Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that pertain to any student athletes, athletic staff members or athletic coaches who have been tested for the coronavirus.
Specifically, I request the following records:
-Any documents that provide information in aggregate on the number of student athletes and/or athletic department employees who have tested positive or negative for the coronavirus.
-Any documents that indicate an aggregate of positive or negative coronavirus tests among student athletes and/or athletic department employees broken down by sport, race, age and/or sex.
-Any documents, emails or pamphlets that the university provided to student athletes or employees pertaining to the coronavirus.
-Any waivers, educational forms or other documents that student athletes or employees were asked to sign pertaining to the coronavirus.
FOI #20-230 (07-9-20, 10:41 pm) - Subject - Demographics at UConn
Name - Student Student
Affiliation - University of Connecticut
I was wondering what information/data the university has regarding the demographics (i.e. race, ethnicity, gender) of UConn's undergraduates, graduates, and professors.
FOI #20-228 (07-7-20, 1:54 pm) - Subject - Database Info
Name - Sarah Wiley
Affiliation - University of Minnesota
Pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. Secs. 1-200 to 1-242, I write to request the following public records:
1. All entries in any accounting or bookkeeping databases (i.e., software) showing all payments the University of Connecticut made to vendors between January 1, 2020, and March 31, 2020, including but not limited to the following fields to the extent they are available:
a. Name of vendor
b. Amount of payment
c. Date of payment
d. Invoice and/or contract number
e. Purpose of expense
2. All entries in any payroll, accounting, or computerized bookkeeping databases (i.e., software) showing all payroll payments made to University of Connecticut employees in 2019, including but not limited to the following fields to the extent they are available:
a. Name of employee
b. Title of employee
c. Classification or rank of employee
d. Amount of payroll payment
e. Date of payment
3. An email log of all emails University of Connecticut’s president Thomas C. Katsouleas sent and/or received between March 9-15, 2020, including but not limited to the following fields to the extent they are available:
a. Date of email
b. Time of email
c. Name of sender (“FROM” field)
d. Sender email address
e. Name of recipient (“TO” field)
f. Recipient email address
g. Name of CC recipient (“CC” field)
h. CC recipient email address
i. Name of BCC recipient (“BCC” field)
j. BCC recipient email address
k. Subject line
For each of these three requests, I request these data as an Excel spreadsheet, comma-delimited text file, or if neither formats are possible, the existing format of the responsive data.
FOI #20-226 - Subject - LED Lighting Upgrade Project; Contract No. LM101817
Name - Hope Redding
Affiliation -
Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of lnformation Act Sec. 1-210, we are requesting certified payroll records submitted by Ravex Systems for work performed on the LED Lighting Upgrade Project; Contract No. LM101817.
FOI #20-225 (07-7-20, 12:31 am) - Subject - Athletics Request
Name - Josh Clements
Affiliation -
Any and all annual agreements for current head and assistant athletics coaches at the university, any and all current signed and/or executed contracts with head and assistant athletics coaches, and the last two years' NCAA financial reports.