Request Log

FOI #20-001 (01-1-20, 4:56 pm) - Subject - UConn Athletic Department Policies for playing space trespassing or invasions at athletic department facilities.

Name - Jeffrey Levine

Affiliation - Drexel University

I am performing research on the increasing number of incidents at sporting events involving fans interrupting games by entering the field of play. I am seeking the following information from the University of Connecticut Athletic Department:

Current policies intended to prevent and/or respond to playing space trespassing or invasions at athletic department facilities.

By “playing space invasions,” I mean individuals (e.g. fans or unauthorized individuals) entering the field of play without permission. These people may have various purposes, whether it is to interact with a player, disrupt the game, or draw attention to themselves. Further, by "athletic department facilities," I mean any stadium or arena used by a varsity team for gameday competition and ticketed events where fans are present.

FOI #19-429 (12-27-19, 3:47 pm) - Subject - UConn Athletic Department Policies for Collecting Student Athlete Biometric Data

Name - Jeffrey Levine

Affiliation - Drexel University

I am a faculty member at Drexel University writing to request information from the University of Connecticut (UConn). I am performing a comparative study of student-athlete biometric data collection practice policies within the NCAA’s Power Five Conferences. As such, I am contacting you to inquire about UConn's policy.

Therefore, I am requesting electronic copies of the following: Any and all policies or similar items, whether formal or informal, related to the institution’s athletic department collection of student-athlete biometric data involving a student athlete’s (or similarly situated individual’s) physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics, metrics, output, or performance data through wearable technology or technology embedded in clothing and/or equipment.

I appreciate your time and attention in responding to this request. If you need clarification on this request, please feel free to contact me at any time.

FOI #19-428 - Subject - Exit Interviews

Name - Mike Savino

Affiliation -

All exit interviews for the 2019 football team.

FOI #19-427 (12-23-19, 3:41 pm) - Subject - 3rd Party Contracts

Name - Cody Junot

Affiliation - CollegeAD

To Whom It May Concern:

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting copies of the current contracts, and all amendments thereto, for your institution’s current contract with any and all third parties for the following areas:

1-Multimedia and Corporate Sponsorship Rights (Companies who are either a licensee of Sponsorship or Trademark Licensee such as Learfield Sports IMG College (or prior names such as Learfield, IMG, etc.), Van Wagner Sports, JMI Sports, Outfront Media, PEAK Sports, etc.) for Athletics
2- All Apparel Rights Contracts (i.e Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, etc.) for the Athletics Department
3-All Ticketing Contracts (i.e. The Aspire Group, Learfield IMG College Ticket Solutions, Taymar Sales U) for the Athletics Department
4-All Pouring Rights Contracts (i.e. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc.) for the Athletics Department
5-All Website Contracts (i.e. SIDEARM, CBS Interactive, etc.) for the Athletics Department
6-All Licensing Contracts (i.e. Collegiate Licensing Company, Affinity, etc.) for the Athletics Department

FOI #19-426 (12-23-19, 8:43 am) - Subject - emails/communications

Name - Lori Handrahan

Affiliation - University of Peace

I am seeking all information available on a former staff member including internal emails/communications and other documents related to him at UConn Health and any UConn location where he worked.

FOI #19-425 - Subject - New Stem Research Center amd Northwest Quad Project Prequalification

Name - Adam Canosa

Affiliation - C.J. Fucci Construction Inc.

This is a Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") request addressed to the University of Connecticut pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 1-200,ct .. S"'(j.. This request refers to the prequalification process undertaken by UCONN for prequalification "Package 02A Sitework" on a project known as the UCONN New STEM Research Center (Proj. No. 901802) and Northwest Quad Project (Proj. No. 300050) (the "Prequalification Package"), only. Kindly assemble and provide for our review the following files:

I. Any document, letter, notes, email, correspondence or text messages~- either in electronic or paper form ("Records") -- pertaining to the evaluation of the Prequalification Package:
2. Tabulations or similar summaries of each of the bidders who responded to the Prequalification Package;
3. Correspondence between UCONN and any other party, including but not limited to Dimeo Construction Company regarding the Prequalification Package;
4. Any Records pe11aining to the evaluation of the submissions in response to the Prequalification Package; and
5. Any Record concerning the determination by UCONN that C.J. Fucci, Inc. is not prequalilied pursuant to the Prequalilication Package.

FOI #19-424 - Subject - Jenzabar SIS Contract/ RFP

Name - Ashley Wood

Affiliation -

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting to obtain information regarding the following record:
• Contract Details/Description: Jenzabar Degree Audit (within Jenzabar SIS Contract)
• Date of Award: 2001
I am requesting copies of the following information from the record detailed above:
1. Contract, including any amendments and renewals.
2. All RFP Responses
3. Scoring and Evaluation Sheets
I ask that the information be provided electronically by email if possible. If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me before filing my request. Should you deny my request, or any part of the request, please state in writing the basis for the denial.

FOI #19-423 (12-17-19, 5:53 pm) - Subject - Police Department Audit

Name - Christianna Silva

Affiliation - MTV News

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

• All records pertaining to the most recent audit of any weapons and equipment owned by the University of Connecticut Police Department (i.e., firearms, tasers, batons, protective gear, surveillance equipment, tactical and defense equipment, vehicles, etc.).

If no such records exist than I request the alternative records:
• All records pertaining to the weapons that may be carried by officers as determined by the University of Connecticut Police Department chief of police, or the University of Connecticut Police Department board, or officer having control of the University of Connecticut Police Department
• Any lists, databases, and inventory rosters containing weapons and equipment used by University of Connecticut Police Department officers (i.e., firearms, tasers, batons, protective gear, surveillance equipment, tactical and defense equipment, vehicles, etc.).

A list of weapons that are currently owned, duly authorized, and safely stored by the University of Connecticut Police Department is of great interest to the public in providing greater context for this public discourse.

FOI #19-422 (12-16-19, 2:46 pm) - Subject - UConn football contracts

Name - Dan Brechlin

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

I am requesting game contracts for UConn football games against in 2021 as follows: Fresno State, Purdue, UCF and in 2022: Central Connecticut, North Carolina State, Ball State, Boston College. Thank you

FOI #19-421 (12-16-19, 2:29 pm) - Subject - Football Game Contracts

Name - Kevin Kelley

Affiliation - BRI Solutions, LLC

All University of Connecticut football game contracts, amendments and/or cancellations for non-conference opponents for the 2020 season through the 2040 season (EXECUTED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 18, 2019).

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Jeffrey Levine Drexel University UConn Athletic Department Policies for playing space trespassing or invasions at athletic department facilities. UConn Storrs No records available
Jeffrey Levine Drexel University UConn Athletic Department Policies for Collecting Student Athlete Biometric Data UConn Storrs No records available
Mike Savino Exit Interviews UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Cody Junot CollegeAD 3rd Party Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Lori Handrahan University of Peace emails/communications UConn Storrs Complete
Adam Canosa C.J. Fucci Construction Inc. New Stem Research Center amd Northwest Quad Project Prequalification UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Ashley Wood Jenzabar SIS Contract/ RFP UConn Storrs Complete
Christianna Silva MTV News Police Department Audit UConn Storrs Complete
Dan Brechlin Hartford Courant UConn football contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Kevin Kelley BRI Solutions, LLC Football Game Contracts UConn Storrs Complete