FOI #20-023 (01-16-20, 2:38 pm) - Subject - Shortlist - FO500025S Storrs LED Lighting Upgrade
Name - Anne Macion
Affiliation -
FO500025S Storrs LED Lighting Upgrade
I am writing to request a copy of the short list for the above mentioned project and if available the awarded contractor. I would also like to know the anticipated start date in the event that a schedule has been determined
I am requesting the University of Connecticut's athletic department revenue and expense financial report submitted to the NCAA for the 2019 fiscal year.
FOI #20-019 (01-15-20, 10:56 pm) - Subject - Athletics
Name - Peter Tauro
Affiliation - Gonzaga University
I am requesting a copy of the equity/revenue-and-expenses report completed by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
Please provide me with documents produced by the search committee and other information (score sheets, posting, description, applicants, etc) relating to search UConn Search # 493917.
FOI #20-017 (01-15-20, 4:48 pm) - Subject - Athletics department documents
Name - Steve Berkowitz
Affiliation - USA Today
The revenue-and-expenses report completed by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the 2019 fiscal year. It is a multi-page document that was due to be filed with the NCAA on Jan. 15, 2020. It contains more than 40 revenue and expense categories, followed by specific breakdowns of each of those categories, by sport and gender. I am requesting the full report, including the detail tables and the entire Statement of Revenues and Expenses that appears at the end of the report. PLEASE NOTE: The NCAA report is different than the equity report that is sent to the U.S. Department of Education for Title IX compliance.
Pursuant to Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq. which grants access to copies of public records, we respectfully request the most up to date information pertaining to the following types of obligations:
• Outstanding and refundable credit balances.
• Checks exempt from Unclaimed Property Reporting.
• Unclaimed, uncashed, undeliverable, staled-dated, voided, overdue and/or outstanding payments or checks/warrants issued and owed by The University.