Request Log

FOI #20-199 (06-18-20, 10:36 am) - Subject - Athletics budget

Name - Paul Doyle

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut

We are requesting all documents, files, and records provided for FOI request #20-179, which asks for "records pertaining to discussions about budget constraints in your institution’s athletic department"
and is filed under the Request Topic "Athletics Budget."
Thank you.

FOI #20-198 - Subject - Employement Contracts

Name - Brian O’Donnell

Affiliation - Reid and Riege, P.C.

I am writing to request copies of public records consisting of the current employment contracts.

FOI #20-197 (06-17-20, 4:23 pm) - Subject - UConn Police - "Other Expenses"

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

Financial documentation for UConn Police budget other expenses.

FOI #20-196 (06-16-20, 12:37 pm) - Subject - Asbestos Records

Name - Adriana Merino

Affiliation -

I am requesting any

1. Records that identify any litigation in which the university has been involved, taking place between Jan. 1, 2000, and the present, that involve claims of mesothelioma contracted on university premises or facilities.

2. Reports, studies, compilations or similar documents that address the current presence of asbestos in university buildings.

3. Air quality tests taken on university premises between Jan. 1, 2017, and the present that measure the presence and level of, or absence of, airborne asbestos.

FOI #20-195 (06-16-20, 12:37 pm) - Subject - Student Health and Wellness Structure and Budget

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - Student

I am requesting the SHaW Budget and ORG chart.

FOI #20-194 (06-16-20, 12:10 pm) - Subject - Budget details and expenditures for Public Safety

Name - Kathleen Tonry

Affiliation - UConn

I would like the most recent detailed budget information for UConn's Public Safety division, and specifically the Univ of Ct Police Department (UCPD). I am interested in the level of detail that shows allocations for new weapons, weapon training, gear, vehicles, and new hires. Thank you!

FOI #20-193 (06-16-20, 11:07 am) - Subject - Division of public safety Structure and Budget

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - Student

In light of recent events, I would like to know how UConn approaches public safety including but not limited to UCPD, UC Fire, Office of Emergency Management, EHS, and Fire Marshal. Specifically, I would like to know the sources of funding each of theses subdivisions as well as to whom each of the subdivisions reports.
Specifically, I would like to know the following about UCPD and UC Fire:
What is the relationship with theses departments and the Town of Mansfield?
What is the relationship with theses departments and the State of Connecticut?
Do any members of these departments report to anyone outside of the University? If so who and it what capacity?
Do any members of these departments hold employment beyond the University in their official capacity? If so who and it what capacity?
Do any of these departments receive funding directly from the University? If so how much?
Do any of these departments receive funding from sources beyond the University? If so how much?

FOI #20-192 - Subject - Police Records

Name - Jason McCoy

Affiliation -

I am requesting that the University of Connecticut Police Department please save and make available the video evidence from the cruiser triggered by activation of the cruiser lights, the entire video (and if applicable audio) at the time of the activation of the police crniser light on the roadway that serves as the basis for the chai·ges in misdemeanor summons MC 746944 Police Depaitment Case Number 2000029042 and all other video smveillance evidence used in the investigation. All of which are hereby requested for copying alternatively to be sent to my office in Vernon.
Please make sure to prese1ve all evidence including but not limited to written statements, notes, police cruiser video based upon activation of the light on the roadway, incident scene audio recordings, incident scene video recordings, audio communications by radio, phone or other communication methods, video smveillance evidence, any other videos or photographs and any other documents in any way related to Police Case number 2000029042 or pertaining to Case number 2000029042 (at all times before, during and er).

FOI #20-191 - Subject - Public Safety Policies

Name - Ian Stevenson

Affiliation -

All current policies maintained by the department regarding use of force.

FOI #20-190 - Subject - RFP CGP022818 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Generation System

Name - Nydia Verdadero

Affiliation - SunPower Corporation

Copies of RFP responses, responder evaluations/scores and final contracts.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Paul Doyle Hearst Connecticut Athletics budget UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Brian O’Donnell Reid and Riege, P.C. Employement Contracts UConn Health Complete
Student Student UConn Police - "Other Expenses" UConn Storrs Complete
Adriana Merino Asbestos Records UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Student Student Student Student Health and Wellness Structure and Budget UConn Storrs Complete
Kathleen Tonry UConn Budget details and expenditures for Public Safety UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Student Division of public safety Structure and Budget UConn Storrs Complete
Jason McCoy Police Records UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Ian Stevenson Public Safety Policies UConn Storrs Complete
Nydia Verdadero SunPower Corporation RFP CGP022818 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Generation System UConn Storrs Complete