Request Log

FOI #20-129 (04-18-20, 5:57 pm) - Subject - Emails related to advising

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am requesting copies of all email between January 1, 2018 to present (or as many emails as allowed) where a student initiated a correspondence with an academic advisor. I am requesting emails from/including:

Ideally, the student's name or any personally identifiable information would be removed.

FOI #20-128 (04-17-20, 11:51 pm) - Subject - All university information related to my employment and academics at University of Connecticut

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I would like copies of every meeting and university correspondence related to my time with University of Connecticut extending back to the graduate faculty meeting in which it was decided I would have a funded position. Since there is no violation of personal privacy, I have a legally protected right to this information. This information should not only include emails, phone transcripts, and meeting minutes from the Department of Communication but should also contain any records from any unit under the authority of the University of Connecticut.

FOI #20-127 - Subject - FOI Requests

Name - Shawn Merdinger

Affiliation -

FOIA request for ALL FOIA requests received by the following for years

UCONN Board of Trustees

FOI #20-126 - Subject - Payment Bonds

Name - Al Popper

Affiliation -

Please provide me with a copy of the payment bond provided to you by your contractor, Bond Brothers Inc. on the Univ. of Conn. Central Utility Plant, Chilled Water Upgrade project.

FOI #20-125 (04-14-20, 5:07 pm) - Subject - REQUEST OF AN UPDATED DECISION OF MY 2015 APPLICATION



I am requesting an official ,written, updated admission decision that will include the fact that I really sent the three letters of recommendation, of which two were written by my former linguistics professors as required by the Graduate School.

FOI #20-124 - Subject - Athletic Contracts

Name - Quentin Walker

Affiliation -

I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of the following public records: the most updated employment agreements and all subsequent amendments for UConn football staff members Eddie Allen, Frank Giufre, Lou Spanos, Dennis Dottin-Carter, Corey Edsall, Jarren Horton, Mike Moyseenko, Darrell Perkins, Aaron Smith, Kyle Weiss.

FOI #20-123 (04-13-20, 7:19 pm) - Subject - COVID Emails

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am requesting all COVID related emails from President Katsouleas sent out to all faculty and staff only.

FOI #20-122 - Subject - Student Directory

Name - Hoang Nguyen Nguyen

Affiliation - Lexis Nexis

Pursuant to Federal law, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99 & state open records law Conn. Gen. Stat. Secs. 1-200 to 1-242, on behalf of LexisNexis Risk Solutions, I write to request access to and a copy of all current Student Directory Information for the Spring 2020 semester categorized as public information as defined and governed within FERPA.
The requested Student Directory information is listed below:
Fields :
• Name,Acad Career,Acad Prog,School/College,Major,Major Description,Concentration,Concentration Description,Term,Term Code,Beg Term Academic Level

FOI #20-121 - Subject - Outstanding Checks

Name - Loren Bialik

Affiliation -

This request is for both the University and the Health Center/Hospital.

Under the Public Records Act we request access and copies of the following:

1. Unclaimed or outstanding checks including dates, names, last addresses and amounts due the payees that have been going unclaimed for at least six months but not more than five years. (Generally these are vendor or accounts payable checks.)

2. All unclaimed bonds and bond proceeds, including the dates, names, last addresses, and amounts due the bondholders. (Bonds are debt obligations issued by public agencies that use the loans to fund public projects such as the construction of schools, hospitals, and highways. We're not interested in performance bonds.)

FOI #20-120 - Subject - UConn Class

Name - David Godbout

Affiliation -

1) All records of instructional materials utilized by UCONN with this class. I would exclude any tests, exams, quizzes, other records of that nature. Alternately, if an issue is run into regarding what is an "instructional material" then please see "instructional material" to include all records related to the class, excluding records that ID students and tests, exams, and quizzes for the purpose of this request.

2) All pending record requests not completed to UCONN (just seeking requests, not records responsive to the requests). If any record request is pending a judicial or quasi-judicial ruling on an uncompleted request, I would deem that to be an open or not completed request for the purpose of this public record request. Note: not seeking records related to record requests that UCONN deems completed.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Student Student Emails related to advising UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Student Student All university information related to my employment and academics at University of Connecticut UConn Storrs Complete
Shawn Merdinger FOI Requests UConn Storrs Complete
Al Popper Payment Bonds UConn Storrs Complete
Quentin Walker Athletic Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student COVID Emails UConn Storrs Complete
Hoang Nguyen Nguyen Lexis Nexis Student Directory UConn Storrs Complete
Loren Bialik Outstanding Checks Complete
David Godbout UConn Class UConn Storrs Complete