Request Log

FOI #20-089 (03-5-20, 10:37 am) - Subject - Graduate student complaint

Name - David Amdur

Affiliation - UConn-AAUP

We are requesting a copy of the complaint made by a graduate student

FOI #20-088 - Subject - OIE

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am looking for notes from a conversation I had with Mrs. Lindaur.

FOI #20-087 - Subject - Admissions File

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am seeking a copy of my admissions file

FOI #20-086 (03-3-20, 3:19 pm) - Subject - Football game contracts

Name - Nicole Auerbach

Affiliation - The Athletic

I am seeking copies of contracts between the University of Connecticut and future football opponents, including but not limited to Ohio State, Boston College, Maryland, Syracuse, North Carolina and Michigan.

FOI #20-085 (03-3-20, 12:18 pm) - Subject - Construction Documents - Hartford, Storrs, and Health Center

Name - Jennie Smith

Affiliation - Acme Research

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, we formally request that your office provide us with the following public spending information:
Copies of documents, such as − but not limited to – Construction Notice to Proceed, project directories, Contractor Reporting Forms, work orders, or other forms that specify subcontractors and other salient points for construction or renovation projects valued at $2,000,000 or more at the University of Connecticut Storrs, the University of Connecticut Hartford, and the University of Connecticut Health Center. Please include information for both currently active projects as well as those completed since September 1, 2019. We do not need every document that mentions subcontractors, just one for each subcontractor or set of subcontractors.
Specifically, we seek:
• Project name
• Project number
• Projected completion date
• Prime/General Contractor name(s)
• Construction Manager (at Risk) name
• Architect/Engineer names
• Subcontractor names
Excel spreadsheets containing similar information are welcome.

FOI #20-084 (3-3-20, 12:18 pm) - Subject - Football contracts

Name - Daniel Brechlin

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

I am requesting contracts for future UConn football games against Ohio State, Syracuse and Michigan.

FOI #20-083 (03-3-20, 11:29 am) - Subject - grade distribution

Name - Pit Herber

Affiliation -

I don’t know if you can help me, but I would like to make the following request:

I am requesting the grade distribution by percent and/or letter grade for every class (for all the available years) at the UConn. Please ensure the documents are FERPA compliant. If possible, I preferably request the information in CSV format (any other format is fine as well).

Preferably in the form:
Name of the Campus, Course Subject, Course Number, Course Title, Course Section, Term/Semester, Primary Instructor, A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, W, Average Grade as a number, number of students taking this course.

If putting in that form is extra work, comma separated value format with the requisite information is acceptable.
In case of, please notify me if there are any costs associated with this request.

Kind regards,
Pit Herber

FOI #20-082 - Subject - STEM Phase 1 (Internal Case #17-28)

Name - Hope Redding

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act Sec. 1-210, the Foundation for Fair Contracting (FFC) is requesting copies of certified payroll records submitted by the companies listed below, when applicable, for work being performed on Phase 1 the above-referenced Gant Building project.

• CT Carpentry for Wk ending 10.19.19 through the present
• DePaoli Mosaic for Wk ending 12.11.19 through the present
• Ferguson Electric for Wk ending 11.23.19 through the present
• Ferguson Mechanical for Wk ending 11.23.19 through the present
• Manganaro Northeast for Wk ending 11.24.19 through the present
• Mozzicato dba Millard Enterprises for Wk ending 11.24.19 through the present
• New Britain Fence for Wk ending 7.31.19 through the present
• New England Finish for Wk ending 7.26.19 through 12.13.19
• P&D Mechanical for Wk ending 12.15.19 through the present
• Scholar Painting for Wk ending 2.14.19 through the present
• Witch Enterprises (Sub of Ferguson Electric) for Wk ending 11.26.19 through the present

FOI #20-081 (02-28-20, 12:48 pm) - Subject - Bus Usage Data

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am seeking bus ridership data broken down by each line color for the fall 2019 semester.

FOI #20-080 (02-28-20, 12:48 pm) - Subject - FOI 19-321

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am requesting an updated response to FOI Request 19-321, which was withheld pursuant to C.G.S. §1-210(b)(3)(D) on 10/11/2019.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
David Amdur UConn-AAUP Graduate student complaint UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student OIE UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Admissions File UConn Storrs Complete
Nicole Auerbach The Athletic Football game contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Jennie Smith Acme Research Construction Documents - Hartford, Storrs, and Health Center Complete
Daniel Brechlin Hartford Courant Football contracts Complete
Pit Herber grade distribution UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Hope Redding STEM Phase 1 (Internal Case #17-28) UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Bus Usage Data UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student FOI 19-321 Denied - Exempt