrs Premature request
Student Student SFAC - Undergraduate Student Government Reports UConn Storrs Complete