Request Log

FOI #20-119 (04-8-20, 12:56 pm) - Subject - Property Records

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

I request a comprehensive list documenting all properties held by the University of Connecticut (to include Storrs and all regional campuses) and all of its affiliates in Connecticut, states other than Connecticut in the United States, and outside of the United States, to include the following:

• Property Location (Address when available, Coordinates when address is unavailable)
• Property Tax Value
• Property Size
• Occupancy Status (what departments/institutions/entities operate in the space)
• Primary Property Use

FOI #20-118 - Subject - Men's Basketball

Name - Charles Pipkins

Affiliation -

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of public records that pertain the scheduling of non-conference games and multi-team exempt events to be played by the Connecticut’ Men's Basketball team for the 2020-21 season.
These public records may include but are not limited to:
• Contract agreements between Connecticut’ and other institutions or event planners. This includes
o Drafted or executed contractual agreements.
o Amendments to contractual agreements, whether they be new agreements or agreements which span multiple seasons
• Documents shared with Connecticut’s conference pertaining to non-conference scheduling.
• Digital copies of e-mail conversations between the team’s coaching staff or athletic department with other collegiate institutions, event planners or venues with which agreements are in place or drafted (e.g. if the team has an agreement with Xavier University the communication with Xavier University representatives would be the documents requested).

FOI #20-117 - Subject - IACUC

Name - Russ Kick

Affiliation - IACUC

This is a request under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act.

We hereby request all forms and other notifications that animals have been euthanized since February 1, 2020. This would include, but not be limited to, adverse event forms, disposition forms, and ad hoc forms. There may also be notifications to or from the attending veterinarian about these euthanizations.

This request includes activities at all facilities, including satellite and offsite facilities including UConn Health

FOI #20-116 - Subject - RFP # KA050417

Name - Lisa Mulligan

Affiliation -

Professional Services for the Hearing-Impaired RFP # KA050417
1. Copy of Evaluation Committee evaluation of all vendors who bid.
2. Copy of Competitive Bid rates of all vendors.
3. Complete copy of Awarded Company’s proposal including resumes and supporting documentation.

FOI# 20-115 (03-31-20, 12:03 pm) - Subject - General Contractor Change Orders, Invoices & Payment Documentation UConn Proj # 901820 [Israel Putnam Refectory]

Name - Damian Cassin

Affiliation -

I am requesting:
Invoices submitted by KBE Construction to the University, including backup Change orders Submitted by KBE Construction to the University, including all backup University executed change orders, including backup University Proof of Payments, or Payment Log.

FOI #20-114 (03-31-20, 12:03 pm) - Subject - General Contractor Change Orders, Invoices & Payment Documentation UConn Proj # 901756 [Monteith Phase 1]

Name - Damian Cassin

Affiliation -

I am requesting:
Invoices submitted by KBE Construction to the University, including backup Change orders Submitted by KBE Construction to the University, including all backup University executed change orders, including backup University Proof of Payments, or Payment Log.

FOI #20-113 (03-31-20, 12:03 pm) - Subject - General Contractor Change Orders, Invoices & Payment Documentation UConn Proj # 901805 [Stems Residence]

Name - Damian Cassin

Affiliation -

I am requesting:
Invoices submitted by KBE Construction to the University, including backup
Change orders Submitted by KBE Construction to the University, including all backup University executed change orders, including backup University Proof of Payments, or Payment Log.

FOI #20-112 (03-30-20, 12:27 pm) - Subject - Stale Dated Checks

Name - Jeffrey London

Affiliation - Parr Recovery, Inc.

I am seeking records of outstanding and stale dated checks that were originally issued to companies, organizations, and individuals by The University of Connecticut for all campuses and locations. For each of these outstanding and stale dated checks, I am requesting the name of the corporate vendor, organization or individual, the check number, the date of issue and dollar amount and addresses and also electronic checks that didn’t make it their intended location. I am interested in reviewing records of outstanding checks for all available years that have not been sent to a state unclaimed property department that are older than six months.

Please mail the information to Parr Recovery, Inc. at the address above or email it to

FOI #20-111 (03-27-20, 3:26 pm) - Subject - Residential Life temporary medical needs

Name -

Affiliation -

I am requesting any emails, documents, instructions, or plans from Residential Life regarding what buildings will be used if it is necessary for the state to have makeshift hospitals/quarantine locations or any other medical need which entails dormitories being transformed on campus.

FOI #20-110 (03-25-20, 1:04 pm) - Subject - UConn Basketball Trip to Italy

Name -

Affiliation -

I am looking for any and all information pertaining to a scheduled trip for UConn Men's Basketball, UConn Athletics, and prospective "fans" who would accompany via a travel package. This is related to a communication sent to Men's Basketball season ticket holders on or around February 24, 2020.

Relevant information includes contracts between the University, UConn Foundation and/or Athletic Department and the agency operating the tour, and all communications between employees of the University, UConn Foundation and/or Athletic Department. In addition, I would like all communication and materials with any party (i.e. businesses in Italy, insurance companies, etc. ) that are associated with this trip/offering.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Student Student Property Records UConn Storrs Complete
Charles Pipkins Men's Basketball UConn Storrs Complete
Russ Kick IACUC IACUC UConn Health No records available
Lisa Mulligan RFP # KA050417 UConn Storrs Complete
Damian Cassin General Contractor Change Orders, Invoices & Payment Documentation UConn Proj # 901820 [Israel Putnam Refectory] UConn Storrs Complete
Damian Cassin General Contractor Change Orders, Invoices & Payment Documentation UConn Proj # 901756 [Monteith Phase 1] UConn Storrs Complete
Damian Cassin General Contractor Change Orders, Invoices & Payment Documentation UConn Proj # 901805 [Stems Residence] UConn Storrs Complete
Jeffrey London Parr Recovery, Inc. Stale Dated Checks UConn Storrs Complete
Residential Life temporary medical needs UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
UConn Basketball Trip to Italy UConn Storrs Clarification requested