Request Log

FOI #20-159 - Subject - SAF AND SAOF funds

Name - Daniel Libit

Affiliation - The Intercollegiate

A detailed itemization — or as specific a record as exists — which documents the transactions or remittances of NCAA Student Assistance Funds (SAFs) and Student-Athlete Opportunity Funds (SAOFs) since March 1, 2020.

FOI #20-158 - Subject - Football Coaches Contracts

Name - Steven Smith

Affiliation -

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to kindly request the following information related to athletic professionals employed by The University of Connecticut:
• The 2020 contract, or most recent contract extension/amendment for head football coach Randy Edsall.
• The 2020 contract, 2020 season salary if contract is not available, for football defensive coordinator Lou Spanos
• The 2020 contract, 2020 season salary if contract is not available, for football offensive coordinator Frank Giufre
Also, I would like to request the 2020 salaries for the following individuals associated with the football program.
Eddie Allen
Corey Edsall
Dennis Dottin-Carter
Aaron Smith
Jarren Horton
Mike Moyseenko
Darrell Perkins
Ryan Steinberg
Andy Baylock
Rebecca Dunstan
Michael Zyskowski
Kyle Weiss
Ryan Braley
David Harris
Christina Buccheri
Anthony Grasso
Matt King
Andrew Smith
Jake Bahr
Kyle Rountree
Jake Petrarca
Myles Brown
Dr. Deena Casiero

In addition, I would like to request the 2020 salary of any strength and conditioning professional or recruiting staff member not listed above who is involved with the football program,

FOI #20-157 (05-21-20, 4:04 pm) - Subject - Athletics department football-related documents

Name - Steve Berkowitz

Affiliation - USA Today

The university’s contracts for football games scheduled to be played during the 2020 regular season, including any amendments.

FOI #20-156 - Subject - Homeschool Applicants

Name - Alessa Giampaolo Keener

Affiliation -

I hope to receive information for two different years of incoming freshmen, broken down into three distinct categories - those who applied to your school; those who were accepted; and those who actually enrolled. Specifically, I am looking for comparison data between homeschool students versus all student applicants, as it relates to SAT scores and ACT scores. Additionally, for the 2015 cohort, I am also requesting to know the 4-year completion rate as well as the average GPA upon graduation for the two bodies of students. I took the liberty of creating two tables that will, hopefully, make the gathering of the data easier.

FOI #20-155 (05-21-20, 10:51 am) - Subject - NCAA financial statement


Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut Media Group

I am requesting the revenue/expense reports completed by the athletic department for the NCAA for the fiscal years of 2015 and 2013.

FOI #20-153 (05-20-20, 11:10 am) - Subject - Requesting Primary Tax Documentation

Name - Daniel Muntges

Affiliation - Self

W-2s, K-1s and 1099s for the 2019 tax year

FOI #20-152 (05-20-20, 11:10 am) - Subject - Current Custodial contract-RFQ# LM110119 Set-Aside Janitorial Services for Regional Campuses

Name - jamieson wieland

Affiliation - Coastal cleaning LLC

I am Looking for a copy of the current contract and pricing for custodial service for all Uconn regional campuses. for this Bid. I also would like a copy of companies approved to submit a proposal.lastly I would also like to see the individual pricing per campus and any proposals the last time this went out to bid.

FOI #20-154 (05-19-20, 9:13 am) - Subject - Linguistics Ph.D Applicants


Affiliation - PERSONAL

Names of all African American applicants from 2016 - 2019 and the number of those applicants who were admitted into the program and the percentage it represents with regard to the number of applicants into the program.

FOI #20-151 (05-18-20, 7:48 pm) - Subject - Employment Information Request

Name - Daniel Muntges

Affiliation - Self

I am requesting the following information related to the employment of Staff as an assistant professor at UConn:
1) Appointment Letter(s), 2016-2017 school year through 2020-2021 school year
2) Employment Contracts, 2016-2017 school year through 2020-2021 school year
3) Salary History, 2016-2017 school year through 2020-2021 school year, indicating income sources where available (base salary vs. other salary types)

FOI #20-150 (05-18-20, 7:12 pm) - Subject - uconn health faculty

Name - Faculty Faculty

Affiliation - uconn health center

i am looking a list of all "paid faculty" that work at uchc for the past 5 years. as in a year by year presentation in an excel spreadsheet. i would like the "paid faculty" members:
1) name
2) tenure status (tenured, tenure track, in resident)
3) total percent effort
4) annual salary
5) fringe rate
rank: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor etc
6) classification: medical school: 1. Investigator 2. Clinician-Investigator 3. Clinician-Scholar 4. Medical Educator 5. Medical Researcher 6. Clinical Xology 7. Community Faculty;
7) classification dental school: Dentist-Scientist and Research Scientist ; Clinician-Scholars: ; Leadership

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Daniel Libit The Intercollegiate SAF AND SAOF funds UConn Storrs Complete
Steven Smith Football Coaches Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Steve Berkowitz USA Today Athletics department football-related documents UConn Storrs Complete
Alessa Giampaolo Keener Homeschool Applicants UConn Storrs Clarification requested
PAUL DOYLE Hearst Connecticut Media Group NCAA financial statement UConn Storrs Complete
Daniel Muntges Self Requesting Primary Tax Documentation UConn Storrs Complete
jamieson wieland Coastal cleaning LLC Current Custodial contract-RFQ# LM110119 Set-Aside Janitorial Services for Regional Campuses UConn Regional Campus Complete
NOUBOUKPO GASSESSE PERSONAL Linguistics Ph.D Applicants UConn Storrs Complete
Daniel Muntges Self Employment Information Request UConn Storrs Complete
Faculty Faculty uconn health center uconn health faculty UConn Health Complete