Request Log

FOI #20-169 - Subject - Contract with Futurelearn

Name - Michael Bailey

Affiliation - UConn AAUP

The University of Connecticut recently engaged in a contract with Futurelearn, a private company jointly owned by Open University and The SEEK Group. UConn-AAUP hereby requests a copy of any and all contracts the University of Connecticut executed with Futurelearn.

FOI #20-168 (06-2-20, 5:20 am) - Subject - Form 990

Name - Dan Bauman

Affiliation - The Chronicle of Higher Education

I am writing to request that you send to this email address an electronic copy of all Form 990s (and all associated schedules, including Schedule Bs) completed for or by the UCHCFC CIRCLE ROAD CORP after 2019-04-23.

You can reach me at my office phone number, 202-466-1201, if you wish to discuss this matter further. My schedule today is flexible, so feel free to call at whatever time is convenient for you.

FOI #20-167 (06-1-20, 3:45 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation -

I'd like to submit a public records request for copies of any emails sent to or from Athletic Director David Benedict, football coach Randy Edsall, women's basketball coach Geno Auriemma or men's basketball coach Dan Hurley starting Monday, May 25 and ending Sunday, May 31 that include any of the following words or phrases: "George Floyd" or "protest." Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees be waived.

FOI #20-166 (06-1-20, 3:45 pm) - Subject - Request for Responses to UConn Health’s Cyber Security Risk Assessment RFP

Name - Lori DeSandro

Affiliation - Securance LLC

Securance LLC has submitted a response to UCONN Health’s Cyber Security Risk Assessment, and was not chosen. I believe we were listed as one of the top 3 bids. Securance would like to submit a formal request for electronic copies of the other two RFPs that were submitted. Thank you.

FOI #20-165 (05-31-20, 4:56 pm) - Subject - NCAA FY19 financial statements

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - University of Connecticut

I am requesting the FY19 financial reports prepared by the athletic department for the NCAA. Thank you.

FOI #20-164 - Subject - Police Reports

Name - Matt Caron

Affiliation - FOX 61 Reporter

I would like to request all UConn police reports and relevant attachments related to a student.

FOI #20-163 (05-27-20, 10:31 am) - Subject - police records or complaints regarding Student

Name - Dave Altimari

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

I am a reporter at the Courant. I am trying to see if the UConn police have any records of calls to any apartments, dorms or other facilities where Student has lived or any complaints filed against him by other students or roommates.

FOI #20-162 - Subject - Agreement

Name - Daniel Libit

Affiliation -

Pursuant to Connecticut’s public records laws, I request any agreement between the university or its athletic department and brand marketing consultant Jeremy Darlow, or his business(es), since Jan. 1, 2019.

Unless specified in the aforementioned agreements, I request any document of payments made by the university to Darlow or his business(es) since Jan. 1, 2019.

FOI #20-161 (05-26-20, 12:54 pm) - Subject - Administrative Salary Request

Name - Jessica Lillegaard

Affiliation - University of Illinois - System Office

The University of Illinois is conducting our annual review of our peer salaries. We use the data for our internal planning and budgeting and do not share it outside of our university.

Can you please provide the FY15 through FY20 salaries for the following positions (also can you indicate if the incumbent is interim or in the first year of their position):

Dean, School of Business
Dean, School of Dental Medicine
Dean, Neag School of Education
Dean, School of Engineering
Dean, Law
Dean, Liberal Arts, and Sciences
Dean, Medicine
Dean, School of Nursing
Dean, School of Pharmacy
Dean, School of Social Work
V. Provost for Grad. Education, Dean of the Grad. School
Dean, College of Ag., Health, and Natural Resources
V.P. for Communications
Provost and Executive V.P. for Academic Affairs
Dean of UConn Library
Executive V.P. for Administration and CFO
Exec. V.P. for Health Affairs & Chief Exec. Off. UConn Health
V.P. for Research
V.P. for Student Affairs

If the trend data is too time-consuming, can you please provide as many years as possible? Also, there is no specific date I need this information by, but if it will take longer than a couple of weeks, I would appreciate a time-frame so I can give my supervisor an update. Thanks

FOI #20-160 (05-26-20, 12:54 pm) - Subject - Football Game Contracts

Name - Kevin Kelley

Affiliation - BRI Solutions, LLC

All University of Connecticut football game contracts, amendments, and/or cancellations for non-conference opponents for the 2021 season through the 2040 season (DATED AND/OR EXECUTED ON OR AFTER FEB. 24, 2020).

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Michael Bailey UConn AAUP Contract with Futurelearn UConn Storrs Premature request
Dan Bauman The Chronicle of Higher Education Form 990 UConn Storrs Complete
Andy Wittry Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Lori DeSandro Securance LLC Request for Responses to UConn Health’s Cyber Security Risk Assessment RFP UConn Health Complete
Student Student University of Connecticut NCAA FY19 financial statements UConn Storrs Complete
Matt Caron FOX 61 Reporter Police Reports UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Dave Altimari Hartford Courant police records or complaints regarding Student UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Daniel Libit Agreement UConn Storrs Complete
Jessica Lillegaard University of Illinois - System Office Administrative Salary Request UConn Storrs Complete
Kevin Kelley BRI Solutions, LLC Football Game Contracts UConn Storrs Complete