Request Log

FOI #20-079 (02-28-20, 12:48 pm) - Subject - OIE Reports

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am seeking all redacted OIE reports of sexual misconduct from my last request (19-107)'s date to present day.

FOI #20-078 (02-28-20, 12:48 pm) - Subject - Accidents

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am requesting all accident reports pertaining to any vehicles owned by UConn from January 1, 2019 to present day.

FOI #20-077 (02-27-20, 11:55 pm) - Subject - Applicant Numbers

Name -

Affiliation -

I am requesting access to numbers of applicants accepted to the School of Medicine's Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) program in the years listed below, who were previously officially enrolled and attended classes as a candidate for a medical school degree regardless of country, i.e. who are considered a previous matriculant answering "Yes" on AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service) Application's Previous Matriculation question:

FOI #20-076 (02-27-20, 4:43 pm) - Subject - RFP- MF072519 Diploma Cases and Related Products, Bid Tabulation Request

Name - Jacqueline Dauck

Affiliation - Jostens, Inc

Please let this correspondence serve as our official request to receive the final bid tabulation results upon awarding a vendor to provide the requested services. This is RFP- MF072519 Diploma Cases and Related Products.

Please send the results to

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

FOI #20-075 (02-27-20, 3:02 pm) - Subject - Ice Melt Usage

Name - Lynn Spaulding

Affiliation - Savol Pools

I'm looking to get the ice melt usage for all of the campuses for the 2018 - 2019 winter.

We're interested in three items (For reference: RFQ # KS110119 Product #'s )
1 - Sodium Chloride & Magnesium
3 - Treated Rock Salt with Calcium Chloride
4 - Treated Salt With Sodium Chloride

Please let me know if I need to do a FOIA request for each campus. We've received an intent to award notice and are looking for further information on quantities because the RFQ had none listed.

Thank you.

FOI #20-074 (02-27-20, 11:21 am) - Subject - Faculty & Staff Email Addresses

Name - Kelli Byrd

Affiliation - Connecticut State Employees Campaign for Charitable Giving

The CSEC is requesting an email master list of UCONN (UCHC, Storrs & other campuses) employees (faculty & staff) to be able to directly send messages regarding the campaign. The list doesn't need names or phone numbers.

FOI #20-073 (02-25-20, 7:04 pm) - Subject - Undergraduate Student Government Funding

Name - student student

Affiliation -

Please provide (PDF) documentation of all USG related funding requests of the Spring 2020 semester as of February 25, 2020 to include the name of the organization, the amount of funding request, the amount of funding received, the details of the event(s) funded and any/all detail related to whether funding was approved or denied.

FOI #20-072 (02-25-20, 7:04 pm) - Subject - Undergraduate Student Government

Name - student student

Affiliation -

I am requesting all email communications of the following email addresses to ensure all policies and procedures were followed with respect to funding requests for the Spring 2020 semester:

FOI #20-071 (02-25-20, 2:12 pm) - Subject - Athletics Contracts

Name - Katelyn Dwyer

Affiliation - Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP

Dear Sir/Madam:

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting copies of the current employment contracts (or Memorandums of Understanding where applicable), and all amendments, for your institution’s following positions:

• Women's Basketball Assistant Coaches
• Women's Basketball Basketball and Player Operations Staff

FOI #20-070 (02-25-20, 11:28 am) - Subject - Video of accident

Name - Kimberly Lorenti

Affiliation - Walsh Claim Services, LLC

I am an adjuster for Quincy Mutual Ins handling and accident of 2/14/20 on Hillside nearing the intersection of N Eagleville. The accident happened at about 4 pm. I would like to request copy of any surveillance video that may have picked up the accident. The accident involves a Honda Civic that rear ended a grey Nissan Sentra about 100 yards from the intersection at N Eagleville while at a red light
In a line of traffic.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Student Student OIE Reports UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Accidents UConn Storrs Complete
Applicant Numbers UConn Health Complete
Jacqueline Dauck Jostens, Inc RFP- MF072519 Diploma Cases and Related Products, Bid Tabulation Request UConn Storrs Complete
Lynn Spaulding Savol Pools Ice Melt Usage UConn Storrs Complete
Kelli Byrd Connecticut State Employees Campaign for Charitable Giving Faculty & Staff Email Addresses UConn Storrs Complete
student student Undergraduate Student Government Funding UConn Storrs Complete
student student Undergraduate Student Government UConn Storrs No records available
Katelyn Dwyer Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP Athletics Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Kimberly Lorenti Walsh Claim Services, LLC Video of accident No records available