For every section of every undergraduate course offered at the Storrs campus and between Fall 2015 and Fall 2019 (inclusive of these two semesters and all intervening summer & winter sessions), I request the following information:
- Semester (e.g. Fall 2015)
- Instructor name & unique identifying number (if such a number exists and is invariant to name changes)
- School (e.g. ENGR, CLAS, etc)
- Course written name (e.g. Intro to Microeconomics)
- Course identification number (e.g. ECON 1201)
- Section identification number (e.g. 001)
- Section enrollment/number of final grades posted (e.g. 97. This should equal the sum of the counts for each letter grade provided in the distribution of letter grades and should reflect the total number of students receiving a letter mark for the section.)
- Average GPA (out of 4.0)
- Median GPA (out of 4.0)
- Distribution (counts) of letter grades (including non-grade values such as I, W, P, F, N, X, etc.)
If possible, do not combine cross-listed courses. (e.g. A course offered under two separate names, majors, schools but is actually a single course.)
Please provide the requested data in either Excel (.xlsx) or comma-separated value (.csv) format.
Please ensure the provided information is FERPA compliant. For example, courses with sufficiently low enrollment (e.g. <= 5) may need to be excluded in order to prevent identification of individual students. Please include those courses but refrain from including any of the requested GPA/grade information. (This is to ensure an accurate index of courses & sections irrespective of their enrollment numbers.)
If this request will incur a cost, please get in touch before incurring that cost. Additionally, please contact me if any individual piece of information is prohibitively time-consuming to aggregate. (e.g. Suppose the School of a course may not be readily available in any database and may need to be manually populated.)
As a potentially helpful reference for completing this request, the University of Wisconsin provides a similar array of information (in PDF form) for each semester going back to Fall 2013, which can be found at the following URL under 'Course grade-distribution reports':
FOI #20-048 (02-3-20, 4:21 pm) - Subject - Agreements
Name - Michael McBride
Affiliation - University of Houston
Any agreement, term sheet, and/or memorandum of understanding referencing and/or pertaining to any equipment, shoe, or apparel partnership. Including allotments, cash payments, sponsorship, marketing, advertising, promotion, purchase discounts or bonus structures.
The Union is submitting a formal Freedom of Information Request regarding a recent search:
• Job ID # 494209– Academic Advisor 2, UCP 6, School of Business
Please include the following:
• The original job posting.
• The names of those who served on the search committee, and the dates of their most recent search committee training.
• Any and all recruitment qualification reports.
• Any and all applicant selection reports.
• Any and all applicant summary reports.
• Any and all candidate selection reports.
• Any and all additional materials or reports produced in relation to this search.
Under the CT Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting a copy of any and all Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) reports for non-faculty personnel during the time period of 10/1/2019 through 1/28/2020.
FOI #20-043 (01-28-20, 8:59 pm) - Subject - Financial Statements
Name -
Affiliation -
I would like a copy of as many Financial Statements as are available for the Undergraduate Student Government. I would like balance sheets for each fiscal year for fiscal years 09-19, I would like income statements for fiscal years 9-19, I would like bank reconciliation's (yearly or monthly whatever is available) for fiscal years 09-19. I don't know what statements are available, I would like whatever is available for fiscal years 09-19.
Parking citations and appeals for the period 01/22/19 - 01/28/20 at the Storrs campus. Please include date, time, location (e.g. lot number), vehicle make/model/color, parking permit type (if any), violation, issuing officer (anonymized coding is fine), appeal request, action taken on appeal, and reason for denial as applicable. If possible, please provide in .xlsx (Excel) or .csv (comma-delimited) format. Thank you.
FOI #20-041 (01-28-20, 10:46 am) - Subject - Future Football Intercollegiate Schedule Contracts
Name - Drew Vandemore
Affiliation - Alumnus
I request that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me: contracts and/or memorandums of understanding between any and all members of the University of Connecticut Athletic Department and other collegiate institutions, at the FBS, FCS, or Division II level related to future intercollegiate football games between the schools. The date range for this request is limited to contracts and/or memorandums of understanding signed on or between October 28, 2019 and January 28, 2020.
This is a request under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request copies of the following records to be provided to our company by your University:
A listing of all uncashed checks that are six (6) months and older with a dollar amount greater than $2,000.00 (Two Thousand Dollars). The list should include payee name, address, issue date, check number, and dollar amount.
If possible please email me this data in an Excel spreadsheet. Other formats are okay but excel is preferable. If easier to provide all dollar amounts then this is okay as well. If easier please only include non-individuals (i.e. companies, universities, etc. only).