Request Log

FOI #20-109 (03-24-20, 10:32 am) - Subject - application to Linguistics Ph.D Program at Uconn


Affiliation -

Plaintiff would like to get an unredacted copy of the applicant's 2015 application.

FOI #20-108 (03-23-20, 7:43 pm) - Subject - Employment Data

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Number of UCPEA employee retirements in 2017, 2018, 2019

Number of UCPEA reclassification requests, submissions, and approvals in 2019 including the UCP level the incumbent was reclassified into

Total number of UCPEA hires in the last year, including the number of internal UCPEA hires

General statistics regarding anticipated 2022 retirements such as the estimated number of staff eligible to retire in 2022 and or intending to leave the University, and the breakdown of employment types (UCPEA/Classified/etc.)

FOI #20-107 - Subject - On Call Professional Temporary Services

Name - Crystal Cooper

Affiliation -

I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records for the Contract- On Call Professional Temporary Services. The details I am requesting are given below:

• Spending on this contract since inception.

FOI #20-106 - Subject - EPIC and Clinical Systems Temporary IT Support

Name - Crystal Cooper

Affiliation -

I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records for the Contract- EPIC and Clinical Systems Temporary IT Support. The details I am requesting are given below:

• Names of the incumbents along with their bid response.
• Spending on this contract since inception.

FOI #20-105 - Subject - BID TL082619

Name - Tarah Reed

Affiliation - e.Republic

Can you please send me the Award Documents (bid tabulation, award letter) and the proposal response by the winning vendor for the following bid(s)?

Name: Lease Accounting Software and Related Services
Bid Number: TL082619
Due Date: 2019-09-16T07:00:00Z

FOI #20-104 - Subject - COVID-19

Name - Andrea Fuller

Affiliation - The Wall Street Journal

Pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 1-200, I write to request emails (including attachments) to and from the following individuals sent or received since January 1, 2020 pertaining to correspondence about campus plans to handle the outbreak of COVID-19, cancel classes or move to online education, postpone or cancel sporting events, and address the needs of affected students.

FOI #20-103 (03-13-20, 1:27 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation -

I'd like to request copies of any emails sent to UConn Staff

FOI #20-102 - Subject - RFP - MF092619

Name - Bob Palmer

Affiliation -

I would like to request a copy of the bids/bid documents for RFP MF092619, which is entitled: Anonymous Ethics and Compliance Hotline Services.

These bids were due on Oct. 11, 2019.

FOI #20-101 (03-12-20, 3:24 pm) - Subject - Nathan Hale Inn and Conference Center

Name - Pedro Bortoto

Affiliation - UNITE HERE Local 1

Pursuant to the state open records law Conn. Gen. Stat. Secs. 1-200 to 1-242, I write to request access to documents related to the following project:
“Request for Offers to Ground Lease, Improve and Operate a Hotel [Nathan Hale Inn and Conference Center] in Storrs, Connecticut” issued March 16, 2018 that led to the Ground Lease and Purchase & Sale Agreement between the University of Connecticut and Adventurous Journeys (AJ) Capital Partners on September 2018.
The following are the documents I am requesting in connection with the above project:
1. All documents submitted by AJ Capital Partners in response to the “Request for Offers”, including but not limited to:
a. Market study of the proposed hotel;
b. Request for Offers Contacts;
c. Condition survey;
d. Concept plans;
e. Improvement budgets with details on type, quality, and scope of renovations and improvements of the property;
f. Proposal for 98-year ground lease terms;
g. Proposal for purchase of the hotel;
h. Documentation presented as evidence of financial capacity and capability to conduct improvements;
i. Documentation presented as evidence of financial backing for the proposed project;
j. Development budget for all departments of the proposed hotel;
k. Operating statement for the first 10 years of operation of the proposed hotel.
2. The 98-year Ground Lease and Purchase & Sale Agreement between the University of Connecticut and Adventurous Journeys (AJ) Capital Partners on September 2018, including all annexes, attachments, amendments, and any modifications made after? the time of signature.
3. Any and all proposals, studies, staff recommendations or reports, presentations, development plans, financing plans or similar documents issued by, or provided to, board members and staff of the University of Connecticut in connection with the hotel project.
4. Any and all physical and electronic correspondence between board members and staff of the University of Connecticut and representatives of AJ Capital Partners (Benjamin Weprin, Andrew Weprin, Connor Manning, Tim Franzen, Tim Ryan, David Rochefort, Jasin Alfaro, Saxton Sharad or any other representatives of the company) in connection with the hotel project.
If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.

FOI #20-100 (03-12-20, 2:13 am) - Subject - Request for Pricing workbook for previous bid - for RFQ LM120119 (current bid)

Name - Kristina Woo


for advertised bid RFQ LM120119 Janitorial Services for Storrs and Depot Campus, Can you provide the pricing workbook that the current contractor submitted in the
previous RFP process?

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
NOUBOUKPO GASSESSE application to Linguistics Ph.D Program at Uconn UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Student Student Employment Data UConn Storrs Complete
Crystal Cooper On Call Professional Temporary Services UConn Storrs Complete
Crystal Cooper EPIC and Clinical Systems Temporary IT Support UConn Storrs Complete
Tarah Reed e.Republic BID TL082619 UConn Storrs No records available
Andrea Fuller The Wall Street Journal COVID-19 UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Andy Wittry Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Bob Palmer RFP - MF092619 UConn Storrs No records available
Pedro Bortoto UNITE HERE Local 1 Nathan Hale Inn and Conference Center Clarification requested
Kristina Woo 3H SERVICE SYSTEM INC Request for Pricing workbook for previous bid - for RFQ LM120119 (current bid) UConn Storrs Complete