Request Log

FOI #20-241 (07-17-20, 11:06 am) - Subject - Faculty Demographics

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I’m looking for the most recent records of faculty demographics (by ethnicity/ race) for the School of Fine Arts, School of Engineering, and College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources (CAHNR).

FOI #20-240 (07-17-20, 9:41 am) - Subject - Housing Priority

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

All documents related to the prioritization of students for on-campus housing.

FOI #20-239 (07-16-20, 3:21 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation -

I'd like to make a public records request for copies of any emails sent to or from Athletic Director David Benedict or Sr. Associate AD Neal Eskin starting July 9, 2020 and ending July 16, 2020 that were sent to/from an email address ending in "," regarding the 2020-21 athletic calendar. Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees be waived.

FOI #20-238 (07-16-20, 3:21 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation -

I'd like to make a public records request for copies of the results/summaries of the university's end-of-year student-athlete surveys or interviews for the 2019-20 school year. Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees be waived.

FOI #20-237 - Subject - UCONN Gant Building Renovation – STEM Phase I & II (Internal Case #17-28)

Name - Hope Redding

Affiliation - Foundation for Fair Contracting

Updated certified payroll records submitted by the companies listed below for work being performed on the UCONN Gant Building Renovation STEM Phase 1 project reference above.

Additionally, were requesting an updated list of subcontractors awarded to perform work on the UCONN Gant Building Renovation Phase II. Should you have any questions or if you need any additional information from my end, please contact our office.
• CT Carpentry from Wk ending 4.4.20 through to the present
• DePaoli Mosaic from Wk ending 3.25.20 through to the present
• Ferguson Electric from Wk ending 2.29.20 through to the present
• Ferguson Mechanical from Wk ending 2.29.20 through to the present
• Manganaro Northeast from Wk ending 3.22.20 through to the present
• New Britain Fence from wk ending 3.31.20 through to the present
• New England Finish from Wk ending 3.20.20 through to the present
• P&D Mechanical from Wk ending 3.22.20 through to the present
• Scholar Painting from Wk ending 3.21.20 through to the present
• Witch Enterprises from Wk ending 2.23.20 through to the present

FOI #20-236 (07-14-20, 3:37 pm) - Subject - Landscape Maintenance or Lawn Care Contracts

Name - Patrick Lacey

Affiliation - Affiliation

Hello, I am requesting to obtain/review the last Landscape Maintenance contracts that were awarded by The University of Connecticut (UCONN) sometime over the past 3-5 years for the "Main" campus, the "Bergin" Campus and the "Depot" Campus in Storrs. I believe they were contracted separately.

RFPs were just issued for the Bergin facility (SK060120 – Set-Aside Lawn Care Service Provider for Bergin Facility) and Depot Campus (SK060820 – Set-Aside Lawn Care Service Provider for Depot Campus) on 7/9/2020 and we would like to evaluate prior award info to determine our involvement.

FOI #20-235 - Subject - Faculty/Staff Directory Info

Name - Lilah Genachowski

Affiliation - Civitech

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting a list of all current University of Connecticut employees with the following fields for each: Name, title, email addresses, phone number, home address, date of birth, gender, and race.
Specifically, I'm seeking a spreadsheet, database, or delimited text file(s) — not paper records or a PDF created from data.

FOI #20-234 (07-13-20, 12:57 pm) - Subject - Disciplinary records

Name - Isabel Blank

Affiliation -

I would like to request the disciplinary records of a staff member including any complaints, investigations, and disciplinary action taken by the university.

FOI #20-233 (07-12-20, 9:06 pm) - Subject - OIE Records

Name - Clare Obarowski

Affiliation -

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting any and all records of complaints of sexual misconduct against faculty of the university School of Fine Arts since August 1, 2005. I am requesting any and all reports by both complainants and witnesses.

FOI #20-232 - Subject - Complaint Records

Name - Thomas Hopkins

Affiliation -

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies, digital or otherwise, of public records regarding any sexual misconduct complaints made against University of Connecticut Staff Member. I am also requesting any OIE findings/reports on any complaints.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Student Student Faculty Demographics UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Housing Priority UConn Storrs Complete
Andy Wittry Athletics UConn Storrs No records available
Andy Wittry Athletics UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Hope Redding Foundation for Fair Contracting UCONN Gant Building Renovation – STEM Phase I & II (Internal Case #17-28) UConn Storrs Complete
Patrick Lacey Affiliation Landscape Maintenance or Lawn Care Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Lilah Genachowski Civitech Faculty/Staff Directory Info UConn Storrs Complete
Isabel Blank Disciplinary records UConn Storrs Complete
Clare Obarowski OIE Records UConn Storrs Complete
Thomas Hopkins Complaint Records UConn Storrs Complete