Request Log

FOI #20-139 (05-4-20, 12:13 pm) - Subject - Connecticut Freedom of Information Act

Name - Justin Knapp

Affiliation - Meadowbrook Gardens

Good Morning ,

This is a request under Connecticut Freedom of Information Act
for public record, the common law of the State of Connecticut and any statue providing for public
access to government information.

The undersigned hereby requests the right to inspect and make a copy of the
following information which you have on all students currently registered
at your state university, but limited as to each student to the following
information only:

1. Name;
2. Home Mailing Address;
3. Campus Mailing Address;
4. E-mail Address;
5. Campus Telephone Number;
6. Permanent Home Address;
7. Permanent Home Telephone Number;
8. Parent/Legal Guardian Names;
9. Parent/Legal Guardian Telephone Numbers;
10. Parent/Legal Guardian Email Addresses;

FOI #20-138 (04-29-20, 8:49 pm) - Subject - NCAA Financial Reports & Health Insurance Information

Name - Jesse Spector

Affiliation - Deadspin

I’m working on a project for Deadspin about student-athlete healthcare, and I would like to request your last five NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System annual reports, as well as any permissible supporting documents that would contribute to the calculation for the “Medical Expenses and Insurance” line item, such as summaries of the insurance coverage.

FOI #20-137 (04-29-20, 8:51 am) - Subject - FOI Request and Communications

Name -

Affiliation - Echo Newspaper

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of the following public records:

The entire FOIA request (FOI #20-127) submitted by Shawn Merdinger inclusive of all form fields (if submitted through the form) or in the form of an email as maintained, and any following communications between the requestee and the public records officials related to the request.

Communications received or sent by institutional email addresses ( sent from or to the address "" between April 1 and April 29, 2020.

FOI #20-136 (04-28-20, 9:46 am) - Subject - Purchasing Information and Vendor Correspondence

Name - Debra Burger

Affiliation - Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products, LP

This letter is a formal request, pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut General Statutes§ 1-200, et seq., that the University of Connecticut provide any and all documents or information, whether in electronic or hard-copy format, for all UConn University Educational Facilities and UConn University Health Centers/Hospitals listed or not listed below, regarding the following:

UConn University Educational Facilities:
University of Connecticut Avery Point
University of Connecticut Hartford
University of Connecticut Health Center
University of Connecticut School of Law
University of Connecticut Stamford
University of Connecticut Storrs
University of Connecticut Waterbury

UConn University Health Centers/Hospitals:
UConn John Dempsey Hospital
UConn Outpatient Pavilion
UConn Main Building
UConn Procedures Center
UConn Farmington Off Campus locations (multiple)
Avon Community location
Canton community location
East Hartford community location
Simsbury community location
Southington community location
Storrs community location
West Hartford community location
Willimantic community location

The time period covered by this request is from January 1, 2013 to present:

All documents pertaining to the procurement and/or receipt of Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP (e.g., “GP”, “GP PRO”, “Georgia Pacific”) products and services between C&C Janitorial Supplies, Inc. AND either UConn University Educational Facilities or UConn University Health Care/Hospitals. This would include but not limit the scope to:

Purchase orders and invoices. If purchase orders and/or invoices are not used, a comparable substitute is acceptable (e.g., encumbrance, check number with full check remittance). Documents should include the following:
• Purchase order/invoice number
• Purchase order/invoice date
• Line item detail (Detailed description of the item purchased)
• Line item quantity
• Delivery or ship to address
• Vendor name, address, ID number, contact person/email address

All other physical and electronic correspondence (including attachments) to, from, Cc'd, and/or Bcc’d to any employee of C&C Janitorial Supplies, Inc. in relation Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP (e.g., “GP”, “GP PRO”, “Georgia Pacific”) products and services.

If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.

FOI #20-135 (04-28-20, 8:42 am) - Subject - UConn Foundation Endowment and Investments

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

I request the most currently available, comprehensive list detailing all investments and investment returns made and accrued by the UConn Foundation and all University of Connecticut endowment activities.

In order to help to determine my status to assess fees, you should know that I am a graduate student affiliated with the University of Connecticut, and this request is made for a scholarly purpose and not for a commercial use.

FOI #20-134 - Subject - Video Footage

Name - Valerie Golino

Affiliation - Travelers

1/2/2019 video footage for jobsite at 802 Bolton Rd STORRS CT 06269.

FOI #20-133 (04-23-20, 7:21 pm) - Subject - Grade Distributions

Name - Hayden Hall

Affiliation -

I hope you are healthy during this time. I am requesting the grade distributions by percent and/or letter grade, for every class and instructor for the last two years. Please ensure the documents are FERPA compliant, usually this means removing courses with less than 12 individuals.

I request that the information is in digital CSV format (.csv or .xlsx), with each semester being in a separate spreadsheet if possible. Preferably in the form:

Course Subject, Course Number, Course Title, Course Section, Term/Semester, Primary Instructor, A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, W, Average Grade in GPA.

The following code should be representative of how to complete this request from a database:

SELECT course_subject,course_number,course_title,…
FROM orders
INTO OUTFILE ‘/tmp/summer2019.csv’

Please notify me of any expenses prior to incurring them.

FOI #20-132 (04-23-20, 1:52 pm) - Subject - Summer Research Fellowship awards 2008-2020 from the Department of Anthropology

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect and/or obtain copies of public records from the University’s Department of Anthropology (and any relevant offices/agencies, including the Bursar’s) that contain the following:

• The recipients and award amounts, by year, for Summer Research Fellowship (SRF) awards for the years 2008-2020.
• The total number and the names of SRF applicants each year for the years 2008-2020.
• Minutes from faculty and committee meetings in which SRF award recipients and award amounts were determined for the years 2008-2020.
• Full SRF applications for the years 2008-2020 (for all applicants, including those who were not awarded).

FOI #20-131 (04-20-20, 2:44 pm) - Subject - Project Wellness

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - University of Connecticut

I am requesting any and all university records related to the creation of "Project Wellness", any and all records for any predecessor projects, programs, and task forces. This request includes and all record formats, including digital correspondence, meeting minutes and transcripts, phone transcripts, and any other known format of records held by the university.

FOI #20-130 - Subject - RFP UCHC4-116949948

Name - John McGarty

Affiliation -

RFP (RFP UCHC4-116949948 Patient Financial Statement Services ) awarded to RevSpring earlier this year.I wanted to ask what the winning bidder’s pricing was.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Justin Knapp Meadowbrook Gardens Connecticut Freedom of Information Act UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Jesse Spector Deadspin NCAA Financial Reports & Health Insurance Information UConn Storrs Complete
Echo Newspaper FOI Request and Communications UConn Storrs Complete
Debra Burger Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products, LP Purchasing Information and Vendor Correspondence UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UConn Foundation Endowment and Investments UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Valerie Golino Travelers Video Footage UConn Storrs Complete
Hayden Hall Grade Distributions UConn Regional Campus Request withdrawn
Student Student Summer Research Fellowship awards 2008-2020 from the Department of Anthropology UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student University of Connecticut Project Wellness UConn Storrs Complete
John McGarty RFP UCHC4-116949948 UConn Health Complete