Request Log

FOI #20-179 (06-8-20, 11:58 am) - Subject - Athletics Budget

Name - Dan Murphy

Affiliation - ESPN

ESPN is requesting records pertaining to discussions about budget constraints in your institution’s athletic department and the potential of eliminating varsity sports programs. We understand the terminology used in these discussions may be broad and vary, making it difficult to identify all correspondence. As a result, we want to work with you to make our request as efficient as possible for all parties.

It is likely that there have been conference calls, video chats, shared documents in online folders or other storage in use to discuss these issues. Our request will be tailored first to obtain records of those meetings and discussions and any notes or documents generated from them. We request the following documents:

1) Any records of conference calls, calendar invites, video calls, or other internal messaging platforms being used to set meetings to discuss budget concerns in the athletic department.
2) Any written or electronic notes taken during those conversations.
3) Any shared documents generated to report on budget issues, solicit ideas for cost savings, or discuss eliminating sports. This would include any documents generated on Google Drive, Dropbox, Box or similar shared platforms.

Please include the following individuals and keywords in your search:

Director of Athletics David Benedict
University President Thomas Katsouleas
Deputy Associate Rachel Rubin/Senior Associate AD Neal Eskin
All head coaches of varsity sports
Any university or athletic department finance committees if such a body exists

Keywords for all names on our list
“athletic(s) budget,”
“eliminating” or “cutting” or “discontinuing” or “suspending” sports teams
“defunding athletics”
“scholarship reductions”

Keywords just for employees who work for the athletic department
“travel budget"
"salary cuts"
"alternatives to cutting sports"
“Conference affiliation”

From January 1, 2020 through date of receipt

FOI #20-178 (06-7-20, 8:36 am) - Subject - CALEA Audits

Name - Donald Pavlak

Affiliation -

Please provide me with copies of the Public Safety Departments CALEA Audit for Property and Evidence

Provide spot audit and annual audit reports for property and evidence

FOI #20-177 (06-5-20, 1:04 pm) - Subject - Public Safety Line Item Inventory

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - UConn

I request a comprehensive list documenting a line item inventory list of all University of Connecticut Public Safety items, not limited to, equipment, firearms, munitions, machinery, and vehicles, including cost per item.

FOI #20-176 (06-5-20, 1:04 pm) - Subject - Health/Athletics

Name - Andrew Wittry

Affiliation -

I'd like to file a public records request for copies of any receipts or itemized expense reports for any COVID-19/coronavirus tests purchased by the university's athletics department starting May 1, 2020 through May 31, 2020. Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees be waived.

FOI #20-175 - Subject - Student Directoy Information

Name - Ashley Coy

Affiliation - Textbook Solutions

I would like to get a quote for the cost of a mailing list for students enrolled in Spring 2020, which would include the following information: Student Name, Permanent Address (including street address, city, state, and zip code), Local Address (including street address, city, state, and zip code), Permanent Phone Number, Local Phone Number, Major, College, Classification (freshman, sophomore, etc.) and Email Address.

Please let us know if you need any additional information to issue a quote for this information, or if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

FOI #20-174 (06-4-20, 1:49 pm) - Subject - Disciplinary and Investigative Records

Name - Jessica Altman

Affiliation - Reporter

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, Conn. Gen. Stat. § 1-200, et seq., I am requesting that you provide me with copies of the following public records relating to a faculty member:

1. All reports generated by Human Resources, Labor Relations, Academic Departments or School, or Office of Institutional Equity (or any predecessor agency) regarding any complaint of harassment, retaliation, or other hostile action by the faculty member against any student, faculty member, or UCONN employee from January 1, 2009, to the present, as well as copies of any disciplinary actions taken against the accused relating to such complaints. All student or other parties names and identifying information may be redacted as protected by FERPA and/or FOIA decisions.
2. All reports generated by the Human Resources, Office of the Vice President for Research, Research Integrity & Compliance Services, Academic Departments or School (or any predecessor agency) regarding research integrity or misconduct involving the faculty member from January 1, 2009, to the present, as well as copies of any disciplinary actions taken against the accused relating to such complaints. All student or other parties names and identifying information may be redacted as protected by FERPA and/or FOIA decisions.
3. Copies of any Facilitated Resolution Between the Parties Agreements and/ or Voluntary Resolution Agreements from 2009-present.
4. Any documents related to compliance reviews, monitoring and/or enforcement by the Office of Civil Rights of those Agreements as produced in response to Request No. 3.

FOI #20-173 (06-3-20, 10:47 am) - Subject - FOIA Request for Proposal Procurement KK011020 Resilient Connecticut, Planning, Design, AE Services

Name - Wayne Cobleigh

Affiliation - GZA

Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, this Proposal was issued by email on March 18, 2020 from GZA to Kathleen Kearney, University Procurement Services per RFQ Addendum instructions. The digital format of the proposal qualifications and scope of work information requested by UCONN was limited in font style, font size, page length and file format and an unusual numbering of table of contents, increasing the time and effort required to submit a compliant proposal during the pandemic remote working conditions. Two teams scored higher than GZA and no virtual interview was completed for any of the top 3 firms. We would like to review the contents of the top 2 scored proposals to determine why the optional interview was deemed unnecessary and the basis for scoring for the the #1 ranked team higher than GZA. As we are still working remotely during the pandemic, this FOIA request for existing digital records is made for the following proposal files for the #1 and #2 ranked teams to be emailed to in PDF format:
8.5.1 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Exhibit 1: Narrative Description of Services (pdf) Exhibit 2: Organization Structure (pdf)
Exhibit 2a: Team Resumes (pdf -Provided as Separate File, or as Section Exhibit 3: Cost Estimating Experience (pdf) Exhibit 4: Professional Hourly Rates for roles detailed (pdf)

FOI #20-172 - Subject - Purchase Analysis

Name - Rosemarie Wilson

Affiliation - Major Account Manager Office Depot, Inc.

Office Depot would like to do an analysis of the purchase done with WB since the CT contract was implemented.

Please consider this email a Freedom of Information Request, for a complete P.O. purchase history, of all purchases submitted to W.B. Mason, to include product #, description, quantity, unit price of the item, date purchased, etc.

FOI #20-171 - Subject - Video Footage

Name - Dominic Caruso

Affiliation -

I am just getting an inquire right now from insurance adjusters some 15 months later. I am hoping that the video is available that the officer told me about. Video File Incident #19 - 21972
Information from Report was March 30 / 2019.. Town of Mansfield / Intersection Of Jim Calhoun and Hillside Road Time by Police was 5:31pm

FOI #20-170 (06-2-20, 11:13 pm) - Subject - UConn Public Safety Budget

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - UConn

I would like to request the annual (FY20) budget for the UConn department of public safety. If possible, it would be helpful to have the document as itemized/specific as possible.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Dan Murphy ESPN Athletics Budget UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Donald Pavlak CALEA Audits UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UConn Public Safety Line Item Inventory UConn Storrs Complete
Andrew Wittry Health/Athletics UConn Storrs No records available
Ashley Coy Textbook Solutions Student Directoy Information UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Jessica Altman Reporter Disciplinary and Investigative Records UConn Storrs No records available
Wayne Cobleigh GZA FOIA Request for Proposal Procurement KK011020 Resilient Connecticut, Planning, Design, AE Services UConn Storrs Complete
Rosemarie Wilson Major Account Manager Office Depot, Inc. Purchase Analysis UConn Storrs Complete
Dominic Caruso Video Footage No records available
Student Student UConn UConn Public Safety Budget UConn Storrs Complete