Request Log

FOI #20-149 (05-18-20, 2:47 am) - Subject - Copies of all active leases/licenses for cell towers, rooftop antennas or other wireless installations.

Name - James Kennedy

Affiliation - SteepSteel, LLC

Please send us copies of all active leases/licenses for cell towers, rooftop antennas or other wireless installations on property owned or managed by University of Connecticut along with 24 months of associated payment histories.

FOI #20-148 (05-15-20, 3:24 pm) - Subject - Greek Life

Name - Stephen Clowney

Affiliation - University of Arkansas

Any information about the ethnic or racial make-up of the Panhellenic Council (UCPC) sororities and the Interfraternity Council (IFC) fraternities. I request the information from the most recent year that the University has statistics.

FOI #20-147 - Subject - Agreements

Name - Adam Rose

Affiliation -

Copies of the Master Affiliation Agreement, Clinical Services Agreement, Donation Agreement, Educational Agreement, Community Grant Agreement, Certificate of Need application materials, and any other documents that UConn may possess related to any previous discussions regarding the transfer of the Burgdorf clinic.

FOI #20-146 - Subject - Athletics Contracts

Name - Peter Bard

Affiliation -

I am writing you to request a copy of the football contract between the University of Connecticut and CBS Sports, as well as agreements for broadcasting football games that exist between the University of Connecticut and SNY, as well as between the University of Connecticut and IMG, pursuant relevant FOIA laws.

FOI #20-145 (05-11-20, 1:40 pm) - Subject - Football contract

Name - Paul Doyle

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut Media Group

I am seeking a copy of the contract between the University of Connecticut and CBS Sports pertaining to the coverage of football games on CBS Sports Network.

FOI #20-144 (5-10-20, 7:54 pm) - Subject - Working Conditions

Name - Faculty Faculty

Affiliation - University of Connecticut

I request all emails mentioning my name that appear in all University of Connecticut Emails during this period. These pertain to my working conditions prior to choosing to resign. Recent developments make access to these data regarding my employment conditions necessary.

FOI #20-143 (05-9-20, 10:15 am) - Subject - Executive Search Firms

Name - Emily DiSalvo

Affiliation - Quinnipiac University

I am looking to see copies of the contracts with the executive search firms for the provost search as well as the new new associate deans that were hired in January including the cost of hiring the search firm.

FOI #20-142 - Subject - PETA

Name - Magnolia Martínez

Affiliation - Special Projects Manager, Laboratory Investigations - PETA

1) Any and all experiments that as of the present date have been suspended and/or ended in accordance with the University of Connecticut’s response to COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus disease, 2019 novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and/or 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease), such that they may be – but are not necessarily limited to being – categorized as extraneous, non-critical, non-essential, ramped down, disposable, unnecessary, non-priority and/or other similar terminologies;
2) The number and species of any and all animals who are in experiments at the University of Connecticut covered by item number 1 above;
3) The number and species of any and all animals who are themselves categorized by the University of Connecticut as extraneous, non-critical, non-essential, ramped down, disposable, unnecessary, non-priority, cull, sacrifice, and/or other similar terminologies;
4) The endpoint disposition (to include—but not be limited to—euthanasia, cull, sacrifice, kill, destroy, dispose and/or reduction in cage census) of any and all animals used in experiments at the University of Connecticut covered by item number 1 above;
5) The endpoint disposition (to include—but not be limited to—euthanasia, cull, sacrifice, kill, destroy, dispose and/or reduction in cage census) of any and all animals at the University of Connecticut who are themselves covered by item number 3 above;
6) Funds used to conduct experiments at the University of Connecticut covered by item number 1 above, to include—but not be limited to—the purchase, breeding, housing, feeding, maintaining, and/or veterinary care of any and all animals used in said experiments, and/or the paying of salaries and/or wages of personnel who attended to any and all animals used in said experiments; and,
7) Funds used to purchase, breed, house, feed, maintain, provide veterinary care for, and/or pay salaries and/or wages of personnel who attended to any and all animals at the University of Connecticut covered by item number 3 above.

FOI #20-141 - Subject - SWPP Reports- CJ Fucci


Affiliation -

SWPP Reports after December 10, 2019 submitted for this project, UCONN project #300023.

Please consider this e-mail as my formal request to obtain any and all SWPPP reports after February 20,2020 submitted for this project, UCONN project #300023.

Previously we have received all SWPP reports from the beginning of the project up until February 20, 2020 and are in need of all submissions thereafter. (SWPP report example below for

FOI #20-140 (05-4-20, 12:39 pm) - Subject - Coaching contracts

Name - Shannon deLoach

Affiliation - Suite 615 Sports Advisors

I would like to request a PDF copy of the most recent employment agreements and any applicable amendments for UConn head football coach Randy Edsall and all ten full-time assistants.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
James Kennedy SteepSteel, LLC Copies of all active leases/licenses for cell towers, rooftop antennas or other wireless installations. UConn Storrs Complete
Stephen Clowney University of Arkansas Greek Life UConn Storrs Complete
Adam Rose Agreements UConn Health Complete
Peter Bard Athletics Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Paul Doyle Hearst Connecticut Media Group Football contract UConn Storrs No records available
Faculty Faculty University of Connecticut Working Conditions UConn Storrs Complete
Emily DiSalvo Quinnipiac University Executive Search Firms UConn Storrs Complete
Magnolia Martínez Special Projects Manager, Laboratory Investigations - PETA PETA UConn Health No records available
DANIELLE CAIAZZO SWPP Reports- CJ Fucci UConn Storrs Complete
Shannon deLoach Suite 615 Sports Advisors Coaching contracts UConn Storrs Complete