FOI #20-209 (06-25-20, 9:55 am) - Subject - Directory Information
Name - Tayloe Eubanks
Affiliation - Phi Sigma Phi
I am looking for two separate requestsion:
One for directory information for undergraduate Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors in good standing, including email addresses.
One for directory information for graduate school students, including email addresses.
FOI #20-208 - Subject - University Athletic District Development Phase 2 - Project No. 201696 (Internal Case #19-17)
Name - Hope Redding
Affiliation -
We are requesting additional certified payroll records submitted by the contractors listed below for work performed on the University Athletic District Development project, phase 2 project referenced above. I've attached an update FOIA letter for your records.
• Ayotte & King for Tile for Wk ending 3.28.20 through to the present
• C & C Mechanical (sub to P & D) for Wk ending 3.28.20 through to the present
• Capozzoli Water Mgnt (sub to P & D) for Wk ending 3.8.20 through to the present
• Columbia Sheet Metal (sub to Ferguson Mechanical) for Wk ending 3.22.20 through to the present
• Eastern Steel Erectors (sub to Schenectady) for Wk ending 3.28.20 through to the present
• Haven Steel Erectors (sub to Shepard Steel) for Wk ending 3.28.20 through to the present
• HHS Mechanical for Wk ending 3.28.20 through to the present
• MT Ford Industries for Wk ending 3.28.20 through to the present
• O&A Insulation (sub to Ferguson Mechanical) for Wk ending 3.28.20 through to the present
• P & D Mechanical for Wk ending 3.29.20 through to the present
• Stairs & Steel (sub to Shepard Steel) for Wk ending 3.28.20 through to the present
• Wayne J. Griffin Electric for Wk ending 3.29.20 through to the present
FOI #20-207 (06-24-20, 11:08 am) - Subject - Athletics Department Budget and UCONN Senate Budget Reports on Sports Subsidy
Name - Student Student
Affiliation - Undergraduate Student
I'm requesting the full UCONN Athletics Department budget for the 2019 Financial Year, preferably with a breakdown by sport included. If FY2019 isn't yet available, the 2018 financial year is also acceptable.
In addition to the above, if there are any UCONN Senate budget reports similar to the one present at that include up to date data on UCONN's athletics subsidy, these would be greatly appreciated.
I am requesting all of these documents electronically if possible.
FOI #20-206 (06-23-20, 2:50 pm) - Subject - UConn Police Service Call Logs
Name - Student Student
Affiliation - UConn
I would like to have the records of UConn Police Departments call and arrest logs. This should include the number of calls they have responded to in the past two semesters (the 19-20 school year), the nature of these calls (why were the police called) and the number and nature of arrests made by the UConn Police Department. Hopefully that is a clear enough request. Thank you.
FOI #20-205 (06-23-20, 2:01 pm) - Subject - Athletics
Name - Emily Caron
Affiliation - Sportico
Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). C.G.S. § 1-200, et seq., I am requesting that any and all records related to the University of Connecticut athletics' current contractual relationship with Learfield IMG College, formerly known as Learfield Communications, Inc. (and the UConn subsidiary ‘UConn Sports Properties') be made available to me for inspection. These records should include, but not be limited to, the following: the University's current media rights contract with Learfield, as well as any amendments and revisions. I am also requesting the FY19 NCAA rev/expense report. I am requesting all of these documents electronically. Thank you in advance.
All recent correspondence from President Katsouleas regarding furlough days for UConn administrators and staff. Please also provide any correspondence from union leadership regarding President Katsouleas's request for furlough days for bargaining unit members.
Pursuant to the state public records act, we request access to, and copies of, the following public records in the custody of your agency:
1. Records reflecting the operating budget for the office that processes public-records requests for the University.
2. Records reflecting the head-count staffing size of the office that processes public-records requests for the University.
3. Records reflecting the operating budget for the University’s office of public relations and/or university marketing.
4. Records reflecting the head-count staffing size of the University’s office of public relations and/or university marketing.
FOI #20-202 (06-22-20, 2:13 pm) - Subject - Previous FOI Requests
Name - Student Student
Affiliation - Student
I would the Documents provided in response to the following requests
FOI #20-180
FOI #20-187
FOI #20-148 (I would like the same date but for the past 3 years)
FOI #20-131
FOI #20-073
FOI #20-043
FOI #20-005
FOI #20-201 (06-18-20, 8:52 pm) - Subject - Email communication and employment application
Name - David Amdur
Affiliation - UConn-AAUP
I am requesting the employment application for an adjunct faculty in the Management Department, School of Business.
I am also requesting all emails sent by him to the staff and offices at the University and staff working there. I am also requesting all emails that were sent to his email address from the same individuals and offices and staff working there.
FOI #20-200 - Subject - Anonymous Ethics and Compliance Hotline Services RFP / MF092619
Name - Doc Mirino
Affiliation -
Regarding the above cancellation, I would like to request a copy of any documents responsive to the list below, which may be available to the public through the open records and/or freedom of information laws in your jurisdiction.
1. A copy of any memos, emails, minutes or other documents that shows and/or explains why this was cancelled.
2. A list of companies that submitted a proposal and a list of companies that requested the RFP