FOI #20-245 (07-20-20, 4:17 pm) - Subject - Former Employment for Current
Name - Lindsay Booth
Affiliation - Former Employee
I am also requesting all email, faxes, oral/voicemail communications, recordings, written notes and paper records, scans, texts, memos, reports, or any emails related to me (Lindsay Booth), containing Lindsay Booth, "Lindsay" or mispellings, "Booth" or mispellings, Ms. Booth, LB, L.B., my state ID or any known reference to me as she/her/complainant. This request also includes requests for all emails and correspondence for Human Resources, Labor Relations, Office of General Counsel, Compliance, Office of Institutional Equity, external contacts, all Employees past and present in Mechanical Engineering, all Employees past and present in the School of Engineering, all Employees past and present in Chemical Engineering, all Employees past and present in IMS, the Office of the Provost and Vice Provost, Human Resources and Workforce Solutions, and records for those serving in those roles both at UConn and UCHC, copies of all files related to me held in Mechanical Engineering, the School of Engineering, Office of General Counsel, Office of Institutional Equity, Compliance, Labor Relations (beginning 07/01/2018), Human Resources (beginning 07/01/2018), the Office of the President/Office of the Provost (beginning 07/01/2018) related, requesting information or in reference to fact or opinion to me. This will also include emails from the University of Connecticut School of Law between 09/28/2018 and 07/20/20.
This will include communications to from Human Resources/Labor Relations, UCONN executive, Engineering Department, Mechanical Engineering Department, This requests also includes a search "Lindsay" on the machines used by all support staff, students, and new and now former support staff in the Mechanical Engineering department, internet searches and histories.
I am also requesting that a report of all individuals who have accessed my CORE file in any way shape or form, even to look at it beginning 09/01/2018 through the present.
I am requesting all emails, files and correspondence from Keith Hood in Labor Relations regarding my person.
I am requesting all minutes of all meetings held in regards to my person, or excerpts in regards to my person held a meetings.
Thank you.